Innovative projects and programs in education № 6 (2012)
Author / Abstract, KeywordsStetsenko I.A.
Reflection-based model of teacher education / Abstract. The research observes the theoretical and methodological concepts of developing the reflection orientedpedagogic model in the system of higher pedagogic education. The main objective of the research is to develop theconceptual basis for the reflective pedagogic education.
The comparative pedagogic analysis applied in the theoretical part of studies allowed the authors to identify theoptimization parameters of reflection oriented pedagogic model. As the result, the author’s reflective model of pedagogiceducation is proposed incorporating the methodological bases (the main idea, contradictions, principles and approaches),standard and legal content and the list of quality requirements for a specialist. The given model can activate the content
of students’ vocational pedagogic training by introducing the reflective component.
Keywords: system of higher pedagogic education, model of vocational pedagogic education, reflection oriented
pedagogic education, components of reflective pedagogic education.
Lurie L.I .
Will oversee cooperate subjects of education? / Abstract. The paper is devoted to analyzing the challenging situation in educational institutions caused by thesupervising organizations interference. Tightening of their requirements leads to a profound gap between the declaredconditions and the actual reality of educational institutions. The supervising organizations are entitled to suspend and
eliminate the functioning of educational institutions, even with no adequate ground, while the educational authorities havethe formal right to recognize the work of unwanted headmasters as unsatisfactory; both phenomena being a concealedsigns of authoritarian tendency. In most cases, the founders of educational institutions and the local administration –
in case of municipal educational institutions – ignore their responsibilities of guaranteeing the proper conditions ofeducational process specified by the «Law of Education». Many schools, especially in the regions, are left alone to facetheir difficulties. The article emphasizes the fact that the parents’ sponsorship of educational institutions is prohibited as
violating children’s equal opportunity rights. The author suggests that any further requirements concerning the educationalinstitutions should be supplemented by the federal government’s actual financial commitment guaranteeing subventionsto the educational institution.
Keywords: cooperation, assessment, control, supervision.opportunity
Zhokhov A.L.
On culture professionals as the main landmark modernization of modern education / Abstract. The contemporary society as a whole and education as its subsystem responsible for the future are admittedto be in crisis. In such crucial periods of social upheavals the issue of the young generation upbringing, socializationand the world outlook formation is of grate importance, being the main objective of the educational process. The authorpresents the professional’s culture model integrating the systematic, personal activity and culturology approaches, andregarded as the reference point for the modern education.
The given model is specified by such components as informativeness, work experience, competences needed for theeffective professional activity and career development, and the culture dialogue. The ways of modernizing the educationalprocess at vocational training institutions are outlined, the problems related to the process considered.
Keywords: educational crisis, professional culture as the reference point for educational modernization, trends andbasic vectors of educational process, basic contents of the professional’s culture, informativeness (knowledge), experience(skill), culture dialog.
Antipina I.O.
Current approaches to the definition of relevant professional competencies of the principal in the national pedagogical science and practice / Abstract. The paper suggests the list of actual professional competences for the secondary school headmasters. Theresearch is based on the analysis of the contemporary approaches to the problem of quality assessment including thepublications of Russian scientists and teachers in the «Narodnoye Obrazovaniye» journal over the last decade, and the
actual Federal documents regulating the educational sphere. The research results can be applied by the Institutions ofFurther Training developing the curricula structures and contents for retraining the managerial staff, as well as refreshercourses, workshops and trainings. They can be also used by the developers of the municipal certification procedures forthe school management and headmasters looking for the self-development guidance.
Keywords: headmaster’s professional competence, professional development.
Builova L.N.
Formation of the system of professional teachers of additional education for children in Moscow nowadays / Abstract. The article substantiates the relevance and the initial positions of interaction between the pedagogic scienceand practice in the field of development and implementation of the structure-level model of further teacher training,giving as an example the experience of the Department of Children’s extra-curricula education at the Moscow Institute
of Open Education.
The presented model consists of the three stages of extra-curricula educational programs: the introduction to thepedagogy of extra-curricula education, professional growth and professional excellence.
The paper considers the specifics of educational process, formation principles of educational content, invariant anddivergent educational modules, training techniques for working staff, control forms (starting tests, current and finalcontrol).
The main emphasis is given on organizing the further training process; its stages, procedures, actions and forms beingoutlined, the ways of improvement discussed.
Keywords: further professional training, educational program for further professional training, further training,professional competence, legal competence, information competence, communication competence.
Novoselov S.A.,
Trifonova O. V.
Integrated development of creative abilities of students / Abstract. The paper looks at the development history of the new pedagogic form – the Young Inventors andInnovators’ Tournament – promoting creativity of the growing generation in Sverdlovsk region. The main emphasisis given on pedagogic facilitation, and organizational and methodical guaranteeing of the content relevance of the two
successive competition stages – the preparatory (external) and the basic (final). The authors’ methodology aimed atpromoting pupils’ technical creative activity, is proposed. The methodology is oriented on taking the maximum advantageof interrelations between the system of children’s additional education and universities in scientific, methodical and
organizationally pedagogic spheres. The content and organizational model of the Young Inventors and Innovators’
Tournaments based on the above methodology and approbated in Sverdlovsk region is given, as a means of complexdevelopment of pupils’ creative abilities.
