Institute for Bioenergy Studies (IBS)
Esoteric Healing Part 2
March 9-12, 2018
Institute for Bioenergy Studies
4655 Dobie Road, Ste 240
Okemos, MI 48864
A short review of the triangles is designed into the beginning of this class, including a good review of Part 1 material, as well as further development of it. The Part 2 course also delves much more deeply into the centers and related areas above the diaphragm.
This course is a pre-requisite for the Part 3 and Part 4 courses.
The hours of the course are 9:00 am – 5:30 pm Friday through Monday. Please arrive at 8:30 am on Friday for registration. There will be a 1.5 hour lunch each day from approximately 12:00 - 1:30 pm. All sessions MUST be attended.
Tuition for the class is $450.00 (includes a non-refundable registration fee of $75.00).
Registration Forms available at
$25.00 Early Bird discount for paid-in-full tuition, 4 weeks prior to class start date.
1st Repeat fee $325.00; 2nd+ repeat is $225.00.
FINANCIAL NEED BASED SCHOLARSHIPS are generously provided by the NAEH.
Application Forms available online at
For your convenience, a discounted room rate is available for “Institute for Bioenergy Studies” (IBS):
1. Comfort Inn (517.347.6690) at $105.00 plus tax (includes a hot breakfast)
2. Holiday Inn Express (517. 349.8700) at $119.00 plus tax (includes breakfast/pool/exercise room)
3. Vickie Voges (517.282.6528) at $35.00 pp – Home in Haslett; email:
4. The Self Realization Center at 517.641.6201 - $35.00 pp (B & B); email:
If you have any questions please call Ms. Anshu Varma at 517 347 0006 or E-mail us at . I look forward to seeing you!
In Loving Friendship,
Barbara J. Briner, D.O.
IBS, 4655 Dobie Rd., Ste 240, Okemos, MI 48864, email: . Phone 517.347.0006
Friday, March 9, through Monday, March 12, 2018
Name ______
Address ______
City State ______Zip ______
Telephone Email: ______
When did you attend EH Part 1 with Dr. Briner (other teacher, please specify)? ______
Please check one of the following that applies to your registration:
__$425.00 Tuition Early Bird Discount (includes $75.00 Registration fee) by February 9, 2018
__$450.00 Tuition after February 9, 2018
__$325.00/$225.00 for 1st & 2nd Repeats respectively
TO REGISTER: Payment Method - please select one of the following:
1. Complete Registration Form and
Make your check/money order payable to IBS
Mailing address –IBS, 4655 Dobie Road, Suite 240, Okemos, MI 48864
2. Use credit card - Visa/MC are accepted (Add $3.00 for processing):
Name as it appears on the card: (Please Print) ______
CC#______Exp.Date: ____CVV______
(This information is shredded after use; you have the option to phone in this information)
Signature: ______
3. Use the “contact us” tab on our website to email the registration and credit card information to us.
REFUND POLICY: Cancellations with paid in full tuition received by 7 days before the class beginswill receive a refund (less a $75 deposit) within 1-2 weeks. Please note there are no refunds after this date.
IBS, 4655 Dobie Rd., Ste 240, Okemos, MI 48864, email: . Phone 517.347.0006