Install WebSphere Application Server V6

  1. Login as the user ‘wasadmin’ with a password of ‘wasadmin’. This user should have been created during the database installation.
  2. From the directory ‘C:\WAS v6\WAS v6’ or WebSphere Application Server V6 CD, double click on launchpad.bat.
  3. Choose Websphere Application server – Trial Installation. Click on the link Launch the installation wizard for the WebSphere Application Server.

  1. On the Welcome page choose Next.
  2. Accept the license agreement and choose Next.
  3. One the system passed the prerequisite checks choose Next.

  1. Select the default installation directory and press Next.

  1. Select Full Installation (or choose Custom Installation and ensure that all checkboxes are selected as shown in the figure below). Choose Next.

  1. Explore the different port numbers assigned to various components of the application server. Choose Next to accept the default port numbers.
  2. Accept the default node and host names for your machine. Choose Next.
  3. Select Log on as specified user account. Enter wasadmin as username and password. Accept all other defaults and choose Next.

  1. Choose Next on the summary page. Wait for the installation to complete. This may take a few minutes.

  1. When installation is complete choose Finish. You should now see the Fist Steps screen.

  1. Click on Installation verification link to verify that the installation is successful. You should see a list of messages indicating success. In the end, you should see the message Installation Verification is complete. Close the window.
  2. Return to the First steps console, stop the server and exit.

Install IBM HTTP Server V6

  1. In the IHS folder, double click on Install.exe to start the installation.
  2. Click Next on the Welcome screen.
  3. Accept the license and click Next.
  4. Choose the default installation location and click Next.
  5. Under installation type, choose Typical and press Next.
  6. Enter the password wasadmin and leave the other defaults as is.

  1. Press Next.
  2. Press Next in the Summary screen to start the installation. Click Finish when done.

Install the Web Server Plugin

  1. The Web Server Plugin can be installed primarily based on two topologies.

Remote stand-alone application server installation: In this topology, you run the configuration script on the application server machine. The Web server and its plug-in on a different machine than the application server.

- Local stand-alone application server installation: Detects the default profile on a local application server machine and creates the Web server definition for it directly. Install the Web server and its plug-in on the same machine with the application server. For the labs, we will be using this configuration.

  1. Ensure that the services for IBM HTTP Server and WebSphere Application Server are stopped.
  2. From the Web Server Plugin folder, navigate to the plugin folder. Click on install.exe to start the installation.
  3. In the Welcome screen, uncheck all checkboxes and press Next.
  4. Accept the license agreement and press Next.
  5. Upon successful completion of the prerequisite check, press Next.
  6. From the list of web servers, select the radio button for IBM HTTP Server V6.
  1. Press Next.

  1. For the installation scenario, select the radio button for the local scenario.
  1. Press Next.
  2. Choose the default installation location and press Next.
  3. Ensure that the application server root directory is correct. If not, click on the Browse button to navigate to the correct location.
  1. Press Next.

  1. Click on the Browse button to navigate to C:\Program Files\IBM HTTP Server\conf\httpd.conf file and press Next.
  1. Accept the default web server definition name and press Next.
  2. Ensure that the path for the plugin-cfg.xml file is C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\default\config\cells\<host_name_of_local_machine>Node01Cell\nodes\webserver1_node\servers\webserver1\plugin-cfg.xml and press Next.
  3. Press Next.
  4. Press Next in the Summary page.
  5. Press Next when installation is completed.
  1. In the Summary page, ensure that the installation is successful. If the installation is unsuccessful, refer to the log files mentioned in the Summary page. If a html page pops up referring to the web server plug-in installation roadmap, close the file.
  1. Press Finish.
  2. We will now verify that both the embedded HTTP Server(HTTP Transport) and the external web server are able to serve up the requests.
  3. Start the application server by opening a command prompt and navigating to C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\default\bin folder. Enter the command startServer server1. Wait for the server to start. You should see the message

ADMU3000I: Server server1 open for e-business; process id is 584.

  1. Start the IBM HTTP Server from the Windows Services panel or by navigating to C:\Program Files\IBM HTTP Server\bin directory and issuing the command Apache -k start.

  1. Open a browser and navigate to to test the embedded HTTP Server. You should see the Snoop servlet displayed in the browser.
  1. Now enter the URL to access the Snoop servlet from the external HTTP Server.

Note: Replace <Host_name_of_web_server_machine> with the actual host name of your machine.

  1. You have successfully installed and configured the WebSphere Application Server, IBM HTTP Server, Web Server Plug-in.
  1. Stop the application server and HTTP Server. Close all browsers and command prompts.