Innovating – learning – collaborating – excelling
Jurisdiction of the School Board
Section 1: Role of Students, Parents, School Personnel And School Policies
Section 2: Student Rights and Responsibilities
Section 3: Formal Disciplinary Actions
Procedures For Formal Disciplinary Action
saturday school
Detection Dog Use
Plagiarism Definition
Plagiarism Disciplinary Actions
Tardy Disciplinary Actions
Truancy Disciplinary Actions
School Attendance Philosophy
Attendance Requirements
Attendance Make-up
Notification to Parents
Consequences and Appeal
Make-up Work
Absence Procedure
Excused Absences
School-Sponsored Absences
Single Period Absences
Sick Room
Equal Education, Nondiscrimination & Sex Equity
Activity Cards
Activity Program Eligibility
Academic Letter
Athletic Letter
Club Letter
Activity Letter
athletic schedules
Graduation Requirements
Exchange Students
Early Check out
Schedule Changes
Teacher Change Policy
Eight-Period Block Schedule
Release Time and Home Release Privileges
Classroom Climate
Grading Scale
Citizenship Grades
Cashing Checks
Student Visitors
Cell Phones, iPods, and Other Electronic Devices
School Telephones
School Bulletin
School Safety
Fire Drill Instructions
Lock Down Instructions
School Driving and Parking Regulations
Rules And Regulations
Bus Disciplinary Procedures
Bus Conduct Zero-Tolerance
Student Body Officers
Student Officer Candidate Requirements
DANCES 2015 – 2016
Dance Rules
A/B Calendar…………………………………………………………………………………… 55
As a student at HillcrestHigh School, I believe that the reputation of my school and my success as a student depends upon my attitude and conduct.
I pledge at all times:
- to exhibit good citizenship, good sportsmanship, and concern for my fellow students;
- to strive for excellence in all my school endeavors and to do my best to support school activities;
- to be courteous, respectful, and cooperative with school officials, teachers, fellow students, and my community;
- and to be a positive example so that my years as a Knight of Hillcrest High School will be an inspiration for continued achievement and happiness.
Doug McLarenPrincipal
Josh HaggertyAssistant Principal (Last names A – K)
Corey TelfordAssistant Principal (Last names L – Z)
Barney GardnerAthletic Director
Deputy Kevin MartinResource Officer
Jen MackintoshOffice Secretary
Debbie KelleyRecords Secretary
Toby DurkulaAttendance
Jennifer McKayAttendance
Laurie May Bookkeeper
Kathleen ParsonsCounselor (Last Names A – G)
Shauna PolsonCounselor (Last Names H – O)
Jennifer PickettCounselor (Last Names P– Z)
Jo Eckersell Counselor Secretary
David Anderson / Language / 102Patrick Ashley / Math / 223
David Austin / Social Stu / 320
Joseph Bainbridge / Social Stu / 205
Donnie Baldwin / Math / 211
Mathew Barber / Science / 117
Scott Barr / PE/Health / Weight Room
LeAnn Bean / Math / 213
Larry Belnap / Science / 116
Amber Bigler / Science / 118
Brian Bingham / Language / 405
Camille Blackburn / Fine Arts / 319
Emalee Cannon / Language / 104
Drew Chapple / Math / 219
Dave Coffman / Fine Arts / 321
Shauna Crabtree / English / 108
Helene de Montaudouin / Language / 406
Clifton Davis / Debate / 301
Rebecca Denning / Math / 218
Ryan Dunnells / English / 100
Matthew Dyorich / Language / 404
Jeff Facer / Math / 212
Heath Ferguson / Social Stu / 207
Evelyn Freeman / Science / 113
Richard Gardner / PE/Health / 315.N
Randy Gleave / PE/Health / 315.W
Katie Gore / English / 112
Julie Griggs / Prof/Tech / 304
Robert Hagert / Social Studies / 204
Andrew Hansen / English / 107
Erica Harris / English / 150
Josh Hobbs / Art / 323
Linda Hostert / PE/Health / 315.D
Brandon Jackson / PE/Health / 315.S
Cody Jackson / Social Stu / 200
Kyle Johnson / Special Ed / 226
Bryan Johnston / Social Stu / 221
Emily Juckett / Social Stu / 403
Kari Karlson / English / 224
Thomas Kohler / Math / 222
Richard Landauer / Band / 317
Hope Larios / English / 105
Kimberly Larson / Art / 318
Scott Lords / Social Stu / 202
Zac Lords / Special Ed / 303
Nancy Love / Prof/Tech / 310
Jeff Marshall / PE/Health / 354
Cindy Monson / Prof/Tech / 300
Robert Neal / PE/Health / 308
CB Nelson / Science / 114
Bill Neuenschwander / Math / 225
Blaine Nite / Special Ed / 407
Amber Ovard / English / 106
Brett Patterson / Science / 216
Shawna Payne / Social Stu / 206
Scott Peterson / Social Stu / 305
Larry Prophet / Language / 103
Annie Reichelt / Science / 350
Debbie Schaefer / Library / LIB
Jamie Schlechten / Math / 217
KaReena Smith / English / 401
Kelly Sparks / Prof/Tech / 312
Michelle Suarez / English / 402
Tracy Trenkle / English / 110
Julie Tullis / Science / 115
Ben Walker / Prof/Tech / 203
Lynn Watson / Social Stu / 201
Bret Weber / English / 220
Natalie Woods / Math / 215
Syd Zohner / Prof/Tech / 307
Innovating – learning – collaborating – excelling
Laying the foundation on which futures are built.
