Audition Form


Name______Age______Height ______

Home Address ______

Parents Names ______

Parent Phone ______Parent Email ______

Student Phone ______Student Email ______

Emergency Contact (Name and phone) ______

School Currently Attending ______Grade/Class______

Roles you’re most interested in playing ______

Are there any roles you would not accept ______

Do you read music? ______Instrument/# of years ______

Any Choir experience? (with whom/years) ______

Private Voice Training? (with whom/years) ______

Dance Training? (type/ years) ______

Gymnastics Training? (years) ______

T-shirt size (circle) YM YL AS AM AL AXL

Birth Date ______Allergies ______

Medical or Special Needs ______

List Musical Theater Experience below (use back as needed or include separate resume)

(name of show/role/company, year)

Conflict Calendar

Please fill in any DAY and what TIME you’ll be UNABLE to attend rehearsal. Vacations are allowable as long as we know in advance. Conflicts may be a factor in whether you’re cast or where you’re cast. I can’t stress enough how important your accurate conflict listing is. Thanks!

Are you available during the day on Friday, March 9 (call time late morning)? YES NO

Callback Conflicts

Week / Friday / Saturday
Dec 8, 9

Initial Rehearsals for Into the Woods only

Thurs 12/14 / Mon 12/19 / Friday

Rehearsal Conflicts

Week / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
Jan 2-6 / ------/ ------
Jan 8-13 / ------/ ------
Jan 15-20 / ------/ ------
Jan 22-27 / ------/ ------
Jan 29-
Feb 3 / ------/ ------
Feb 5-10 / ------/ ------
Feb 12-17 / ------/ ------
Feb 19-24 / ------/ ------
Feb 26-
Mar 3 / ------/ ------/ Load-In
Mar 5-10 / Tech / Tech / Tech / PM show / Matinee/
PM show / Mat/PM show

General Requirements

There will be a $100 participation fee per student, covering costume, t-shirt, mic rental and other show costs. Each cast member will be asked to sell at least 12 tickets (or 20 for families with multiple students in the casts), and familiesshould volunteer at least threepreshow hours and fulfill two volunteer shifts during performance week.

This production will require a big commitment and a great deal of work by many people. If you are cast in this show, you will need to be willing to do the work required to do a job with excellence, even if that requires working on songs, choreography, props or costumes on your own at home. Unexcused rehearsal absences may result in dismissal from the production.

As a cast you need to make a commitment to me and to the other cast members to do the best job you can do. If you are willing and agree to the above, please sign below.

Auditionee Signature:______

If under 18, please have a parent sign below indicating they have read and agree to enforce the guidelines laid out in the General Show Expectations.

Signature of Parent:

Media Consent Form

This Media Consent Form is intended to both inform you and gain authorization to publish your child’s photo/image in Inspiring Arts’ promotional literature, newsletters, Facebook® page, website, or other social media outlets.

Inspiring Arts will not release any photos/images or personally identifiable information without prior written consent from you as parent or guardian of the indicated minor child. Personally identifiable information includes names, photo or image, residential addresses, e-mail addresses, and phone numbers.

I, a parent of ______do hereby authorize representatives of the Inspiring Arts to collect and publish photographs taken of my minor child, in which he/she may be included with others, including the surrounding areas depicted in said photographs, for use in Inspiring Arts related media as follows:

I GRANT permission for Inspiring Arts to use and print photographs and any other form of media material for educational, informational, and promotional purposes.

I DO NOT GRANT permission for Inspiring Arts to use and print photographs and any other form of media material for educational, informational, and promotional purposes.