Applications must be submitted before 5pm on 15 August 2016.
Applications will be evaluated in August and September 2016, and results announced in October 2016.
Complete this form if you are applying for the skills and training funding in the Flexible Fund. To be eligible for this funding option, your organisation must have fewer than 50 employees.
You should read the Guidance Notes before starting your application. These include criteria for the funding options and instructions on how to complete this form.
If you have any queries or technical problems completing the form after reading the Guidance Notes, please contact CITB on
0344 994 4400 or
Please complete all fields
1. Organisation that would receive the funding:Organisation name
CITB registration number
2. Applicant’s contact details:
First name / Surname
Email address
Telephone number
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3. Project details:a). How long will the project take to complete? Months Weeks
b) What is the intended start date of the project?
c) What is the intended end date of the project?
d). Describe the project briefly and explain why you want to do it (max 250 words).
4. Evaluation:
Your application will be scored against the questions below. Each question contributes towards the total score and the percentage contribution is shown under each question. The Guidance Notes contain examples of the type of information you should include in your answers.
a). What skills and training initiatives will your project offer? The project should focus on skills and training to receive funding.This question is worth 25% of the total score.
b). What are the project’s objectives? These
should relate to the skills and training initiatives above.
This question is worth 25% of the total score.
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Activity Activity time frame Activity cost CITB contribution to costsPage 1 of 6
4d) If training providers have been engaged explain how you have tested the market place for value for money.? This question is worth 10% of the total scoreDeliverable and why it offers value for money Training provider Cost of activity
e). Who will benefit from the project? Select all that apply. This question is not scored.
Your business / ☐
Your existing workforce / ☐
Individuals who might join your business (e.g. students, jobseekers, people you are looking to train to recruit to your business) / ☐
Your wider sector and/or the wider industry / ☐
Other – please state who else will benefit from the project, if applicable: / ☐
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f). Explain how each group selected above will benefit from the project. This question is worth 20% of the total score.Your business
Your existing workforce
Individuals who might join your business
Your wider sector and/or the wider industry
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5. Declarations:For your application to be accepted, you must be able to answer ‘Yes’ to the following statements.
I/we are a CITB-registered employers and have less than 50 staff / Yes ☐I/we are up-to-date with our CITB Levy payments and Levy Returns / Yes ☐
I/we meet the core criteria for the skills and training funding outlined in the Guidance Notes / Yes ☐
I confirm this project will comply with the terms outlined in the skills and training Terms of Funding document / Yes ☐
If you answered ‘No’ to any of the statements
above, please explain why to help us assess your application:
(Optional) consent for promotional activity
Please tick to confirm that you are happy for CITB to use your company name and project details for promotional purposes. /Yes ☐
Application date – enter the date you submit this application:
Next steps:
Before we can approve your application for funding, you may be asked to provide further information, subject to the skills and training Terms of Funding.
Applications will be evaluated in August and September 2016, and results announced in October 2016.
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