Questions: Brain Pop – Harlem Renaissance

1. What does the word ‘renaissance’ mean?

A. An artistic flowering that occurred during the 14th and 15th centuries

B. Rebirth

C. A flowering of African American arts and culture

D. The birth of new styles of music and literature

2. How did the music of the Harlem Renaissance celebrate African-American culture?

A. The lyrics were usually written by famous African-American authors

B. The musical instruments were all manufactured by African Americans

C. The music incorporated traditional African-American blues and gospel styles

D. The music revived the works of forgotten African-American composers from the 18th and 19th centuries

3. What was one goal of the “New Negro Movement”?

A. To end segregation in the South

B. To ensure voting rights for all

C. To make sure public facilities for African Americans were both separate and equal

D. To encourage pride in African-American culture

4. Which of these is an opinion about the Harlem Renaissance?

A. It was the greatest achievement in the history of African American culture

B. It was centered in New York City

C. It happened during the 1920s

D. It included the creation of new art, music, and literature

5. Put the following into the correct sequence: A) The Civil War; B) The Harlem Renaissance; C) The Civil Rights Movement

A. A, C, B

B. B, A,C

C. A, B, C

D. C, A,B

6. Jacob Lawrence incorporated Africa motifs into his paintings. What is a “motif”?

A. A type of paint

B. A type of ceremonial mask

C. A type of sculpture made of carved wood

D. A central theme or idea

7. What term best characterizes the Harlem Renaissance?

A. Oppression

B. Protest

C. Anger

D. Celebration

8. Which of these people was an important figure from the Harlem Renaissance?

A. W.E.B DuBois

B. Frederick Douglass

C. Louis Farrakham

D. Harreit Tubman

9. Why did African Americans leave the South after the Civil War?

A. Because rents were cheaper in the North

B. To escape discrimination

C. Because most of them had family in the North

D. Because racism did not exist at all in the North

10. What benefit did African Americans see in setting together in Harlem?

A. It was vital manufacturing center

B. It helped them keep their cultural identity

C. They received better treatment from whites there

D. They no longer had work as slaves there