OCLC Training in April 2005

OCLC training offered in April is divided into two separate programs. The first program (Program 1), which costs $50 per day, is being coordinated by OCLC Western. It and is intended for existing OCLC online customers libraries thatwho are transitioning to the new OCLC products and interfaces in May. The second program (Program 2), which is free, is being coordinated by the Alaska State Library under the Alaska Group Services Agreement (GSA). It and is designed for new OCLC online customers, i.e., smaller libraries and LaserCat users. Non-_GSA members may participate onin a space-as-available basis at a cost of $50 per day per attendee.

GSA members will be given registration priority in Program 2. L, and limited financial assistance will be available through AkLA for reimbursement of travel expenses for GSA members who are not within 50 miles of either Anchorage, Fairbanks, or Juneau, where the training will take place.

Both programs lasts two days and consist of a first day devoted to cataloging and a second day devoted to ILL (what is now often referred to as “resource sharing”). In addition, the afternoon of the first day of Program 2 will include an introduction to WorldCat and ALNcat. Institutions are assumed to be signing up for both days of training in a program unless they indicate otherwise.


PROGRAM 1: Transition Training for Experienced OCLC Online Users
[need OCLC contact information] Registration is through OCLC Western at , or contact Tammy Bowers at 1-800-854-5753.

Registration: through OCLC: [registration contact info]

Anchorage Transition Library Training
Cat April 12, 14 @UAA
ILL April 13, 15 @UAA

Fairbanks Transition Library Training
Cat April 25 @UAF
ILL April 26 @UAF

Juneau Transition Library Training

Cat April 14 Juneau - @UAS

ILL April 15 Juneau - @UAS

- See verso for Program 2 -

PROGRAM 2: New Online Libraries Training for New OCLC Customers and LaserCat Libraries, with Priority Given to GSA Members

Registration for Program 2 is: through the AlaskaState Library.

Contact Rich Greenfield, 907-269-4611, or,

Anchorage New Online Library Training

FirstSearch/Cat April 18 @UAA

ILL April 19 @UAA

FirstSearch/Cat April 20 @UAA

ILL April 21 @ASD (AnchorageSchool District)

Fairbanks New Online Library Training
FirstSearch/Cat April 27 @UAA

ILL April 28 @UAA

Juneau New Online Library Training
FirstSearch/Cat April 12 @UAS

ILL April 13 @UAS

In addition, web seminars using Microsoft LiveMeeting are scheduled for May for new online libraries which are unable to attend Program 2. These two-hour sessions will be provided by OCLC on the following dates:

FirstSearch (ALNcat/WorldCat) Web Classes
Tuesday May 3 2-4 pm (AK))
Tuesday May 10 10-12 am (AK)
Wednesday May 18 2-4 pm (AK)
CatExpress Web Classes
Thursday May 5 2-4 pm (AK)
Thursday May 12 2-4 pm (AK)
Tuesday May 20 10-12 am (AK)

Registration for these web sessions can be made by calling or emailing

[need OCLC contact information] Registration is through OCLC Western at ,

or contact Tammy Bowers at 1-800-854-5753.