
Installation Guidelines

Duraguard HM Sealer is a 100% solids, very low viscosity, high modulus epoxy sealer and crack filler. It is moisture insensitive and can be gravity fed on horizontal surfaces or pressure injected into vertical and overhead planes for structural repairs.

1.0 General

1.1 Scope

This specification covers the performance characteristics and application procedures for providing a 100%solids, very low viscosity, high modulus epoxy sealer and crack filler. It is moisture insensitive and can be gravity fed on horizontal surfaces or pressure injected into vertical and overhead planes for structural repairs.

1.2 Material Description

The material shall be a 100% solids, very low viscosity, high modulus epoxy sealer and crack filler. It is moisture insensitive and can be gravity fed on horizontal surfaces or pressure injected into vertical and overhead planes for structural repairs. It should provide long pot life and extremely low viscosity for increased depth of penetration, exceptional flexural and slant shear strengths for sound structural repairs, and high compressive and tensile strengths for durable repairs of load bearing precast members and cast in place foundations and walls.

1.3 Typical Applications

A. Interior or exterior, horizontal, vertical or overhead structural concrete and masonry

B. Sealing severely cracked or extremely porous horizontal surfaces, bridge decks, parking garages, ramps, runways and industrial floors

C. Crack injection repairs of beams, walls, single or double T's, cast in place or precast concrete members, repair of carbonated, dusting concrete surfaces

D. Slabs on grade, pan floors, foundation and retaining walls, delaminated surfaces of concrete decks, repair mortars

E. V.O.C. compliant, low odor alternative to methacrylate healer/sealers

1.4 Limitations

A. Duraguard HM Sealer is not designed for constant immersion, as a primary containment topcoat or where moisture consistently migrates to the underside of the membrane.

B. Avoid applying any polymer coating in direct sunlight during times of extreme heat. This can cause wrinkling, pinholes and blistering. Application should be scheduled for early morning or late afternoon when ambient and substrate temperatures are at their lowest.

C. Not for exterior use as a topcoat, consult ChemMasters technical service department for situations other than those described in this data sheet.

D. Duraguard HM Sealer is not intended for use at surface temperatures below 50° F./10° C.

1.5 Quality Assurance

The repair contractor shall have experience and proficiency specific to the repair type and shall be approved by the engineer and the material supplier. The material supplier shall provide job service as required to assure proper handling and installation of materials. The field representative shall instruct as needed to assure that handling, mixing, placing and finishing of materials are in accordance with specifications.

1.6 Delivery, Storage and Handling

The product shall be delivered in the original, unopened containers. It shall be labeled with the manufacturer’s name, product name and lot number. Materials should be stored at the job site under dry conditions and at a temperature of

40° F., (4° C.) to 90° F. (32° C.).

1.7 Environmental Requirements

All materials used for the repair work shall be VOC compliant. The manufacturer shall supply the appropriate material safety data sheets upon request.

1.8 Site Conditions

A. Coverage is dependent upon surface texture and porosity.

2.0 Materials

2.1 Approved Materials and Manufacturers

2.1.1 Product Standard

Duraguard HM Sealer, as manufactured by ChemMasters, 300 Edwards Street, Madison, Ohio, 44057-3112, 1-800-486-7866, is considered to conform to the requirements of this specification and shall be the bonding agent or admixture used. Duraguard HM Sealer is a 100% solids, very low viscosity, high modulus epoxy sealer and crack filler. It is moisture insensitive and can be gravity fed on horizontal surfaces or pressure injected into vertical and overhead planes for structural repairs.

2.1.2 Substitutions

No submittals for substitutions will be accepted after the bid date. All submittals must be made in writing to the engineer with supporting technical data sheets and test data showing complete equivalent performance.

2.2 Packaging/Coverage/Estimating

2.2.1 Packaging

Duraguard HM Sealer is available in 4 U.S.gallon/15.14 liter units consisting of 3 gallons/11.35 liters of Part A Resin and 1 gallon/3.79 liters of Part B Hardener.

2.2.2 Estimating Guide

Coverage rate is dependent upon surface texture and porosity.

A. Priming/Sealing: 100-175 Ft .2/gal 2.5-4.0 M2/L

B. Second coat: 150-300 Ft .2/gal 3.7-7.0 M2/L

C. Crack filling: 231 in3/gal 0.001 M3/L

D. Mortar:

1. Sand per unit: 3 gal 11.35 liter

2, Yield per unit at 0.25 in/6.35 mm thickness: 20 Ft.2/gal 0.5 M2/L

2.3 Storage:

Store unmixed material in cool, dry place out of direct sunlight or heat, 75° F./

24° C. or lower, in tightly closed containers. Shelf life is 12 months from date of manufacture.