- Students are the center of the learning process.
- All students can learn and meet high expectations.
- Quality educators, administrators, and supportive parents make the difference.
- Everyone in the school community is valued and treated with dignity and respect.
- The entire community is a valued contributor to our success as a high-performing school.
Last Revised May 2015
School rules published in this handbook are subject to such changes as may be needed to insure continued compliance with federal, state or local regulations and are subject to such review and alteration as becomes necessary for the routine operation of the school. Not all rules of behavior can be written and inserted in a guide book; however, we expect students to follow reasonable rules and not violate the rights of others.
*Complete Student Code of Conduct is available online:
Jurisdiction of the School Board
Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 students are subject to the rules and regulations of the District School Board while attending school during scheduled hours, during school-sponsored events and while being transported on school buses or other conveyances at public expense to and from school or school-sponsored events. In addition, School Board control may be extended to the immediate vicinity of the school whenever such conduct of students is deemed to be detrimental to the health, safety and/or welfare of the school community.
School Board jurisdiction also includes visitors to District schools when school is in session to ensure the safety and well-being of all students. All visitors shall report to the individual school principal’s office prior to entering hallways or classrooms. Failure to do so may be cause for removal and/or prosecution for loitering.
Effective learning in school requires discipline, which is defined as the absence of disturbances which interfere with the effective functioning of the school community, and the presence of a friendly and business-like atmosphere in which students and school personnel work cooperatively toward mutual goals.
Every student has the right to learn and every teacher has the right to teach.
Anything or anyone interfering with these rights should be corrected, or removed from class and/or the school.
Although increasing age and maturity should lead to students assuming greater responsibility for their actions and may require different types of disciplinary action, the procedures identified in this “Code of Student Conduct” shall apply to all Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 students.
To assist parents, teachers and administrators in maintaining an environment conducive to learning, the “Code of Student Conduct” will:
- Describe the roles of the parents, students, school personnel and school policies.
- Describe student rights and responsibilities.
- Identify classifications of violations and describe disciplinary procedures.
- Identify and standardize procedures for administering formal disciplinary actions.
Section 1: Role of Students, Parents, School Personnel And School Policies
Effective learning requires cooperation among parents, students and educators.
Section 2: Student Rights and Responsibilities
Students should understand that individual rights involve associated responsibilities, and that such rights are related to the health, safety, and welfare of the school community as a whole. Each school administrator is responsible for managing the school to which he/she is assigned, under the supervision of the Superintendent and direction of the School Board. The faculty and staff shall assist in the orderly operation of the school and shall help to assure the rights of students.
Section 3: Formal Disciplinary Actions
Work Assignments – Supervised activities for upkeep and maintenance of school facilities. Assignments will not disrupt student’s class schedule.
School Bus Suspension – Denial of the privilege of riding a school bus, based on misconduct occurring while the student is being transported at public expense.
Saturday School – Students who are truant or who are excessively tardy will be assigned to attend time on Saturdays as a consequence. See page 15 for more information.
In School Suspension – Provision of supervision at the school in a restricted environment.
Suspension – Temporary removal of a student from his/her regular school program for a period not to exceed five (5) school days.
Expulsion – Removal of the right and obligation of a student to attend public school under conditions set by the School Board, for a period not to exceed the remainder of the school year and one (1) additional year.
Administrative Hearing – A hearing conducted by an administrator appointed by the Superintendent and/or School Board.
School Board Hearing – A hearing by the School Board with the parent or guardian and school personnel both given an opportunity to speak before the Board.
Procedures For Formal Disciplinary Action
When formal disciplinary action occurs, a student will be notified of the charges, allowed to respond to the charges, and when possible be informed in writing of the disciplinary action that will be taken. Any time a referral is submitted that warrants formal disciplinary action, school officials will make a reasonable effort to contact the parent or guardian, either by written notice delivered by the student, by a telephone call, by the U.S. mail, or by other means.
