Texas Facilities Commission

P.O. Box 13047

Austin, Texas 78711-3047




PROJECT #16-005-5130

RFQ #303-6-01823

Addendum #1 Revision

Dated: 07/06/2016

Qualifications and HUB Subcontracting Plan

Due Date: 08/05/2016 07/26/2016 @ 3:00 PM

Rev. 5-11-2016


Section I General

Section II Project Description

Section III Scope of Work

Section IV Submittal Information

Attachment A HUB Subcontracting Plan

(Posted as ‘Package #2’ on the ESBD)

Attachment B Execution of Submittal

Attachment C CMR Proposal Form

Attachment D Contractor’s Qualification Form

Attachment E Project Manual

(Posted as ‘Package #3’ on the ESBD)

Attachment F Non-Collusion Affidavit

(Posted as ‘Package #4’ on the ESBD)

Attachment G CMR Service Contract Template

(Posted as ‘Package #5’ on the ESBD)

Attachment H RFQ Checklist


Mechanical and Plumbing Systems Repairs at the Stephen F. Austin State Office Building

Project # 16-005-5130



1.  SCOPE: In accordance with the provisions of Texas Government Code, Chapter 2269, Subchapter F, Construction Manager-at-Risk Method, and Rules and Procedures adopted by the Texas Facilities Commission (TFC), TFC is requesting qualifications for a Construction Manager-at-Risk (CMR) to provide Mechanical and Plumbing Systems Repairs at the Stephen F. Austin State Office Building hereinafter described as TFC Project # 16-005-5130 (the Project). This project will be administered by TFC. This procurement will be a two-step award process with a two-part work requirement. Step One of the solicitation will include a submittal of company experience and qualifications focusing on projects of similar size and type. Respondents will be evaluated on experience and qualifications, as detailed in Section IV, Submittal Information. Step Two of the solicitation will include only the highest ranked five or fewer respondents from Step One who will be asked to provide pricing.

For consideration of this RFQ, the construction budget and Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) should consider a budget for the "Cost of the Work" of nine million five hundred thousand dollars ($9,500,000) not including any Pre-construction Management fees, Construction Management fees, and Construction General Conditions.

2.  CONTRACT TERM: Construction is required to commence within ten (10) calendar days after the Notice to Proceed for Construction is issued. For planning purposes only, the pre-construction time period is estimated to be ninety (90) calendar days. The construction contract period is projected for a term of seven hundred thirty (730) calendar days except as may be otherwise amended or negotiated.

This contract is contingent upon the continued availability of funding. If funds become unavailable through lack of appropriations, legislative budget cuts, amendment of the Appropriations Act, state agency consolidations, or any other disruption of current appropriations, provisions of the Termination Article in the CMR Service Contract shall apply.


Addendum - A modification of the specifications issued by TFC.

Attachment A, HUB Subcontracting Plan - The Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Subcontracting Plan (HSP) required by Chapter 2161 of the Texas Government Code (TGC) and by Title 34, Chapter 20, Subchapter B, §20.10- §20.28 of the Texas Administrative Code (TAC).

Good Faith Effort – Effort required by vendors when completing the Attachment A, HUB Subcontracting Plan, which demonstrates the respondent has completed one of the following for the planned subcontracting needs: A) Using strictly HUBs for all subcontracting needs, B) Meeting stated agency goal for HUB subcontracted needs using both HUB and Non-HUB vendors, C) Performing “Traditional Good Faith Effort” of notifying two minority/women trade organizations and soliciting bids from three HUBs for each subcontracting opportunity, and allowing seven business days for response, or D) Self-Performing Contract (performing all work with own materials and labor).

Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) – pursuant to TGC, Chapter 2161, means a business that is at least 51% owned by an Asian Pacific American, a Black American, a Hispanic American, a Native American, an American Woman, and/or a United States Veteran with a minimum 20% Disability rating; is an entity with its principal place of business in Texas; and has an owner residing in Texas with proportionate interest that actively participates in the control, operations, and management of the entity’s affairs.

Owner - The Texas Facilities Commission.

Project Manager - The individual designated by the Owner authorized to represent the Owner during the performance of the contract.



