Insert FA’s name i.e. VOLUNTEERS PROGRAM


Please outline the key numbers that defined the scope of your program. If this information cannot be included I this report you can provide relevant attachments. If you decide to provide attachments with numbers please list below thesefiles.

In the 2ndof July 30 Young Athletes from 3 Special Olympics Hellas Training Programs, accompanied by 1 family member or volunteers took part in the Young Athletes Fun Day. The Hellinikon Fencing Hall 2, was set up in with three stations activities with four exercises each one. In each station 10 athletes were exercising for 10 minutes and the rotate to the next station.30 volunteers as FOP volunteers (including Mattel employees) and 65 volunteers (Microsoft employees) in other positions.The Fun Day was presented by 3 presenters in Greek and English. Video recorded by 4 cameras and observed by 1 video manager and 1 sound manager. The Fun Day was watched by 500 people including 125 Global Youth Summit Participants. The Fun Day lasted at about 3 hours.


Please outline the major elements that defined the performance of your FA during the Games, taking into account the service level defined prior to the event. Furthermore, please state what (if applicable extra non-planned services were delivered after last minutes requests. At this section, it is also important to state what functioned well and what not.

The Fun Day was presented by 3 presenters in a more theatric mood different than all other sports. The presentation was set in such a way in order to be simultaneous translation in Greek and English.

Video recording through the year from the S.O. Hellas YA Training Session, and the YA Test events on Christmas and Easter

The 6 videos, (duration of 5 and 2 minutes ) were presented between the stations rotation showing the athletes achievements and improvement through the year. This really helped because it gave as time for changing station

Team Games with parachute was one of the highlights of the Fun day as the children enjoy it very much and brings together athletes, volunteers and parents.

Mattel employees from Mattel Greece as volunteers during the YA Training Sessions through the year and in the Fun Day.


List all major issues encountered by your FA during the Games and your recommendations on how to resolve/avoid these issues

No / Issue Description / Recommendation
1 / Too many volunteers willing to help the child but this means too many people over the child / Explain to the volunteers the meaning of trying to achieve something no matter what. The scope is that the child will try to do the exercise and manage to do it as he wants to not to do it as we want. It doesn’t matter if he wants to pass over the boxes even though the exercise is to pass under. The important thing is that he tried and finally found a way to do it!
2 / New family members afraid to leave their child. Parents were anxious leaving their child’s hand and sometimes they were holding them during the exercises. They were afraid if their child would do something not appropriate in front of the audience. / The YA Program means Young Athletes and new Family members in the S.O. Movement. They are not very familiar with S.O. and afraid of leaving their children by his self. This is something which should be worked during the YA training session by informing the parents about S.O. and the things that their child can do without their help. Explain them and give them the faith that S.O. is a big family and cannot understand every single behavior! No need to shy or afraid.
3 / “ We should do it right! We have all this people watching us!” / You do not have to be anxious about this. And that’s my personal opinion. We are talking about athletes with intellectual disabilities and furthermore about children! If a child doesn’t want to do the exercise this particular day this particular time there is no need to make him do it because we have the audience. It is already a big achievement the fact that he is there!!! One step at the time!
4 / Children crying and be afraid / It’s a new environment for them. A lot of people watching, cameras, photographers , presenters etc. Be sure that you have already done 2 or 3 times a YA Fun day test event in order to prepare the children of what is going to happen and of course to test your selves. Be sure that FOP volunteers already know the athletes and the athletes are familiar with them. Use the FOP volunteers in the training and test events as well.

List all major issues encountered in your cooperation with other FAs during the Games and/or other issues observed during the ATHENS 2011 Special Olympics World Summer Games

No / Functional Area / Issue Description
1 / Volunteer Area / Volunteers in all different positions that FOP. FOP volunteers by me one year before the FUN Day, in order to know them, to know the children and the exercises.
2 / Games Services / Transportation for the athletes close to the venue entrance

Please list of all supplementary material that you would like to include in the transfer of knowledge process (i.e. publications, staffing numbers, presentations, etc.)

Special Olympics Hellas YA Activity Guide in Greek

ATHENS 2011 YA Fun Day Leaflet- Program

ATHENS 2011 YA Fun Day Invitation

Spectators Guide

YA Fun Day Flow of Show

YA Videos from (2 test events, trainings and Fun Day)


Volunteers need

YA Fun Day Activity Plan