The student is responsible for informing parent or guardian of all written communications from the school. Failure to so inform may result in further disciplinary action.
When disciplinary action reaches the level of denial of educational participation, the following procedures shall be followed for the protection of the student’s rights.
Level 1 – Minor Violations- These occurrences are considered minor in nature and should be dealt with by school building teachers and staff in consultation with the student’s parents/guardians.
- Normally, disciplinary actions for Level 1 occurrences will become progressively more severe if minor rule infractions persist. However, the teacher may choose a more severe consequence at any time based on the student’s past disciplinary record and may reduce disciplinary sanctions when warranted.
- If a parent/guardian or the student refuses to cooperate, then a detention may be invoked.
- When a before school or after school detention or SaturdaySchool is imposed on a student, the parent/guardian will be notified.
Rule Designation / Description / Suggested Interventions/Disciplinary Actions
S1:2 / Tardiness / Possible disciplinary actions include but are not limited to:
- Warning
- Student, teacher, and/or parent/guardian conference
- Parent shadow student
- Behavior management plan
- Conflict mediation
- Detention
S1:5 / Cheating/Plagiarism
S1:7 / Disrespect
S1:11 / Endangerment
S1:29 / Inappropriate Dress
S1:45 / Inappropriate Personal Property
S1:49 / Public Display of Affection
Level2– Intermediate Violations
- These occurrences are more disruptive than Level 1 violations, are disruptive to the educational environment, and require removal of the student from the classroom or activity.
- These violations are managed by the principal or his/her designee in consultation with the student’s parents or guardians when necessary and generally result in the student serving in-school detention, after-school detention, before-school detention, or SaturdaySchool.
- When a before school detention, after school detention, or SaturdaySchool is imposed on a student, the parent/guardian will be notified.
- The principal or his/her designee may choose a more severe consequence at any time based on the student’s past disciplinary record and may reduce disciplinary sanctions when warranted.
Rule / Description / Suggested Interventions/Disciplinary Actions
S2:3 / Absence / Possible disciplinary actions include but are not limited to:
- Removal from class
- Student and/or parent/guardian conference
- In-school detention
- Before-school or after-school detention
- SaturdaySchool
- Supervised school suspension
- Student work assignments (must have parental consent)
- Out-of-school suspension
S2:4 / Leaving Campus or Class without Permission
S2:6 / Insubordination –Failure or Refusal to follow School Rules and Regulations and/or Reasonable Directives of School Staff
S2:9 / Gambling
S2:14 / Assault
S2:15 / Battery
S2:19 / Provoking/Instigating Behavior
S2:21 / Harassment
S2:22 / Bullying, Intimidation, Cyber Bullying, or Menacing
S2:28 / Distribution of Nonschool-sponsored Materials
S2:30 / Knowingly Present
S2:35 / Possession and/or Use of Other Dangerous Substances or Materials
S2:36 / Display of Unsportsmanlike Conduct at an Extracurricular or Co-curricular Event
Level2– Intermediate Violations (Continued)
Rule / Description / Suggested Interventions/Disciplinary Actions
S2:37 / Disruption or Hazard on the Bus / Possible disciplinary actions include but are not limited to:
- Removal from class
- Student and/or parent/guardian conference
- In-school detention
- Before-school or after-school detention
- SaturdaySchool
- Supervised school suspension
- Student work assignments (must have parental consent)
- Temporary suspension
S2:38 / Forgery or Falsification of Information
S2:40 / Reporting False Information
S2:41 / Participation in Prohibited Clubs, Street Gangs, Fraternities and Sororities, or Similar Organizations
S2:42 / Use of Profane Language or Sexual Connotations
S2:43 / Use of Abusive or Sexually Explicit Language, Racial Slurs, or Obscene Gestures
S2:52 / Possession of Stolen Property
S2:54 / Petty Larceny
S2:56 / Inappropriate Use of Technology or Computers
S2:57 / Possession or Use of Paging Devices, Cellular Phones, and/or Other Electronic Communication Devices
S2:61 / Vandalism under $100
S2:63 / Impermissible Driving to School
S2:64 / Reckless Vehicle Use
S2:65 / Violation of Parking Rules
S2:68 / Possession of a Facsimile Weapon
Level 3– Major Violations
- Level 3 violations are major infractions managed by the principal or his/her designee and generally lead to in-school suspension, out-of school suspension, or disciplinary reassignment of the student.
- If a student is suspended, he/she will not be permitted on school premises or to attend any school activities regardless of location.
- The principal or his/her designee may choose a more severe consequence at any time based on the student’s past disciplinary record and may reduce disciplinary sanctions when warranted.
- Violations that are felony occurrences will be reported to law enforcement agencies.
Rule / Description / Suggested Interventions/Disciplinary Actions
S3: 8 / Hindering or Interfering with a School Function / Possible disciplinary actions include but are not limited to:
- Removal from class
- Student and/or parent/guardian conference
- Temporary suspension
- Extended temporary suspension
- Prolonged temporary suspension
- Referral to law enforcement agencies
- Supervised school suspension
- Recommendation for expulsion or denial of attendance
S3:10 / Conspiracy
S3:12 / Assault toward School Personnel
S3:17 / Disorderly Conduct
S3:18 / Fighting
S3:23 / Hazing or Initiation
S3:25 / Extortion
S3:27 / Distribution of Inappropriate Materials
S3:31 / Possession or Use of Tobacco Products or Paraphernalia
S3:32 / Use, Concealment, Possession, or Under the Influence of Alcohol
S3:33 / Use, Concealment, or Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, and/or Under the Influence of Drugs, Controlled Substances, or Unauthorized Drugs or Substances
Level 3– Major Violations (Continued)
Rule / Description / Suggested Interventions/Disciplinary Actions
S3:39 / False Alarm / Possible disciplinary actions include but are not limited to:
- Removal from class
- Student and/or parent/guardian conference
- Temporary suspension
- Extended temporary suspension
- Prolonged temporary suspension
- Referral to law enforcement agencies
- Supervised school suspension
- Recommendation for expulsion or denial of attendance
S3:44 / Stalking
S3:46 / Failure to Provide Legal Proof of Identity and Age
S3:47 / Failure to Provide Immunization Records
S3:48 / Failure to Permit a Lawful Search or Inspection by a School Official
S3:50 / Sexual Misconduct, Inappropriate Touching, Indecent Exposure, or Sexual Harassment
S3:51 / Sexual Acts
S3:53 / Robbery
S3:55 / Grand Theft
S3:60 / Trespassing
S3:62 / Vandalism in Excess of $100
S3:68 / Possession of a Weapon
S3:70 / Use of Mace or Chemical Agents
Level 4– Severe Violations
1.Level 4 violations are severe infractions managed by the principal or his/her designee and law enforcement agencies.
2.Students will be suspended and recommended to the Board of Trustees for expulsion.
3.If a student commits an offense that causes critical human injury, extensive property damage, or excessive school disruption, the Board may decide not to allow her/him to attend any school in the District, including LincolnAlternativeHigh School or TelfordAcademy.
Rule / Description / Suggested Disciplinary Actions
S4:1 / Arson / Possible disciplinary actions include but are not limited to:
1.Out of school suspension
2.Recommendation to the Board for expulsion
3.A minimum of a calendar year expulsion is required by law for firearm violations
4.Supervised school suspension
5.Any contraband will be confiscated
6.Law enforcement agencies will be immediately notified
7.Violators may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law
S4:13 / Battery of School Personnel
S4:16 / Aggravated Battery
S4:20 / Inciting to Riot
S4:24 / Kidnapping
S4:26 / Off-campus Commission of a Crime
S4:34 / Drugs and /or Alcohol Sale or Distribution
S4:58 / Bomb, Chemical, or Biological Threats
S4:59 / Threat with Intent to Kill
S4:66 / Purchase or Sale of a Weapon
S4:67 / Threat with a Dangerous Object or Weapon
S4:69 / Possession or Use of Firearms
S4:71 / Possession or Use of Explosives or Fireworks
S4:72 / Making or Planning a Bomb or Fake Bomb
S4:73 / Chemical and Biological Attacks
Students must attend class regularly and on time in order to receive the maximum benefit of the class. Those who skip class or come tardy to class present an unnecessary problem for themselves and the teacher.
Students who are truant or excessively tardy will be assigned SaturdaySchool by school administrators. Saturday School may also be assigned as a consequence for other discipline issues. The following guidelines apply for Saturday School.
- Be on time. SaturdaySchool hours are 8:00 a.m. to 12:00noon.
- Enter the school through the 350 hallway door and meet the supervising teacher by room 312.
- Bring schoolwork to do. No headphones, iPods, TV, cell phones, food, drink, talking, or sleeping.
- School service projects may be assigned during Saturday School.
- Students will not be released for Saturday athletic events during SaturdaySchool hours.
- Work schedules will have to be adjusted with your employer.
- Additional consequences will be assigned if a student fails to cooperate with these guidelines or the Saturday School teachers.
If a student does not attend Saturday School, other consequences will be assigned, including a second Saturday School, in-school suspension, and out-of-school suspension.