Institute for Global Initiatives Community Advisory Board
Thank you for your willingness to serve on this important Advisory Board! This publication provides a guide as your group works to support and lend guidance to theInstitute for Global Initiatives programming via the Global Initiatives Committees, Administrators, Faculty, and Staff.
The Global Initiatives Community Advisory Board Handbook details key roles of the Advisory Board and offers resources and a general process to follow. The information contained within the Handbook has been designed to help facilitate communication and to enhance the Community Advisory Boardprocess. Thank you again for your service to the 2014 Community Advisory Board as you contribute to the Global Initiatives at Polk State College. We are Polk!Soar Eagles!
GI Community Advisory Board - 2014 (alphabetical):
Mark Cabrera
Dawn Decaminada
Steven Elias
Thomas Falz
Rick Garcia
Debbie Harsh
Bill Johnson
Adrian Jones
Cedric Joseph
Robert Lee
Sherrie Long
Alex Lucio
Maria Mahoney
Daniel Marques
Lauren Massey
Shirley Merkert
Callie Neslund
Roy Oberhofer
David Petr
Anu Saxena
Seth Shore
Yadira Toledo-Holmes
Deena Ware
Table of Contents
Purpose and Responsibilities / 3Input and Duties / 3
Selecting (new) Advisory Board Members / 5
Criteria and Steps in the selection process / 5
The Role of the GI Advisory Board / 6
Responsibilities of the Polk State Committee Participants / 8
Responsibilities of The Community Advisory BoardChairperson / 9
Responsibilities of the VP of Strategic Initiatives / 9
The Institute of Global Initiatives Admin., Faculty, and Staff / 10
Current Global Initiatives Committee Members and Terms / 11
Generation Study Abroad / 12
Educational Partner Organizations / 13
3rd Party Vendors / 13
Polk State Trips - 2014 / 14
Forms/documents used with Institute for Global Initiatives activities
Trip Leader Faculty Agreement Form / 16
Polk State Global Studies Program / 18
GI Global Studies Course Proposal Requirements / 19
Global Studies Course Proposal Review Form / 20
Global Studies Faculty Course Submission Form / 21
Program Outcomes / 22
Glossary of Global Initiatives Terminology / 22
Purpose and Responsibilities:
The Institute for Global Initiatives Community Advisory Boardenablesa variety of Global Initiatives (GI) programs, such as: Study Abroad Trips, International Internships, The Global Initiatives Certificate Program, and other Global Initiatives programming (workshops, seminars, guest presentations, International Week, etc.) by way of recommendations, contacts, and support.
The primary purpose of The Community Advisory Boardis to serve as a community resource/connection and to provide valuable input to programming from a workforceperspective with respect to international businessand education concerns.The Community Advisory Board can make important contributions by keeping faculty apprised of business and industry needs and trends, providing professional development opportunities,providing potential funding and scholarship opportunities for Global Initiatives, and by assisting the college in planning and implementing relevant GIprograms for students.
The Community Advisory Boardmembers are an important part of GI Program. The expertise of individuals from business and industry plays an integral role in providing high-quality GI programs, in addition to fostering the development of a globally aware workforce.
The Community Advisory Boardis asked tomeet a minimum of twice a year, with quarterly meetingspreferable, and additional meetings as needed.The chairof The Community Advisory Boardmust be from business/industry. The chair is responsible for assuring that:
- A current roster is maintained (via Polk State staff)
- Agendas are developed in conjunction with Polk State GI faculty/staff
- Attendance is recorded (via Polk State staff)
- Minutes are taken and on file (via Polk State staff)
The Community Advisory Board consists of local representation, such as business, industry, manufacturing, banking,and local government as well asGI administration, faculty, and staff.
The GI Community Advisory Board Input and Duties:
- The Community Advisory Board provides assistance and recommendations for the continuous improvement and development of (GI) programs. They can also offer support to Professors in developing activities and completing requirements for GI programs--such as the GI Certificate--through their business contacts, resources, input, funding support and workforce perspectives as desired.
