YVSC Community Meeting Agenda
April 3, 2013, 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., Rooms 113-114

Inspiring our Community for Future Generations

I. Call to Order

II.Introductions - 19 in attendance
III. Approval ofMinutes from February 6, 2013

IV. YVSC Updates

1.  Energy Roundtable - last month, great success, Energy presentation at Economic council, city council, chamber board, board of realtors, getting that message out about energy efficiency

2.  Talking Green – March Local Foods – 91 participants, largest ever, videos up online (posted to our blog and YouTube, www.yvsc.org/blog, www.youtube.com/yvsustainability
- April 30th Buying your next green car/sustainable transportation, with Mike Ogburn of CLEER, @ the Rusted Porch, 530pm-7:00pm

3.  Sustainable Schools – Green Team Summit: 20 students, 5 teachers, 6 facilitators, engaging students in sustainability and building potential community projects, Water, Forest, Energy, and Transportation, very inspiring event; secondary goal was to strengthen the Green Teams in the schools, specifically the middle school. SS’s is also working on reusable plates and cutlery plan for middle school.

4.  Green Building – iCAST (funded by city, county, yvea, chamber) efficiency upgrades easy and affordable pilot program, here doing first assessments yesterday and today
Still openings

5.  Zero Waste– Summer, Trainings in mid May, 3 water monsters at all sporting tournaments this year as well as races, etc.;

6.  Yampa Valley Recycles – 2013 Recycling Guide finalized: Look for it in the Pilot on Friday; 2 month long survey of Green Machine (at Safeway) is complete, stats and info will be provided on Thursday at noon, and finalizing the Green Bag reminder hangers should head out in May

7.  Sustainability Working Group – next meeting 4/11 12:00 Room 113CentHall, focusing on Energy, welcome to join us

8.  ReTree – June 9th, 9-11a 3 planting locations: Mt Werner (1000), Stagecoach (80 larger), and High School, douglas fur and englemann spruce (future glade/tree skiing!); 1130 band, bbq, and local wood expo 10a-2p closing the loop, volunteer needs see Action Items below

9.  Earth Hour – 60 in attendance, Thanks to City and YVEA for turning off downtown and alley lights, and to the Teen Council for help with it as well, hope to keep getting larger each year

V. Partner Updates

1. Lyn Haliday- Steamboat Sustainable Business Program – Energy FIT (Financing, Incentives, and Training) program with iCAST has launched, the reason SSBP interested in it is for taking the work to the next level – which is financing, and that’s usually the main obstacle despite the short, good payback period. OTHS is a pilot business in the program, audit done yesterday. Newest member of SSBP Ski Town Cleaners Gold Level Cert accomplished, offering free cloth hanging garment bags, switched from carcinogenic chemicals. Earth Day April 22, SSBP is collecting accomplishments and will publish those locally. Luncheon to come in late April, early May.
Water Conservation: Mandatory restrictions will go into affect earlier this year- May 1 (as opposed to last year’s June 29, and Denver started Apr1); right now we’re about 80% of normal snowpack and NOAA prediction is extended dry hot summer. We were able to reduce overall usage last summer by 15%. One of the advantages of doing it early is so larger properties can set their timers earlier, training the plants, saving on labor, etc. Also includes no washing of hard surfaces, outdoor water fixtures can’t use potable water, and no vehicle washing at residences. Rebate money still available for appliances and xeriscaping.
Spare the Air: $12 signs still available, info cards are available, at the YVSC office & meetings and at the Chamber, lots of new members signing up.

2. Sonja Macys- Yampatika Needs Volunteers (See Action Items) and see Wild Edible Feast under events

3. CMC – Students for Sustainability screening film Economics of Happiness, 6pm, April 9 @CMC
4. Marsha – Community Ag Alliance – 78% of moisture content of snow, but ag is very concerned because ponds and streams are very low, changes as to how irrigation will work this summer. Ag Alliance is working with beer and barley, brewers who want for local beer; also trying to get more local meats to restaurants (working on legal barriers); RC Cattlewomen educating schools and ranch tours (May 10); 11th Annual Bull Sale April 15th
Currently 15 bills about water, learn them well before you “show your support”
5. Sasha - Conservation Colorado – Current Bills in CO:

Senate Bill 202: Would increase COGCC inspectors significantly.

House Bill 1267: Would increase fines for violations at the COGCC.

House Bill 1268: Would require notification of oil and gas activity to home buyers at point of sale.

House Bill 1273: Allows Local Governments to collect fees for oil and gas inspections they perform.

