Installing an Update for SmartBatch 2004, 2006 and 2009
Note: This support note is for SmartBatch 2004, 2006 and SmartBatch 2009.
Stop the SmartBatch Executive Server service in Administrative Tools, Services.
Unzip the files from the, or file into the bin directory where SmartBatch is installed. This is typically at:
C:\Program Files\OnLine ToolWorks\SmartBatch YYYY\bin
Run the Database Management Program from the Start Menu, All Programs, OnLine ToolWorks, SmartBatch YYYY, Database Management.
The following dialog is displayed (or similar for 2004, 2006 and 2009). Select the option as shown and Click OK.
Make sure that only Register Database is selected in the Actions panel below.
For SmartBatch 2009 the following dialog is displayed:
Enter your SmartBatch database User ID, Password, Confirm Password and make sure only Register Database is selected.
Click OK.
You will see a message indicating that the registration is completed. Click OK.
Click the Close button.
The SmartBatch Executive Server service can now be restarted and the Administrator can be run.
If you have any questions or comments, please send them to .
Administator/Client install only:
To update a computer that just runs the Administrator, you can extract just the files needed from the update. The following files are required on an Administrator/Client only install:
SmartBatch 2009 Configuration File
The following information applies to SmartBatch 2009 only. If you installed SmartBatch 2009 initially with the setup.msi file the configuration entries referred to below may already be present.
Two new roles are provided in SmartBatch 2009 to support the End User Object access capability available in the Web Administrator. These roles must be added to the configuration files listed below using Notepad or any other text editor.
Add the following under the <appSettings> tag in sbadmin.exe.config file:
<add key="EndUsersViewOnlyRole" value="SmartBatch End Users View Only"/>
<add key="EndUsersRole" value="SmartBatch End Users"/>
<add key="EndUsersViewOnlyRoleDef" value="Members can view output available in the End User Services interface."/>
<add key="EndUsersRoleDef" value="Members can run assigned objects and view output available in the End User Services interface."/>
Add the following to the esservice.exe.config file under the <appSettings> tag:
<add key="EndUsersViewOnlyRole" value="SmartBatch End Users View Only"/>
<add key="EndUsersRole" value="SmartBatch End Users"/>
Add the following to the esservice.exe.config file under the <services> tag:
<wellknown mode="Singleton" type="OnLineToolWorks.SmartBatch.Facade.UserObjectAccess, OnLineToolWorks.SmartBatch.Facade" objectUri="UserObjectAccess.tcp" />