
to: New perspectives customers

from: new perspectives Series

subject: List of CORRECTIONS to HTML and CSS 6th Edition, comprehensive, 978-1-111-52644-3

date: october 3, 2012

Although Course Technology has an entire team of reviewers, editors, proofreaders & Quality Assurance testers looking at everything we publish, we occasionally identify a few additional changes needed to perfect the text after the first printing. The following updates have been made to this title:

Page # / Change
HTML 105 / In the paragraph directly above Figure 2-32, last sentence, see the numbers within parentheses; the number “92” was corrected to the number “82” so that this parenthetical now appears as follows:
(82, 82)
HTML 107 / In the first paragraph, third sentence (beginning with “The first is a circular hotspot…”), the numbers within parentheses have been corrected and now appear as follows:
(82, 78)
Also on this page, in Step 3, in the first line of code, the middle number has been corrected to “78” so that this line of code now appears as follows:
<area shape="circle" coords="82, 78, 80"
HTML 154 / In Figure 3-10, some of the Hexadecimal values in the rightmost column have been corrected and now appear as follows:
Purple = 800080
Red = FF0000
Silver = C0C0C0
Teal = 008080
White = FFFFFF
Yellow = FFFF00
HTML 254 / There were some errors in the original Figure 4-26. This figure has been corrected and now appears as shown below:

HTML 264 / At the bottom of the page, the line of code has been corrected and now appears as follows:
border-bottom-style: double single;
HTML 299 / In Figure 4-72, the green brace (with the text 125 pixels) has been corrected; it has been extended up so that the top of the green brace now correctly marks off the very top of the white rectangle.
HTML C12 / In the Element/Attribute column, the entry for the input element has been corrected and now appears as follows:
<input />
HTML D8 / In the Attribute column, some of the entries near the bottom of the page have been corrected and now appear as follows:
border-bottom-style: style
border-left-style: style
border-right-style: style
border-top-style: style

Data and Solution File Issues

Since the publication of this text, we have made corrections to data and/or solution files for the following tutorials:

·  Tutorial 2, Review Assignments (updated February 2012)

·  Tutorial 2, Case Problem 1 (updated March 2012)

·  Tutorial 4, Review Assignments (updated March 2012)

·  Tutorial 2, Tutorial and Review Assignments (updated October 2012)

The data files have been corrected on both the Instructor site and the Student site for this text; the solution files have been corrected on the Instructor site. The correct data and solution files are now provided as part of the overall download of files for the text and separately, as part of the Errata link on the Instructor site.