Aviemore Primary School

Planning the Outcomes of Learning – Termly Organiser

Session: 2016 - 2017 Class: P4
Term: 3 Topic: 1920’s, 1950’s and 1970’s Teacher: Mrs McMaster
Contribution to the Ethos and Life of the School as a Community
20th Assembly – Miss MacCallum
26th Numeracy Workshop 2.00pm-2.45pm
27th Assembly – Mrs Dallas & pupil groups
Week beg 30th New P1 enrolment week
3rd Star Assembly
10th Interim Report out to parents/carers
Assembly – P2
Parent Council Valentine Disco
17th Assembly – P6/7
20th & 21st Holiday – school closed
22nd Inset Day – school closed to pupils
24th Star Assembly
27th Tooth varnishing week
28th Parent Council meeting 6.00pm
Schools Rotary Quiz at
MacDonalds Resort 7.00pm
3rd World Book Day
Assembly – P7
10th Assembly – P5/6
13th to 23rd B & S Music Festival 2017
17th Assembly – P4/5
21st Literacy Workshop 2.00pm-2.45pm
23rd Parent Council meeting 6.00pm
24th Red Nose Day
Star Assembly
31st Easter Assembly
5th Rock Challenge for P4 and P5 at Eden Court.
5th School closes for Easter holidays
24th School re-opens after holidays
28th Assembly – Mrs Holton
1st May Day Holiday – school closed
4th Inset Day – school closed to pupils
5th Assembly – Miss MacCallum
Opportunities for Personal Achievement
·  Opportunities for class crocs/Dojos
·  Opportunities to earn green crocs across the school
·  Star Assembly certificates
·  News clippings on display for wider achievements in the community / Languages and Literacy:
·  Writing-personal, imaginative and functional writing with a focus on using paragraphs, conjunctions and speech marks. Work on improving editing skills. Contexts include: Diaries and advertisements, descriptive writing and ‘Historical adventures’.
·  Reading- reading for enjoyment with weekly visits to the library. Class reading sessions with a focus on comprehension and ‘reading between the lines’.
·  Handwriting- revisiting second and third joins
·  Spelling- Patterns taken from Level 4 list and phonics ir, ur, aw, ee, oo, ng
Mathematics and Numeracy:
·  P4 continue with shape, position, movement and symmetry
·  Set group: Division, Fractions, money
Health and Wellbeing:
·  Impact of advertising and media
·  Equality
·  Substance misuse
Social Studies:
·  Looking at a person of local historical interest: Eric Liddell
·  Comparing aspects of people’s daily lives in the past with my own (toys, games, fashion, cars)
·  BBC Newsround
·  Looking at sound
Expressive Arts:
·  Music- weekly singing with P5
·  Exploring music through the 1920’s, 50’s, 70’s.
·  Art-Art Deco 1920, Pop Art 1950, backdrop for Rock Challenge
·  Drama-preparing for the Rock Challenge
·  Days of the week, months, colours, things I like and don't like
·  Continue with key features of the values in Christianity