Keywords: development of children and teenagers’ creative abilities, creativity developing technique, technical creativecompetition, scientific and engineering Olympiad, creative projects, heuristic methods, Young Inventors and Innovators’Tournament, children’s additional education.
Zeer E.F., Popova L.S. Influence of the level of creativity to overcome the barriers of professional development of teachers / Abstract. The paper summarizes the research findings concerning the influence of creativity on overcoming thebarriers of teachers’ professional development. The research subject includes defining the interrelations between thecreativity and professional burn-out. The aim of the studies is to find out the influencing factors of creativity eliminating
the destructive trends of professional pedagogic activity.
The methodology is based on the E. E. Simanyuk’s concept describing the destructive tendencies of teachers’professional formation and the constructive overcoming strategies.
The teachers’ refresher course at Sverdlovsk Regional Institute of Education Development was taken as the experimentalground for the research. The diagnostics of the psychological constructs relating to the discussed phenomena was carriedout by using tests of high validity and reliability. The modern methods of mathematical statistics were applied.
The research outputs are of high practical importance both for designing the content of teachers’ professionaldevelopment and upgrading their readiness for educational innovations.
Keywords: professional development, creativity, barriers of teachers’ professional development, teachers’ professionalburn-out.
Dorogina O.I. Psychological features of teachers with different levels of efficiency / Abstract. The paper considers the issue of teacher’s work capacity optimization. The research is aimed at definingteachers’ psychological peculiarities relating to their work capacity level and creating the assistance program for itsoptimization. In the course of the program implementation, its effectiveness has being proved, the low work capacity
being optimized by developing self-control, emotional stability and decreasing the aggressive reactions in frustratingsituations. The research findings can be applied while creating programs for teachers’ further training as well as forstudents training courses.
Keywords: professional activity, work capacity, teachers, psychological characteristics.
Sibirtseva E.A.,
Trenihina S.Y.
A resource center - primary school in networking / Abstract: This article describes the experience of the participants in networking to build an elementary school-level,which is a resource center for the partner schools on networking.
Keywords: networking, integration of resources, basic general education.
Eremeeva O.V.
General principles for selection of non-verbal communication within the socio-cultural approach in teaching a foreign language / Abstract. The nonverbal means of communication used in compliance with the linguistic and cultural norms allowboth verbal and nonverbal behavior adequate to the tasks of intercultural communication. The idea of using nonverbalcommunicative means is well-known in foreign language teaching techniques. However until now, the selection principles
for such communicative means within the socio-cultural approach have not been proposed by the native scientists.
The author singles out and describes the typology principles of nonverbal signals and the necessary knowledge ofthe nationally specific communicative base. The applied methods include the analysis and synthesis of physiological,pedagogical and methodological materials. Implementing the above principles gives way to incorporating the nonverbalmeans of communication into the process of foreign language teaching.
Keywords: nonverbal means of communication, etiquette, principle, intercultural communication, socio-culturalcompetence.
Poltoratskaya N.L.,
Solovyova G.V.
On the formation of the language culture of the future teachers / Abstract. The author dwells on the interrelation of culture and language, dialects of their development, referring onhis own experience of teaching linguistic subjects. The article contains the material about separate effective means ofteacher’s work at the lessons of Russian and speaking culture.
Keywords: the ecology of the language, speaking culture, non-standard vocabulary, orthoepic warming-up, slang andjargon, playing ironical text, reader’s reflexive position, language education.
Solovyova N.S.
Product names in the language system: some approaches to the problem of terminology / Abstract. This article is devoted to the problem of onomastic terminology describing names of goods in different traditions and languages. The problem begins from the question if this category is the category of proper names, as elements look quite different depending of the coordinate system that we choose. We find that there is no full compliance not only in the words, because the same word can mean different things and vice versa, but even in the volume of the notions described by this words. These differences could be explained by many reasons including historical ones, as the names of goods is not only the linguistic, but also economical, political and even sometimes moral fact. So very often the scientist has to think in the tradition which he couldn’t choose because it is determined by the language he speaks.
The international terms would help to unite linguists of all traditions, but at first the common coordinate system must appear.
Keywords: onomastic terminology compliance, the differences, the category of proper names, product names,language, the causes and factors.
Goudova M. Y.
Post-literacy as topical issues of contemporary culture / Abstract. The paper deals with the post-literacy phenomenon determining the modern culture of reading and writing.
The research objective includes tracing the historic roots of the phenomenon in question, specifying its actual forms and trends and proposing the strategy of solving the post-literacy problem.
The methodology of culture studies makes itpossible to identify such traits of the post-literacy phenomenon as co-existence of different cultural and historic forms of writing literacy, shifting the literacy dominant toward the computer forms and channel subversion of the literacytranslation.
In the context of culture studies, pedagogic culturology and the theory and practice of education and upbringing, the author makes a conclusion that post-literacy implies the ability to use all forms of writing required in the modern society.
Choosing the necessary literacy forms for teaching the young generation and organizing the computer literacy training for the elder generation, it is important to combine the achievements of classical book culture with those of the digitalinformation technology, i. e. the strategy of literacy teaching should be based both on effective civilizational and culture oriented approaches.
Keywords: post-literacy, literacy, writing, booklore.