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9 August, 2011
Reference letter
Name and surnamestudied at the CrimeanUniversity of Humanities from 2004 until 2009. She is a talented student with a good memory and is diligent in mastering knowledge for her profession. She managed well with her curriculum, was attentive and participated in all her classes. The results of her studies demonstrated her high level of knowledge. She graduated in June 2009 successfully passing all government exams, filing her diploma thesis, and getting Degree in Business of Financial Management.
Name and surnamewas inclined to mutual understanding, respectful to her professors, friendly and she never had problems with discipline. She is characterized as a disciplined person with an easy temperament. She easily understands her peers and always respects elders. She avoids conflict situations and is tactful. Name and surnamewas highly respected by the other students of her group. She is polite with students and professors and has an equal, friendly relation with everyone. She copes with assigned tasks in time. When there are some difficulties she is trying to find a compromise. She thinks creatively.
Our faculty has approximately 10-15 students per year being accepted for CampCounselor and Work&Travel USA programs. She was one of those students who spent summer vocation in American Children Camp, got useful working experience and improved her English and communication skills.
To my knowledge she has been planning to apply for Business English diploma program in Canadian College. We are proud that some of our graduates are already studying there and we have only positive feedback. I recommend Name and surname for participation in this program without any hesitation, as I am more than sure in her good performance.
Shell you have any additional questions please contact me at my contact info provided below.
Director of the Institute of Economics and name
Phone and email