2017 Corporate Counsel Awards
Call for Nominations
Instructions: All questions/ fields with an asterisk (*) are required.
*This nomination form is being completed by (whether or not this person is the nominator):First Name:
Last Name:
E-mail Address:
*1. Name and contact information for nominator:
*Title / Position:
*Organization Name:
*City, State, Zip:
- Nominees do not have to be members of the ACC National Capital Region chapter, but they must be located in our service area (Washington, D.C., Virginia or Maryland). If an organization is not headquartered in our service area, its legal department is not eligible for a departmental award. However, individual attorneys who work for that organization from satellite offices in our service are eligible for individual awards.
- Some years, we give two Outstanding CLO and/or Law Department awards – one for a small department and one for a large department. Generally, small departments have one to five attorneys and large departments have 6 or more attorneys. Please make sure to include the composition of the department in the nomination.
- For a nomination of an individual, you can either upload the résumé or send a copy separately to Ilene Reid.
- Current members of the ACC National Capital Region Board of Directors are not eligible for nomination for any of the individual awards (including Community Service).
- Departments headed by a general counsel or chief legal officer who is a current member of the ACC National Capital Region Board of Directors are not eligible for departmental awards (including Community Service).
Except for the Career Achievement Award, the period under consideration for nominations is July 2016 through June 2017. Therefore, in all the “outstanding” categories, nominations should focus solely on accomplishments during this period.
You may submit more than one nomination in a category. You also can nominate both an individual and the department in which that individual works. Please submit all nominations separately. Please make sure to provide full contact information for both the nominee and the nominator.
Questions? E-mail Ilene Reid. To continue with the nomination process, confirm:
/ This nomination meets these criteria.
*3. Nominee's contact information. Note: For an organizational nominee, please list the Chief Legal Officer's name and title in the first two lines, as well as his/her phone and e-mail address.
*Nominee First Name:
*Nominee Last Name:
*Nominee Title/Position:
*Organization Name:
*City, State, Zip:
4. Provide a copy of the nominee’s bio/CV/résumé.
Select one.
/ Outstanding Chief Legal Officer / (Go to question number 6.)
/ Outstanding In-House Counsel / (Go to question number 6.)
/ Outstanding Paraprofessional / (Go to question number 6.)
/ Outstanding Law Department (there could be separate awards for small and large depts.) / (Go to question number 9.)
/ Outstanding Community Service (individual nominee) / (Go to question number 7.)
Outstanding Community Service (department nominee) / (Go to question number 10.)
Corporate Counsel Career Achievement Award / (Go to question number 8.)
*6. How long has the nominee served in his/her current position? Please describe the legal department in which the individual works (size of staff, number of lawyers, structure, etc.), and his/her role in the department, place in hierarchy, etc.
If answered, go to question number 11.
*7. How long has the nominee served in his/her current position? Please describe the legal department in which the individual works (size of staff, number of lawyers, structure, etc.), and his/her role in the department, place in hierarchy, etc.
If answered, go to question number 13.
*8. How long has the nominee served in his/her current position? Please describe the legal department in which the individual works (size of staff, number of lawyers, structure, etc.), and his/her role in the department, place in hierarchy, etc.
If answered, go to question number 17.
*9. Please describe the legal department -- size of staff, number of lawyers, structure, etc.
If answered, go to question number 11.
*10. Please describe the legal department -- size of staff, number of lawyers, structure, etc.
If answered, go to question number 13.
*11. List and briefly explain up to three (3) specific examples of how the nominee exemplified excellence and had an outstanding year (July 2016 through June 2017). Note - there is an 8,000 character limit for this entry.
*12. How did the accomplishments listed above contribute to the business success of the organization? Did the nominee take other actions to enhance the prosperity and well-being of the organization during that same time period? If so, please describe briefly. Note - 5,000 character limit.
If answered, go to question number 15.
*13. Describe the most significant pro bono/community service project(s) the nominee engaged in during the nominations period, with details on the nominee's contributions. Indicate how this service elevates the role of in-house counsel. Note - there is an 8,000 character limit for this entry.
If answered, go to question number 14.
*14. In what ways has the nominee demonstrated excellent judgment and outstanding performance with regard to the work described in this nomination? Note - 5,000 character limit.
If answered, go to question number 21.
*15. In what ways has the nominee demonstrated excellent judgment and outstanding performance with regard to the work described in this nomination? Note - 5,000 character limit.
*16. What efforts has this nominee undertaken to make significant change or contributions to the community through pro bono legal work or non-legal community involvement and service? Explain the time spent or deliverables provided.
If answered, go to question number 21.
*17. Please list and briefly explain a few specific examples of how the nominee exemplifies excellence in in-house practice and, over the course of his/her career, has contributed to the well-being, prosperity and overall business success of his/her organization(s).
*18. Please briefly describe any efforts this individual has undertaken -- either individually or as part of a group project -- to make significant change or contributions to the community through pro bono legal work or non-legal community involvement and service.
*19. Please describe the nominee's level of involvement in ACC and/or the National Capital Region chapter.
*20. In sum, in what ways is this nominee a leader and friend of the in-house bar?
*22. Provide the name and contact information for one reference within the nominee's organization with whom we could speak about the role the nominee plays in the organization. For Community Service nominations, the reference should be with an organization with which the nominee volunteers, if possible.
*Reference name: /
*Title and Position: /
*Organization Name: /
*City, State, Zip: /
*Phone: /
*E-mail: /
*23. IMPORTANT REMINDER: Please make sure to print out a copy of your nomination before submitting it. After you have submitted your nomination, please send an e-mail to Ilene Reid () to confirm it was captured by the system. Enter "DONE" on the line below to confirm.