1.  SFA Phase 1

a.  Replace existing dual duct AHUs (approx. 14 total, and excludes floors 4-8, Elevator Equipment Room, Data Center, and Computer Room AHUs), VFDs, controls, and accessories. Design will not extend beyond (approximately) limits of respective AHUs mechanical rooms. Design of AHU systems will include knock-down/de-mounted or field constructed AHUs to allow for replacement of systems on an AHU by AHU basis over a single weekend or other short duration utilizing multiple shifts in 24 hour/day construction mode.

b.  Removal of existing/abandoned roof mounted outside air handling units.

c.  Replaced building stairwell pressurization and general service exhaust air fans with new equipment installed on the roof of the building.

d.  Electrical and HVAC controls as required to accomplish AHU replacements.

e.  Replace building stairwell pressurization and general service exhaust air fans, with new equipment installed on the roof of the building.

f.  Clean and coat existing exhaust ductwork and leakage seal existing exhaust and outside air ductwork (using Aeroseal process).

2.  SFA Phase 2

a.  Restrooms Renovations/Replacements, Floors Sub Basement through 3rd and 9 through 12.

3.  SFA Phase 3

a.  Mixed Discipline Scope – Scope of work to be determined based on the results of the supplementary assessments and available construction budget. Potential scope items include, but are not limited to, retrofitting or replacement of air distribution terminal boxes and zone controls, duct cleaning and leakage sealing, replacement of chilled water piping insulation, chiller plant controls and piping modifications.

4.  SFA Future

a.  Undefined – Scope of work to be determined based on the results of the supplementary assessments and the confidence of the CMR/TFC regarding the scope elements constructible within future funds available. Future packages scope is not included in the current proposal.

Third Party Testing: TFC shall provide or contract with third party for Testing and Balancing Services, RAS Review, Commissioning, and Construction Materials Testing.



1.  Part One - Collaborate with TFC and its Architects and Engineers (A/E), Tom Green & Company Engineers Inc., during the completion of construction documents including review and comments for the 50% drawings, 90% Drawings, and review and comments at 100% completion of Construction Documents. The respondent’s expertise will be used to affect value engineering, establish a project schedule and ultimately determine the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP). The services include attending meetings, consultation of plan reviews, constructability reviews, and cost estimating.

2.  Part Two - In accordance with the approved schedule and GMP, facilitate bidding and selection of subcontractors in accordance with HUB requirements, provide and/or secure and install all materials, labor, coordination, management and supervisory activities necessary to complete construction of the project in accordance with the drawings, specifications and other contract documents that will be prepared by the A/E & TFC.

3.  Documents are available for review on the state of Texas Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD) at http://esbd.cpa.state.tx.us/ Select ‘Agency 303 Texas Facilities Commission’ from the drop-down box.




4.  SUBCONTRACTORS: Subcontractors providing services shall meet the same requirements and level of experience as required of the respondent. No subcontract shall relieve the primary respondent of responsibility for the service. If the respondent uses a subcontractor for any or all of the work required, the following conditions shall apply under the listed circumstances:

4.1.  Respondents planning to subcontract all or a portion of the work shall identify the proposed subcontractors on the Attachment A, HUB Subcontracting Plan.

4.2.  Subcontracting shall be at the respondent’s expense.

4.3.  TFC retains the right to check a subcontractor’s background and make a determination to approve or reject the use of submitted subcontractors.

4.4.  The respondent shall be the only contact for TFC and subcontractors. Respondent shall list a designated point of contact for all TFC and subcontractor inquiries.

5.  Respondents will be held to have satisfactory understanding regarding all existing conditions and to have included in the proposal an amount sufficient to cover all work including permits, fees, etc.



1.  SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: TFC reserves the right to change the dates shown below upon written notification.


Issue RFQ 07/06/2016

Mandatory Pre-Submittal Conference 07/11/2016 @ 10:00 AM


Mandatory Pre-Submittal Conference 07/14/2016 @ 10:00 AM


Mandatory Pre-Submittal Conference 07/19/2016 @ 2:00 PM

Deadline for Submission of Questions 07/18 20/2016 @ 12:00 PM

Deadline for Submission of Qualifications & HSP 07/26/2016 @ 3:00 PM

Notification of Short List Selection 08/01/2016

Deadline for Submission of Proposals/Opening 08/05/2016 @ 3:00 PM

Notification of Interview Selection 08/12/2016

Interviews 08/19/2016

Award by Commission 09/21/2016

Execute Contract 10/01/2016

2.  MANDATORY PRE-SUBMITTAL CONFERENCE AND SITE VISIT: The mandatory pre-submittal conferences are scheduled for:

Monday, July 11, 2016 @ 10:00 AM

Thursday, July 14, 2016 @ 10:00 AM

Tuesday, July 19, 2016 @ 2:00 PM

The location of both the pre-submittal conferences is:

Stephen F. Austin State Office Building

Room 170

1700 North Congress

Austin, TX 78701

Respondents must have an employee of their firm attend at least one (1) of the two (2) three (3) pre-submittal conferences. TFC shall reject qualifications submitted by firms that did not attend one of the mandatory pre-submittal conferences. Please be on time, accounting for travel time and parking. For the pre-submittal conferences there is metered parking on the street (quarters) or free parking on the top level of State Parking Garage B, 1511 San Jacinto, Austin.


Site Visit: A tour of the affected areas of the Stephen F. Austin State Office Building will immediately follow each pre-submittal Conference.


3.1. Submission:

3.1.1.  Step One: The initial submittal is of qualifications only. Respondents shall submit one (1) original of the following: Attachment A, HUB Subcontracting Plan; Attachment B, Execution of Submittal; Acknowledgement of Addenda; Original Bid Bond; and Litigation History Statement;

Include one (1) original and three (3) copies of the following: Company Information; Attachment D, Contractor’s Qualification Form; Budget Compliance Form; Schedule Compliance Form; Experience and Qualifications; Methodology; and Quality/Safety Programs & Safety Record.

Pages should be numbered and contain an organized, paginated table of contents corresponding to the section and pages of the RFQ.

Additionally, respondent shall provide a formatted CD, or USB flash memory drive, containing a complete copy of the vendor’s response to this RFQ. The format shall be Adobe Acrobat version 9.0 or higher.

3.1.2.  Step Two: For the five or fewer respondents chosen from Step One, respondent shall submit one (1) original of the following: Attachment C, CMR Proposal Form; and Attachment F, Non-Collusion Affidavit.

3.1.3.  Respondents to this RFQ are responsible for all costs of submittal preparation and delivery.

3.2. Step One Contents: Below is a summary of required information. Submittals without this information will be evaluated accordingly. TFC reserves the right, in its sole judgment and discretion, to waive minor technicalities and errors in the best interest of the state. The Attachment A, HUB Subcontracting Plan, the Attachment B, Execution of Submittal, and the Bid Bond shall be returned with the response. Failure to do so shall result in disqualification.

3.2.1.  Company Information: Including, but not limited to the following (on a separate sheet):  Company description  Ownership information  Physical and Mailing address  Other company locations/offices  Primary Contact  Office and mobile telephone number, and email address of company’s Primary Contact 11-Digit State of Texas Vendor Identification Number

3.2.2.  Relevant Experience and Qualifications: 25 pts.  Complete and submit the Attachment D, Contractor’s Qualification Form. The form can be obtained electronically at the TFC website:


Document #1, Index of Forms. Respondent should also provide free-form narrative that describes, in detail, any qualifications not enumerated on Attachment D, Contractor’s Qualifications Form.  Particularly indicate your firm’s experience with the following:  fast paced AHU replacement (e.g. weekend turnaround)  remodeling of restrooms  working on occupied buildings  start-up of new mechanical equipment  Demonstrate the Company’s or Individual’s relevant CMR experience to the type of work solicited in the RFQ.  Names of top management and key employees and each person’s duties. Include the background and experience of these key employees.  Provide an Organizational Chart with roles and responsibilities of key individuals assigned to support the project.  Out of State contractors doing business in Texas shall have a Certificate of Authority to do business in Texas. A copy of the certificate shall be submitted with the submittal.  Negative responses from Owners and A/E firms which are familiar with contractor’s performance, depending on problems encountered, may be grounds for disqualification.

3.2.3.  Methodology and Budget/Schedule Compliance: <20 pts.  Proposed Methodology: A detailed plan outlining the methodology intended to be employed by the respondent that demonstrates the processes of implementation regarding the requirements of the RFQ Scope of Work into a realized and finished project. This shall include, but not be limited to

1) processes and techniques used to understand the Statement of Work; 2) problem solving;

3) value engineering;

4) maintaining budgets;

5) maintaining schedules;

6) staff sizing and roles;