- TheCommunity Advisory Boardwill have the opportunity to review and provide feedback on the Study Abroad trip and programming submissions for the 2014-2015 academic year as part of Polk State’s trip approval process.
- The Community Advisory Board will provide guidance regarding local business international interests and in what global settings future International Internships would be preferred and/or valuable.
- The Community Advisory Board may participate directly in events and activities as they may be of interest and/or as their expertise may benefit from.
- Since Global Initiatives programming and trips are an added financial burden to students and the faculty trip leaders, funding opportunities and/or support from Advisory Board business partners would be welcomed and appreciated.Supplementary funding ideas from The Community Advisory Board would also be valuable and of service.
- The Community Advisory Board will interact with and assist the Sub-committees of Finance and Funding and Global Studies as needed or indicated by their sub-committee charges.
- The Community Advisory Board will guide the Polk State GI Committee in order to help to ensure that our programs are current and relevant to meet Global educational and workforce needs.
Merida, Mexico – site of 2014 Internship Trip
Process for selecting New Advisory Board Members and Meeting Structure
- Successful GI programs are the result of cooperative efforts by key partners and community stakeholders. The Community Advisory Boardshould include representatives from diverse and relevant businesses and industries that reflect the occupations, industries, and/or global interests of our community.
- Representation on the board should reflect the diversity within our community, as well as those of our host countries when possible, including persons from varying genders, racial, national, and ethnic minorities.
- The Community Advisory Board members must come from business and industry rather than from Polk State and only business/industry members will vote on formal recommendations.
- Members may come from businesses or industries with international branches or parent companies, those that hire international or globally-aware employees, those with global interests or suppliers, import/export businesses or industries, and those with global backgrounds.
- Recommendations for members may come from area Economic Development Councils, Polk State Administration/Faculty/Staff, or through interested companies/parties themselves.
OtherAdvisory Board participants from Polk State include:
VP of Strategic Initiatives
Chairperson, Global Initiatives Committee
Sub-Committee Chairs, for Finance and Funding and Global Studies/Education
Chairperson, Global Initiatives Certificate Program
Internship Coordinator
Executive Assistant to the VP of Strategic Initiatives
Additional attendees may include:
International Student Advisors from Student Services
Students (ICC, Student Government)
Career Service Coordinator(s)
Involved Faculty and/or staff (e.g., trip leaders, GI course instructors/committee members)
Criteria and Steps in the Selection Process
The VP of Strategic Initiatives, GICommittee Chairperson, Internship Coordinator, and current Community Advisory Board chairperson (once appointed) should agree upon the potential candidates in future Advisory Board cycles and if/when an Advisory Board member steps down.Desired Advisory Board members possess respected knowledge, skills, and experience within their business/ industry and also with global matters affecting their organizations and/or the local workforce.
- A telephone call should be made to the potential member to determine his or her availability and willingness to serve.
- Once confirmed, a formal request via letter will be sent to potential members, informing them of the goals and purpose of the boardfor their agreed-upon time-frame and offering them the opportunity to serve as a member.
Terms of Service
It is advisable to set a time limit for Advisory Board members’ terms, even if the member is willing to serve concurrent terms in order to promote a continuous flow of new ideas that helps keep the board’s advice current and relevant by allowing participants to step down or to “re-up” their commitment. The recommended time-frame is a three-year term of service staggered so that one-third of the members are replaced each year. Organizing terms in this manner offers the following advantages:
- Terms are long enough for members to become thoroughly familiar with the board’s purposes and potential.
- Members in the second or third year of their terms have the benefit of experience while newly appointed members add fresh ideas and perspective.
- Members are more likely to give their time freely when the term of service is predetermined.
The Role of the Global Initiatives Advisory Board
The Community Advisory Boardcan perform a wide variety of functions. Advisory Board members serve without pay and have no legal status to change or implement policy. Polk State representatives should work with The Community Advisory Boardchairs to determine appropriate goals, roles and direction on an annual basis. The following lists include activities that may provide direction on how The Community Advisory Boardhelps improve GI programs.
Curriculum and Internships
- Identify and expand the use of global technologies and best global practices.
- Identify, recommend, support future international internship locations/experiences
- Provide input regarding content and experiences which impart occupational competencies:
- Advise on international labor market needs and trends.
- Advice regarding international safety policies or concerns, and procedures.
- Promote and assist in maintaining quality global programs and content
- Review related GI courses/research to ensure standards, content quality, andinnovation in education
- Assist with incorporating global employability skills through companion internships
- Identify new and emerging global occupations.
Study Abroad Program Review
- Participate in the Global Studies Study Abroad requests for the coming academic year
- Review and recommend program goals and objectives as applicable.
- Assess student performance standards to ensure they are in line with business and industry standards.
- Recommend and/or provide support for sites, equipment, projects, and opportunities for future Study Abroad considerations.
- Recommend funding options, provide scholarships and/or stipends to offset student costs.
- Sponsor faculty as Team Leaders and/or research for uncovered costs
- Assist in short and long-term planning for program improvement.
Internships and Job Placement
- Alert Internship and Career Service Coordinators of any local and/or global job opportunities
- Assist students in developing resumes and interviewing skills, especially with respect to global skill-sets and navigating new cultures.
- Recommend, provide or obtain cooperative work experiences, internships/externships, work/study or work-based learning opportunities for students
- Develop strategies to recruit non-traditional students and expand international experience opportunities.
- Assist in identifying work-based learning experiences.
Community/Public Relations
•Promote the GI program to employers, communities, and the media.
•Assist in recognizing outstanding students, professors, and global initiatives/projects
•Assist in promoting fund-raising to support expansion, sustainability, and support
•Establish scholarships.
•Provide tours and field trips, job shadowing experiences and speakers.
•Leverage community resources and broker community partnerships.
•Provide input on budget, trips and Global Initiative needs.
Responsibilities of the Polk State Global InitiativesCommittee Participants:
- Recommending potential Program Advisory Board members to the VP of Strategic Initiatives,or Global Initiatives Committee Chair
- Earnest participation in Advisory Board discussions, planning, and efforts.
- Participation in GI program/trip/internship overviews as needed with Advisory Board members
- Collaborating and cooperating withboard members regardingprogram/trip/internship reviews.
- Attending meetings as needed and/or requested.
- Fostering communication with board members via e-mail, phone, and/or personal visits tobusiness sites as appropriate (e.g., internships).
- Incorporating business and industry partners into the classroom and programs
Responsibilities of the Community Advisory BoardChairperson
The role of the board’s chairperson is to provide direction and to serve as a spokesperson for the Advisory Board. This person should be appointed annually (usually at the first meeting of the year).
The duties of the chairperson include:
- Coordinating with the VP of Strategic Initiatives and the GICommittee Chair in planning and developing an agenda for each meeting.
- Presiding at board meetings, giving members the opportunity to express their opinions, give advice, and make recommendations.
- Providing input, when appropriate, to the GI/school administrator regarding the board’s findings and recommendations.
- Serving as the spokesperson for the board in GI meetings as necessary
- Appoint representative to facilitate the meeting in the chair’s absence.
Responsibilities of the Global Initiatives Administrator /VP of Strategic Initiatives
The administrator must provide leadership in establishing and maintaining The Community Advisory Boardand give the necessary support and assistance to GICommittee and faculty as they carry out their duties and responsibilities. Realizing the important contributions that business and industry participants can make to improve the total education process, the administrator will provide key support to the individuals on the Advisory Board.
The duties of the administrator include:
- Providing administrative oversight and support for GIPrograms, Faculty, and Staff.
- Providing collaborative guidance and support to the GI Committee Chair in the execution of GI planning and programming.
- Reviewing and approving board members for each program.
- Meeting with the Program Advisory Board as necessary.
- Reviewing the Program Advisory Board minutes.
- Responding to Program Advisory Board recommendations as requested by the GIFaculty/Staff.
- Monitoring GI programs to assure compliance with the Strategic Plan.
Polk State College Institute of Global Initiatives
Faculty and Staff
Institute for Global Initiatives website:
(Alphabetically)(GI = Global Initiatives)
Department (heading) Name / Role/TitleAdministration/District
Dr. Naomi Boyer / AVP for Strategic Initiatives
Diane Caudill / Admin. Assistant, VP for Strategic Initiatives
Lynn Chisholm / Coordinator for International Internships
Kim Simpson / Institute for GI Program Coordinator
Faculty/GI Programs / GI Committee
Professor John Barberet / GI Committee-Education Sub-committee Chair; Faculty Trip-Leader
Prof. Rosalinda Collins / Faculty Advisor, International Circle Club (IC); Faculty Trip-Leader
Prof. Cary Gardell / IC Advisor, Winter Haven
Prof. Julie James / IC Advisor, Lakeland; Faculty Trip-Leader
Prof. Brad Massey / Inst. For GIProgram Faculty Dir.; GI Committee-Funding Sub-committee Co-Chair; Faculty Trip-Leader
Prof. Herb Nold / GI Committee-Funding Sub-committee Co-Chair; Trip-Leader
Prof. Sheila Rios / GI Committee Chair; Faculty Trip-Leader
South Africa –2013 Golden Key Conference Presentation Trip
Current Global Initiatives Committee Members
Membership: Term Expiration:
Faculty Members (at least 10, 7 required for a quorum, representing divisions & campuses)
- John BarberetAugust 2016
- Rose Collins August 2015
- Sally Fitzgerald (Faculty Senate Rep)August 2016
- Julie JamesAugust 2016
- Pamela JonesAugust 2015
- Brad MasseyAugust 2016
- Aaron MorganAugust 2016
- Herb NoldAugust 2016
- Cherry OldsAugust 2015
- Sheila Rios (Chair)August 2016
Administrator/Professional Technical Staff (at least 4, 2 required for a quorum)
- Maria LehoczkyAugust 2015
- Nelson MarquezAugust 2016
- April RobinsonAugust 2016
- Teresa VorousAugust 2016
Collegiate High School Representative
- Peter PrestonAugust 2016
President’s Staff Representative
- Naomi BoyerAugust 2016
Student Services Representative
- Kathy BucklewAugust 2015
Student Representatives (2 required for quorum)
- Chelsea Fiveash
- Lindsey Myers (Student Government)
- Duane Noel(International Circle)
Non-Voting Resources
- Internship Program CoordinatorLynn Chisholm
- Director, Grants AdministrationJennifer Fiorenza
- Accountant, Business OfficeBryan Grullon
- Coordinator of Career Testing & Special Svcs. Kathy E. Jessie
- Student Services/International AdvisorSimmi Johnson
- Instructional Support/ JDAAnne R. Moore
- Polk State Foundation RepresentativeTracy Porter or Ileana Kniss
- AS Program Coordinator (Study Abroad)Kim Simpson
The Challenge
- International experience is one of the most important components of a 21st century education.
- Less than 10% of U.S. students study abroad.
- Globalization is changing the way the world works, and employers are increasingly looking for workers who have international skills and experience.
Every student should have the opportunity to study abroad
- Our goal is to have 600,000 U.S. students studying abroad in credit and non-credit programs (using the Open Doors 2019, which reports on 2017/2018 data).
- Over the next 5 years, Generation Study Abroad will reach out to educators at all levels and stakeholders in the public and private sectors to encourage purposeful, innovative action to get more Americans to undertake an internationalexperience.Putting IIE’s resources behind this campaign highlights the commitment to increasing study abroad that has been so much a part of the Institute’s mission for our first 95 years.
IIE has set following targets to help achieve our goal of doubling the numbers by the end of the decade:
- 500 institutions who pledge to significantly expand their own study abroad numbers.
- 10 U.S. colleges and universities who pledge to require study abroad of all their students.
- 10,000 alumni and students joining the initiative.
- 1,000 high school teachers who pledge to make their students aware of study abroad.
- External financial support for scholarships.
Those who join the commitment will be invited to participate in annual Generation Study Abroad meetings and special events, such as webinars and National Conference Calls on expanding study abroad. Commitment members will also be recognized for their efforts and provided a special badge so that they can announce their commitment to their networks.