English Language Arts Writing Curriculum 9-12
The English Language Arts Writing Curriculum addresses the 2008 South Carolina English Language Arts Academic Standards; student work will be a performance-based reflection of mastery of these standards. Each curriculum item is directly correlated with multiple standards from the 2008 South Carolina English Language Arts Academic Standards. The HCS ELA Instructional Model for Student Engagement 9-12 is used to develop the writing process in order for students to meet the expectations of the writing curriculum and state standards. Students’ portfolios will exhibit growth over time in a way that is student-centered and focused on reflection and improving future writing.
- Teachers are expected to develop criteria, assignments, scaffolding, and rubrics honoring the writing process to address the HCS ELA Writing Curriculum for 9-12 (formerly titled “Evidence Folders”) for English I – IV Honors and College Prep courses.
- Teachers are expected to maintain classroom portfolios housing a collection of student work addressing HCS ELA Writing Curriculum for 9-12 (formerly titled “Evidence Folders”) for English I – IV Honors and College Prep courses.
- Teachers are expected to maintain classroom portfolios for the duration of the English I – IV course for the purposes illustrated below. Writing portfolios should be returned to the students at the end of the course.
Purpose of Portfolios:
Portfolios are collections of student work representing performances based on the English Language Arts Academic Standards. Portfolios can function to illustrate the range of assignments, goals, and audiences for which a student produced written material. In addition, portfolios can be a record of the activities undertaken over time in the development of written products. Maintaining portfolios of student writing allows teachers to monitor growth over time in a way that is student-centered and focused on reflection. Student portfolios could contain completed works, initial drafts and works-in-progress that illustrate the creation of a product, such as an essay, evolving through various stages of conception, drafting, and revision. Using portfolios in the classroom is an effective way to work with students on growing writing and improving future work.
Date / English II CP – Writing Curriculum1 -- Objective – Researching: Create a documentedresearch paper with evidence of the entire written, oral, and visual presentation process (including continuous teacher feedback), a minimum of 4 sources, and a Works Cited page. Formal documentation using a standardized system of documentation with internal citations must be used. [2008 ELA Academic Standards – E2-6 all, E2-4 all, E2-1.6, E2-2.4]
Assignment Title:
2 -- Objective – Producing Written Communications in a Variety of Forms: Create informational pieces (for example, resumes, memos, letters of request, inquiry, or complaint) that use language appropriate for the specific audienceusing all stages of the writing process. [2008 ELA Academic Standards – E2-5.1, E2-4 all]
Assignment Title:
3 -- Objective – Producing Written Communications in a Variety of Forms: Create narrative pieces (for example, personal essays, memoirs, or narrative poems) that use figurative language and word choice to create tone and moodusing all stages of the writing process. [2008 ELA Academic Standards – E2-5.2, E2-4 all]
Assignment Title:
4 -- Objective – Producing Written Communications in a Variety of Forms: Create persuasive pieces (for example, editorials, essays, speeches, or reports) that develop a clearly stated thesis and use support (for example, facts, statistics, and firsthand accounts) using the writing process. [2008 ELA Academic Standards -- E2-5.4, E2-4 all]
Assignment Title:
5 -- Objective – Understanding and Using Literary Texts: Write an essay that analyzes the effect of the author’s craft (such as tone and the use of imagery, flashback, foreshadowing, symbolism, irony, allusion, extended metaphor, oxymoron, pun, and paradox) on the meaning of literary texts. Essay exhibits evidence of all stages of the writing process. Embedded and documented supporting quotations are recommended. (Formative and evaluative feedback should be provided based on the SDE Extended Response Rubric.) [2008 ELA Academic Standards – E2- 1.3, 1.5, E2-1.4, E2-4 all]
Assignment Title:
6 -- Objective – Understanding and Using Literary Texts: Choiceformat that analyzes the impact and relationship among character, plot, conflict, point of view and theme in a given literary text [2008 ELA Academic Standards -- E2-1.2, E2-1.4, E2-1.6]
Assignment Title:
7 -- Objective -- Understanding and Using Literary and/or Informational Texts: Choiceformat demonstrating the ability to compare/contrast theses and ideas within and across texts to make inferences [2008 ELA Academic Standards -- E2-1.1, E2-1.7, E2-2.1, E2-2.2]
Assignment Title:
8 -- Objective – Using and Understanding Informational Texts – Choice formatanalyzing informational texts for bias, impact of text elements, graphic features, and/or propaganda techniques [2008 ELA Academic Standards – E2-2.3, E2-2.4, E2-2.6-- E2-2.8]
Assignment Title:
9 – Objective -- Producing Written Communications in a Variety of Forms -- Create technical pieces (for example, proposals, instructions, and process documentation) that use clear and precise language appropriate for the purpose and audience. [2008 ELA Academic Standards -- E2-5.5, E2-4 all]
Assignment Title:
10 -- Objective – Developing Written Communications: Use the writing process to create a multiple-paragraph composition that has an introduction and a conclusion, includes a coherent thesis, and use of support such as definitions and descriptions in response to an independent prompt. [2008 ELA Academic Standards -- E2-4 all]
Assignment Title:
11 – Objective – Producing Written Communications in a Variety of Forms -- Create descriptive pieces (for example, personal essays, travel writing, or restaurant reviews) that use sensory images and vivid word choice. [2008 ELA Academic Standards -- E2-1.6, E2-2.4, E2-5.3]
Assignment Title:
12 – Objective -- Developing Written Communications: Create a reflection piece that analyzes your growth as a writer in content and development, organization, voice and/or conventions. [2008 ELA Academic Standards – E2-4 all]
Assignment Title: