Innovation Advisory Council for Wales

3rd March 2017, Lifescience Hub, Cardiff


Present: Ian Menzies (IM) (joint chair)

Kellie Beirne (KB) (joint chair)

Helen Swygart (HS)

David Notley (DN)

Martin Rhisiart (MR)

Jessica Jones (JJ)

Steve Smith (SS)

Sue Bale (SB)

Robin Williams (RW)

Apologies: Stian Westlake (SW)

David Wilkes (DW)

Andy Middleton (AM)

Secretariat: Alastair Davies (AD)

Philippa Costello (PC)

Guest Speakers: Ashley Cooper (AC) (REAP)

Rob Ashelford (RA) (Y Lab)

Agenda item / Action
1 / Welcome
IM welcomed council members to the 10th IACW meeting. The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed and approved.
AD advised that DR has taken up a new role within WG. IM thanked DR for his contribution and his championing of the Council.
IM noted that SW has left Nesta. Council thanked SW for his foresight and contribution.
Council members present were asked to indicate any direct or indirect conflicts of interest in the proposed agenda items. No new interests were recorded.
2 / NIB Update
CM International submitted the final report and business plan to IACW. Council support the findings of the report and the evidence base. It was agreed IACW will produce a summary document to accompany the commissioned report highlighting the IACWs thoughts and key messages. It will also outline how the NIB could be aligned with the upcoming Development Bank for Wales and the Hazlekorn Review. The IACW summary document will be sent to the Minister for her consideration along with the commissioned report and business plan. / IM and KB
3 / Hazlekorn Review and SACW Update
RW updated the Council on the recently published Hazlekorn Review, a review of post-compulsory education in Wales. RW highlighted 2 of the recommendations identified in the Review:
1.  Wales needs to develop a vision for post 16 education;
2.  Wales should establish a new authority called the Tertiary Education Authority which would be a single body overseeing regulation and co-ordination of post compulsory education.
RW commented that innovation is encompassed everywhere and in everything, especially in HE and FE. It was felt the NIB should feed into the Hazlekorn Review.
RW provided an insight into the Science Advisory Council for Wales (SACW) which advises the Chief Scientific Adviser. The current SACW comprises of representatives from Research Councils and are engaged in futures and horizon scanning in strategic areas. RW advised the Science for Wales strategy is currently being refreshed. RW commented that SACW have an interest in innovation and its application and closer links should be made between SACW and IACW.
4 / Guest Speaker – REAP – Ashley Cooper
AC updated the Council on the MIT Regional Entrepreneurship Acceleration Programme (REAP). The aim of REAP is to create more home grown profitable businesses, linking together innovation and entrepreneurship. It’s a 2 year initiative which consists of representatives from Government, Academia, Entrepreneurs, Risk Capital, and Corporates to drive the ecosystem. He explained Wales features in the 3rd cohort and the 4th wave will be starting shortly. AC presented the “Be the Spark” campaign which aims to bring together people who have great ideas with organisations and investors who can turn the ideas into reality.
5 / Guest Speaker – Innovate to Save – Rob Ashelford
RA updated the Council on the Innovate to Save program which is a 2 year program run by Y Lab and funded by WG. The program aims to generate more innovative proposals that improve services for people and generate cashable savings from within the public and 3rd sector in Wales. The program aims to give people time to carry out some R&D around the different ways of delivering services. RA advised there are 3 phases to the program:
1) Pre-application support;
2) R&D – grant funding is available between £5k - £15k with support from Nesta;
3) Implementation – support to implement, evaluate and scale new ideas which show the capacity to improve services and generate savings.
6 / Future of IACW
A discussion was held around the future of IACW, its positioning in a busy landscape and its purpose and offering going forward. It was agreed that branding and communication needs addressing and the need tor visibility. IM captured the discussion on mindmap.
KB to speak to Geoff Mulgan, Nesta about the possibility of him leading a strategy session in London to help advise IACW on a 12 -18 month plan going forward. / KB
7 / Workplans 2017
It was agreed the current workplan titles are the right ones to take forward. The issue so far has been attracting any resource to take forward the actions arising from the subgroups.
8 / AOB
KB is co-ordinating a response to the Industrial Strategy Green Paper on behalf of the City Deal. IACW to send any comments to KB who will co-ordinate responses.
The date for the next IACW meeting is scheduled for Friday 16th June, venue to be confirmed. / IACW