
Dear Parents and Carers,

After two very successful years with over 60 pupils taking part, in September the Cambourne Music School will be starting its third year, offering more exciting musical opportunities for primary school pupils than ever before!

There will now be three different groups on three different evenings that your child can choose to get involved with:

Monday Music School (4-6pm): Clarinet, Flute, Saxophone & Trumpet

Tuesday Music School (4-6pm) Vocal coaching and Choir

Wednesday Music School (4-5, 5-6pm) Keyboard & Guitar [Please note the change of day]

These sessions are open to:

  • ALL pupils who will be in Years 3 – Year 6
  • Pupils who have already been learning with us
  • Pupils who have already been learning elsewhere
  • Pupils who want to start learning for the first time

We have made every effort to keep the cost of these sessions as low as possible, and there are further discounts available for pupils attending more than one group. If your child would like to take part but the cost of the sessions is too high, please contact us, as we may be able to offer some financial assistance.

The cost of the sessions are:

Music School(s) attended / Cost per session / Cost per term
Monday (Clarinet, Flute, Sax, Trumpet) / £10 / £100
Tuesday (Vocal coaching & Choir) / £6 / £60
Wednesday (Keyboard, Guitar) / £8 / £80
Monday + Tuesday / £14 / £140
Monday + Wednesday / £16 / £160
Tuesday + Wednesday / £12 / £120
Monday + Tuesday + Wednesday / £18 / £180

Monday Music School

Pupils will be given small group teaching on their chosen instrument (Clarinet, Flute, Saxophone or Trumpet), they will play as part of a band, and take part in a range of interactive musical activities including rhythm games, group singing and notation exercises. Sessions last for two hours with a short break.

Instrumental hire is not included in the session fees, but instruments can be hired from the ‘Cambridgeshire Music Hub’ (01480 373500) or from ‘Woodwind and Reed’ (01223 500442), and hire is likely to cost between £5-10 per month.

Tuesday Music School

Pupils will sing together as a choir, and they will learn a wide range of songs in different styles. They will learn to sing from sheet music and by ear, and they will also sing in parts. Key aspects of vocal technique (such as breathing, supporting, adapting vocal timbre, pitching etc.) will also be developed. The session will last two hours with a short break.

Wednesday Music School

Pupils will be taught their chosen instrument in a midsize group, where they will do a mixture of interactive group activities (including rhythm games, group singing, notation exercises and instrumental skills activities), and they be given one-to-to attention to help them further develop their performances an be given focused practice targets. Sessions will last for one hour (4-5pm Beginners / Early Stage, 5-6pm Improvers / Advanced).

Pupils will need a keyboard, piano or guitar in order to practice in between sessions.

The three musical schools will start on the following evenings:

  • Monday 26th September
  • Tuesday 27th September
  • Wednesday 28th September

Because we are running the Music School on a very tight budget, we ask parents to commit to a full year’s tuition when enrolling their child.

Therefore, please send us three cheques (one for each term), post-dated 1st October 2016, 1st January 2017, 1st April 2017. One cheque will only be cashed at the start of every term, and if for any reason that your child does not wish to continue the remaining terms’ cheques can be returned to you, but please note that once the term has started these payments are non-refundable, even if your child does not attend all the sessions.

Please make cheques payable to “Cambourne Village College” and NOT “Cambourne Music School”, and write your child’s full name on the back.

Spaces at the Cambourne Music School, and spaces for each individual instrument may need to be limited, so please bookas soon as possible to avoid disappointment. To secure your place we ask that you return the attached form andthe three post-dated cheques by no later thanMonday 11th Julyto:

Geoff Page (Cambourne Music School)

Cambourne Village College

Sheepfold Lane


CB23 6FR

If you have any questions about the Cambourne Music School please do not hesitate to email me on:

We look forward to seeing your son / daughter at the Cambourne Music School in September.

Geoff Page

Head of Music, Cambourne Village College

Claire Coates

Principal, Cambourne Village College