House Bill 1275: Prompts a health impact study on oil and gas

We will let you know with the bills just mentioned are ripe for action. Here are two more and we could use your help:

House Bill 1269: Conflict of interest issues at the COGCC, would remove the "dual mandate", change definition of "waste" and prevent oil and gas industry employees or board members from serving on COGCC.

House Bill 1278 is on Spill reporting. Changesreporting threshold from 5 barrels to 1 barrel and directs them to notify local emergency managers. This bill is sponsored by Rep. Diane Mitch-Busch

We believe that it would be helpful for Diane to receive calls in support of House Bill 1226 and 1278. In addition, on the clean energy side, it would be great for her to hear that you are in support of increasing the Renewable Energy Standard. Call:

303-866-2923 or e-mail:

In addition to calls/emails we are also asking help to:

1-get a few letters to the editor submitted regionally and to the Denver and Grand Junction newspapers. See me for fact sheets and/or templates

2-for stories anyone might have regarding issues with property values, spills or health problems resulting from oil and gas development. We are especially interested in learning of people who might be willing to testify.

6. Steve Ivancie – Routt County Commissioners – celebration this Friday for Nancy, Jean, Diane, Community Center, catered by 3Wire, 5-7pm
This Thursday, 6-8pm – Commissioner and Planning Commission joint meeting reviewing local food amendments, land use codes and definitions

VI. Open Forum

1. Dara Lor – Lucky Buffalo Company/SummitSoap,Biodiesel,Recycling - ready to start working in this area, collect used cooking oil, process/filter/clean, and make biodiesel, soaps, cleaners and lubricants; in past year they’ve upgraded their facility (7000sqft) so it’s time to feed that! Closed loop upcycling, utilizing existing networks, currently collecting from a few restaurants (was at rest.assoc.meeting, saving them time and money), seeking participation. Contacts: www.summitsoap.com
www.summitgreasecycling.com 970-485-4900
Hosting the collective BioDiesel Conference in Breckenridge, August 15th – 18th

2. Lauri Agner – Simple Health - Tower Garden Party to show off sustainable home growing system, growing all winter, sustainable, eco friendly, uses 5-10% of traditional gardening water amounts, no weeds, space oriented, partnering with John Emery at the Taylor Building, see events below. Would love to see these be a version of our “community garden” – 970-846-8917 – www.growsimplewith.towergarden.com
3. John Spezia – Hollingsworth Land – on Soda Creek (40 year old garden), North Grant St., property is up for sale ($700k), hoping to make it a community garden. Has a barn, greenhouse, great soil. Irrigation and water rights. Permaculture and teaching opportunities.

4. Brendan McCrann – will do Talking Green in fall, Future Pointe L3C, operate in CoSpgs, Denver and Eastern Plains, waste interception, agriculture, and at risk society. ZW consulting and planning and program development for complex waste problems. Learning lab for life program with ag curriculum. Farm in Rush, CO, 50k acres with Nature Conservancy and local rancher, (east of COSpgs) take on 400k lbs of food waste, preconsumer, turning into ag commodity (raising hogs, chickens, goats on that feed), grow gardens to market. Food Bank of the Rockies – Care and Share inventory that would otherwise go to the landfill. Rich process for learning and working and interacting with NPOs and others that are in need of life and professional skills. www.futurepointel3c.com

5. Callie – Twin Enviro / Home Resource – would like to pilot an enviro service program outreach for trail maintenance, river cleanup, garden plots, wetland/weed removal, tree planting, partnering with college students and mandating volunteer hours. www.Salvageit.org

VIII. Action Items needing helping hands

1. Yampatika Volunteers: For more information contact (970) 871-9151 or
2. CSA – Sprigs&Sprouts – sign up with contract (see Apr2 YVSC blog)
3. ReTree (June 9th) needs volunteers to help plan the events, lead crews, and plant trees as well as counting the surviving trees from last year.

VIX. Upcoming Events

1.  Island Nation film, with Jim White talking about Climate Change, at the Library tonight, 6pm

2.  Wild Edible Feast by Yampatika, May 30th, $100 ticket @Sweetwater

3.  Tower Garden Party, Sat. April 6th, 9-10am, Taylor Building 1744 Lincoln Ave Unit 4

4.  Talking Green: Buying Your Next Green Car with Mike Ogburn from CLEER, April 30th at The Rusted Porch, 5:30pm

Next meeting

May 1, 2013
11: 30-1pm, Centennial Hall room 113