Input file interpretation
Each one of the ten input files consists of a number of data sections. We explain the structure and the meaning of them by using the input file 1.txt as an example. We present the sections of 1.txt followed by appropriate explanations. The same information is in effect for the rest of the input files.
- General / class section :
1(means that this file contains co-teachings. If the value is 0, then no co- teaching exists)
7 19(7 refers to the number of classes while 19 refers to the number of teachers. The numbering is zero based).
A1 35(A1 is the name of the class with number 0. 35 is the teaching hours per week of this class).
A2 35
A3 35
B1 35
B2 35
G1 35
G2 35(G2 is the name of the class with number 6. 35 is the teaching hours per week of this class).
- Teachers data section:
19_GYMN 1(19_GYMN is the name of the teacher with number 0. The 1 that follows the name indicates that this teacher is involved to co-teaching. If this value is 0 then the teacher is not involved to co-teachings).
3 1 1(3 means that the teacher teaches to the class with number 3, i.e. the class with name B1. The first 1 means that the teacher teaches for 1 hour a week to this class, while the next 1 means that he teaches 1 lesson).
-1(the value -1 signalizes the end of the assignments of classes to this teacher).
-1(-1 signalizes the end of the series of unavailability hours. It is obvious that there are no unavailability hours. Hence this teacher is available during the whole week).
1_MOUSIKOS 0(1_MOUSIKOS is the name of the teacher with number 0. The 0 that follows the name indicates that this teacher is not involved to co-teaching. If this value is 1 then the teacher is involved to co-teachings).
0 1 1(0 means that the teacher teaches to the class with number 0, i.e. the class with name A1. The first 1 means that the teacher teaches for 1 hour a week to this class, while the next 1 means that he teaches 1 lesson).
1 11
2 1 1
3 1 1
4 1 1
5 1 1
6 1 1(6 means that the teacher teaches to the class with number 6, i.e. the class with name G2. The first 1 means that the teacher teaches for 1 hour a week to this class, while the next 1 means that he teaches 1 lesson).
-1(the value -1 signalizes the end of the assignments of classes to this teacher).
14 15 16 17 18 19 20(these numbers represent the timeslots that the teacher is not available for teaching at school. If there is an absence of such numbers, then the teacher has no hours of unavailability. Note that these numbers belong to the interval [0, 34]. Hence, number 14 stands for the first hour of Wednesday , while number 20 stands for the last (seventh) hour of Wednesday.
-1(-1 signalizes the end of the series of unavailability hours).
15_GIMNASTIKI 1(15_GIMNASTIKI is the name of the teacher. 1 means that he is involved to co-teachings).
1 6 2(1 6 2 means that the teacher teaches at class with number 1, i.e. class with name A2, for 6 hours a week and 2 lessons).
2 0 0(2 0 0 means that the teacher teaches to class with number 2, i.e. class with name A3, for 0 hours a week and 0 lessons. At this point it is important to understand that this is a case of a co-teaching that refers to the class A3 which splits. Below, at the co-teaching section, there is a row like 12 15 6 2 22 (the third row of co-teachings section). This row means that the teacher with number 12, i.e. the teacher with name 12_AGGLIKA, co- teaches with the teacher 15_GIMNASTIKI for 6 hours a week and 2 lessons at class with number 2, i.e. the class A3. We conclude that it is about the class A3 from the last two 2's. We also conclude that class A3 splits because the number 2 is written twice. If we have a look to the data of teacher 12_AGGLIKA we shall see a line like 2 6 2 which confirms that teacher 12_AGGLIKA teaches to A3 for 6 hours a week and 2 lessons. On the other hand, as we mention above, the teacher 15_GIMNASTIKI has a row like 2 0 0, that actually means that this teacher is merely implied by the presence of his co-teacher (who is 12_AGGLIKA) and so there is the need to assign the teaching hours of co- teaching to only one of the co-teachers, i.e. the 12_AGGLIKA while the teacher 15_GIMNASTIKI is assigned zero hours and zero lessons. The reader should make clear the distinction of this kind of co-teaching with another different kind. For instance, at the co- teaching section, at the second row there is written : 12 15 6 2 0 1. That means that teacher 12_AGGLIKA co- teaches with teacher 15_GIMNASTIKI for 6 hours a also that both teachers have appropriate declarations which coincide with the declaration at co-teaching data: 12 15 6 2 0 1 . The teacher 12_AGGLIKA has the declaration: 0 6 2 and the teacher 15_GIMNASTIKI has the declaration: 1 6 2)
3 0 0(the same situation is in effect as above)
4 5 2
6 4 2
-1(the value -1 signalizes the end of the assignments of classes to this teacher).
-1(-1 signalizes the end of the series of unavailability hours. Obviously there are no unavailability hours).
- Co-teachings section
0 15 1 1 3 3(means that teachers with numbers 0 and 15 co- teach to class with number 3 for 1 hour a week and 1 lesson. If we take a look at the data of the teacher with number 0, i.e. 19_GYMN, and at the data of teacher with number 15, i.e. 15_GIMNASTIKI, we shall notice that these 6 hours of co-teaching are assigned only to 19_GYMN (see row 3 1 1 of 19_GYMN) while the 15_GIMNASTIKI is assigned zero hours and zero lessons (see row 3 0 0 of 15_GIMNASTIKI).
12 15 6 2 0 1(means that the teachers with numbers 12 and 15 teach for 6 hours a week and 2 lessons simultaneously to classes with number 0 (i.e. A1) and 1 (i.e. A2). Teacher 12_AGGLIKA teaches to class A1 while teacher 15_GIMNASTIKI teaches to class A2).
12 15 6 2 22
12 15 4 2 3 4
13 15 4 2 5 6
17 18 2 1 0 0
17 18 2 1 11
17 18 2 1 2 2
17 18 2 1 3 3
17 18 2 1 4 4
-1(signalizes the end of co-teaching section and the input file, too).