2.4 Engineering Properties

2.4.1 Plastic Properties Mix Ratio resin:hardener 3:1 Mixed Viscosity: 30 cps Cured Appearance: clear to slightly milky Recoat Time: 24 hours Ambient and Placement Temperature: 60°-90° F 15°-32° C. Minimum Surface Temperature: 50° F10° C Pot life,150 gm mass: 40 minutes

2.4.2 Hardness Properties Tensile Strength (ASTM D-638): 6,000-7,000psi 41-48 MPa Tensile Elongation (ASTM D-638): 3-7% Compressive Strength (ASTM D-695): 8,000-9,000psi 55-62 MPa Slant Shear/Bond Strength (ASTM C-882): 1,800-2,200psi 12-15MPa Flexural Strength (ASTM C-882): 9,000-10,000psi 62-68 MPa Compressive Strength of Mortar (ASTM C-109): 9,500-10,500psi 65-72 MPa

2.5 Accessory Materials as manufactured by ChemMasters, 300 Edwards Street, Madison, Ohio, 44057-3112, 1-800-486-7866, is considered to conform to the requirements of this specification.

3.0 Execution

3.1 References

A. Complies with National Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards for Architectural Coatings, Federal EPA Regulation 40 CFR Part 59

B. Refer to ChemMasters MSDS and Technical Data Sheets

3.2 Surface Preparation:

A. This is the most critical step in any coating application. All concrete must be a minimum of 28 days old. Horizontal surfaces must be free of any curing and sealing compounds, paints, oil, grease or other contaminants that would impair adhesion.

B. Mechanical texturing or removal of previous coatings is preferred over chemical methods. Hairline cracks to be repaired should be vacuumed or blown free of dust and dirt with oil free compressed air.

C. When filling full depth cracks on horizontal suspended decks or precast T's, seal bottom surface of concrete with PolyTops HMGEL Epoxy to prevent flow through of Duraguard HM Sealer.

D. Vertical and overhead cracks to be pressure injected must be clean and free of dirt or dust. Insert injection ports at regular intervals along crack. Anchor ports and seal crack surface with PolyTops HMGEL Epoxy. Extend HMGEL 2 inches/50 mm on either side of crack.

3.3 Mixing:

A. Duraguard HM Sealer is a two component epoxy and must be mixed prior to use. For optimum results, condition components to a minimum 60° F/15° C prior to blending.

B. Pour all of the Part B Hardener into the Part A Resin, carefully scraping bottom and sides of Part B container to insure all material is used. When mixing less than a full unit, accurate measurement of the components is critical.

C. Maintain a 3:1, A to B ratio by volume.

D. Mix thoroughly for 2-3 minutes using a low speed mechanical drill and jiffler type mixing prop. Do not incorporate air into mixture.

E. If using as a mortar, add 3 to 4 gallons/11-15 liters of clean, dry coarse sand to mixed material and blend until sand is uniformly dispersed and well coated with epoxy.

3.4 Horizontal Application:

A. To fill hairline cracks and seal distressed surfaces, use a straight blade squeegee to distribute Duraguard HM Sealer evenly across slab.

Allow sealer to penetrate into surface. Very porous or cracked concrete may require additional applications of HM Sealer to provide a uniform appearance.

B. Subsequent coats should be applied within the 24 hour recoat window. If a skid resistant surface is desired, broadcast approximately 0.5 lb./0.25 Kg of sand, depending on level of slip resistance required, onto coated surface before sealer has dried to tack free but no sooner than 2 hours following application.

3.5 Horizontal Cracks Up To 0.25 IN/6.35 MM:

A. Pour mixed HM Sealer into crack until filled and allow to settle, add more material as needed to bring up to grade.

3.6 Pressure Injection: Follow dispensing equipment manufacturer's recommendations for calibration and mixing. Begin filling at the port located at the crack's widest point with slow constant pressure until rejection. Continue filling adjacent ports along crack path until full.

3.7 Mortar Application: Prime substrate to be repaired with neat HM Sealer to insure proper bond. Compress mortar into void to eliminate air pockets, level, then smooth surface with trowel.

3.8 Cleanup

Clean tools and equipment with xylene, xylol or glycol ether PM acetate.