Transfer Review (K3 TR) – Educational evidence for:

enter CYP name




enter name of educational setting

Child/Young person address:

/ enter address

Date of TR planning meeting:

/ enter date

When completing this form please:

use a word processor

ensure you are using the latest version of the form, available at

return completed form electronically. Contact details for the SEN Service teams available at


The purpose of an Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs assessment under the Children and Families Act 2014 is to gain a clear picture of the child/young person as a whole person in terms of educational and social strengths and difficulties as well as educational, health and care needs. The information provided in this document will enable the SEN Service to complete a transfer review for the child or young person in preparation for their next phase of education or training.

Please refer to the child or young person’s current statement and most recent annual review, when completing this form. It is likely that much of the information needed to complete this form will be available in these documents.

If you are uncertain about completing any aspect of this form, please discuss this with, for example, an Area Inclusion Co-ordinator (INCo) or Special Needs Officer.

Section 1

Child’s/Young person’s surname: /


Child’s/Young person’s first names:
Also known as:
Date of birth: / NC year group:
Home language:
Names of parents/carers with day-to-day responsibility for the child/young person:
Telephone numbers: / Home: / Work:
Names of other adults with responsibility for the child/young person:
Telephone numbers: / Home: / Work:
Name and address of current setting/school:
Setting manager/headteacher:
Telephone number:
Email address:
Date admitted:
Additional information:
Is the child subject to a Care Order? (LA shares parental responsibility) / Yes/No
Is this a Looked After Child accommodated under Section 20 of the Children’s Act 198a? / Yes/No
Impartial information, advice and support is available to parents/carers at any stage of the process. Independent Support is an additional support source available from when an assessment is agreed through until a final plan is issued. For more details please visit If an assessment is agreed we can pass the parents’/carers’ contact details to Independent Support so they can let them know more about their services and they can support them through the assessment process. If
parents/carers wish to be contacted by Independent Support please put a cross in the box.

Section 2 - External agencies

Please update contact details for external agencies currently involved in providing support to the educational setting in helping meet the identified needs of the child or young person.

External agency / Date of latest advice/ report / Attached
(please tick (P) /
Hampshire Educational Psychology (HEP)
Tel no/Email:
Specialist Teacher Advisory Service
Tel no/Email:
Early Years Area INCo/Portage Service/Outreach Provider
Tel no/Email:
Social Worker
Tel no/Email:
Transitional Social Worker
Tel no/Email:
Locality Team/Education Welfare
Tel no/Email:
Primary Behaviour Support
Tel no/Email:
Designated Medical Officer (DMO)
Tel no/Email:
General Practitioner (GP) (Essential information)
Tel no/Email:
Child Psychiatrist/CAMHS
Tel no/Email:
Tel no/Email:
Speech and Language Therapist
Tel no/Email:
Tel no/Email:
Occupational Therapist
Tel no/Email:
Children’s Educational Advisory Service (CEAS)
Tel no/Email:
Other (please specify)
Tel no/Email:

Section 3 - Child’s/Young person’s current main areas of strength

Description of the child’s/young person’s current main areas of strength. Please include a consideration of the child’s/young person’s skills and attainments, including progress under the following:

3.1 Physical development - general health, fine and gross motor skills, vision, hearing.

3.2 Language and communication skills - willingness to communicate, receptive, expressive language skills.

3.3 Social skills and interaction, including confidence in relationships, self-help, independence - early education setting/school, home and elsewhere (state whether observed or reported).

3.4 Approaches and attitudes to learning - self-image, confidence and independence, motivational factors, attention and concentration, child’s/young person’s own view of progress.

3.5 Cognitive development including reasoning, organisational and problem solving skills.

3.6 Extra-curricular strengths or interests - sport, drama, hobbies (for a child in an early education setting, particular activities that they enjoy).

3.7 Social, emotional and mental health.

Section 4 - relevant early education setting/school/ factors

4.1 Early education

For a child in an early years setting, please attach details of the Record of Development Summary (RDS) or equivalent. For children in KS1 and above leave this section blank.

Where data from the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) profile is available, please complete the table below.

Prime area of learning / Date / Age/stage band currently working within / ELG judgement if end of Reception year
CL - Listening and attention (ELG 1)
CL - Understanding (ELG 2)
CL - Speaking (ELG 3)
PD - Moving and handling (ELG 4)
PD - Health and self-care (ELG 5)
PSED - Self-confidence and self-awareness (ELG 6)
PSED - Managing feelings and behaviour (ELG 7)
PSED - Making relationships (ELG 8)

Please note any of the specific areas of learning that shows significant cause for concern.

Specific area of learning / Date / Age/stage band currently working within / ELG judgement if end of Reception year
L - Reading (ELG 9)
L - Writing (ELG 10)
M - Numbers (ELG 11)
M - Shape, space and measures
(ELG 12)
UW - People and communities
(ELG 13)
UW - The world (ELG 14)
UW - Technology (ELG 15)
EAD - Exploring and using media and materials (ELG 16)
EAD - Being imaginative (ELG 17)


CL / Communication and language
PD / Physical development
PSED / Personal, social and emotional development
L / Literacy
M / Mathematics
UW / Understanding the world
EAD / Expressive arts and design

4.2 School age

Please use this progression chart to log the child/young person’s recent progress within the schools assessment and tracking system and include a brief explanation of this. A more detailed explanation of the school’s system and a copy of the actual record for the child/young person may be attached as well/if preferred. Please indicate predicted grades for GCSE and other formal qualifications, if appropriate.

End of Year … / End of Year… / End of Year… / Currently working at

Please use this progression chart to log the child’s/young person’s progress over the last year

Date / CA# / Date / CA
[specify test] / Spelling age score:
Standard score:
[specify test] / Reading age score:
Standard score:
[specify test] / Age equivalent score:
Standard score:
Communication and language, if appropriate
[specify test] / Age equivalent score:
Standard score:
Other / Age equivalent score:
Standard score:

Please add further rows/columns as necessary.

# Chronological age at time of test

*Here, and with other tests, please ensure that the age of the child/young person falls within the age norms of the test and that the same test or parallel versions of it are used to measure progress over time. Check the recommended re-test period for tests. If in doubt, please contact Hampshire Educational Psychology.

Section 5 - Child’s/Young person’s special educational needs

This section provides the information necessary to update the details of the child or young person’s special educational needs as described in the current Statement. Please provide an update of the child’s/young person’s SEN/learning difficulties under the following: This will be used to update the EHC plan.

5.1 Physical development - general health, fine and gross motor skills, vision, hearing.

5.2 Language and communication skills - willingness to communicate, receptive, expressive language skills.

5.3 Social skills and interaction, including confidence in relationships, self-help, independence - early education setting/school, home and elsewhere (state whether observed or reported).

5.4 Approaches and attitudes to learning - self-image, confidence and independence, motivational factors, attention and concentration, child’s/young person’s own view of progress.

5.5 Cognitive development including reasoning, organisational and problem solving skills.

5.6 Social, emotional and mental health

Section 6 - Health Needs

Where health needs are identified and continue to be relevant to the child’s/young person’s educational needs please include copies of reports.

The child’s/young person’s health needs which are related to their SEN.

Health Needs (if none, state none identified)





Mobility and posture


Hand function

Self-help skills

Speech and communication

Social skills and behaviour

Mental health difficulties

Health diagnosis / diagnoses

Section 7 - Social care needs (if none, state none identified)

The child’s/young person’s social care needs which are related to their SEN or which require provision for a child or young person under Section 2 of the Chronically Sick & Disabled Persons Act 1970.

Where social care needs are identified and which are related to their SEN and continue to be relevant to the child or young person’s educational needs please include copies of reports.

Care needs

Section 8 - Special Educational Needs Outcomes

The outcomes sought for the child or young person, including preparing for adulthood outcomes*. Suggested outcomes following discussion with parents/carers. Needs identified in Section 5.

Overall outcomes for [CYP]

Outcomes: what we expect to achieve / By when, eg end of Key Stage/Phase Transfer

*  Preparing for adulthood outcomes will usually be agreed from the Yr 9 Annual Review onwards and, where appropriate, run alongside or amend existing outcomes.

Section 9 - Parents’/Carers’ views: Our Story (Appendix K1)

A copy of Our Story, completed by parents/carers is attached to this document / Parents/carers have sent their completed Our Story direct to the SEN Service.
(please delete, as appropriate)

Section 10 - Child’s/Young person’s views: My Views (Appendix K2)

You must provide the child or young person’s views. Please refer to the guidance and supporting materials Child’s/Young Person’s contribution to EHC needs assessment available to download at

Please note, there are various forms to use. Please select the one most appropriate to the age and understanding of the child/young person. You may choose to use a format developed for use within your school.

Section 11 - Conclusions for consideration by the Local Authority

Have the child’s/young person’s special educational needs changed significantly since the last annual review? / Yes/No
Is additional evidence needed to support this? / Yes/No
Have the child’s/young person’s non-educational needs changed significantly since the last annual review? / Yes/No
Is additional evidence needed to support this? / Yes/No
Is a change recommended in the level or nature of the child’s/young person’s provision, whether educational or non-educational?
(If you are recommending a change to the level of support be sure to detail:
1.  the reasons why the change is recommended,
2.  the amount of the increase or decrease, and
3.  how any increase will be used) / Yes/No
Are any further assessments required? (If yes, please give details below) / Yes/No
Is an EHC plan necessary?
(In order to answer No the LA must have formed the view that it is not necessary for special educational provision to be made for the child/young person in accordance with an EHC plan, at SEN Support stage. It will be important to provide evidence which supports this view and also that shows that this has been fully discussed at the transfer planning meeting.) / Yes/No
Do all those attending the meeting agree with the recommendations in Section 11? (If no, please give details) / Yes/No
Is any further involvement of other professionals required?
(If yes, please specify below) / Yes/No
Any other comments (please specify below)

Section 12

Please list all who participated in the transfer review planning meeting. Please tick () those who attended, and/or provided written contributions.

Name / Position / relationship / Written information provided and attached / Attended
Report prepared by:
(please print)
Headteacher’s signature:
(please print)
For office use only
Date of receipt:

Section 13 - Checklist of supporting evidence requirements

Please ensure that all the relevant documents are attached to Appendix K3 TR.

Please do not include information that is more than 12 months old unless you can provide a clear reason to do so.

1.  Copy of parental contribution: Our Story (Appendix K1) / Parents/carers have sent their contribution Our Story direct to the SEN Service. (delete, as appropriate)
2.  Copy of the child or young person’s views: My Views (Appendix K2).
3.  Copies of reports and advice from the educational psychologist where relevant.
4.  Copies of reports and advice from the Specialist Teacher Adviser where relevant.
5.  Copies of reports from health services giving health/medical advice where relevant.
6.  Copies of reports from social care/locality team and/or education welfare.
7.  Please note any other documents submitted in addition to any listed above:
I confirm that the information included is no more than 12 months old.

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