Juan & Ivan Nunez Del Prado

Join us for a unique and rare opportunity to study with one of the world’s great Shamanic & Mystical Masters, Juan & IvanNuñez del Prado, the world’s leading expert on Q’ero mysticism, visiting Ireland for the second and possibly the last time in October/November 2016.

The Q’ero are the native people’s of Peru and the AndesMountains. They are the descendants of the High Priests of the Inca Empire, who hid themselves in the Andean mountains to escape the Spanish conquest of their empire. They remained hidden from the rest of the world for 500 years until discovered by Juan’s father, an anthropologist, in 1950. The Inca Empire was a shamanic civilization – laws, society and politics all organised along shamanic principles, the only such civilization known. The Q’ero retained this advanced shamanic knowledge in its pure form until their elders emerged to share this wisdom with the modern world.

As a 10 year old child, Juan was present at this first historic meeting between the western world and this ancient civilization, and has been studying under the Q’ero masters ever since. Himself an anthropologist like his father, he has combined their teaching with western ways of thinking to make the Q’ero teachings accessible to Europeans. Juan and Ivan have refined 30 years of training as a Q’ero shaman into two learning paths, classes and tours. Classes are done via three 2-day workshops, in which Juan teaches the refined energy work of the three Masters he studied under (Don Benito Q’oriwaman, Don Andres Espinoza, and Don Melchor Deza). These are what we offer in Ireland this November. The other side of the training takes place in Peru, using ancient Inca rituals which only work in their original locations, in a series of 3 one-week tours. The tours and the classes are independent, so you can do one without the other.

Modest and unassuming, Juan & Ivan have written no books, and sought no fame. Juan is an internationally recognized anthropologist and Jungian scholar, and has lectured at HarvardUniversity and the main Jungian Institute in Switzerland. He is accompanied in his teaching by his son, Ivan, who has studied shamanism alongside his father throughout his life, receiving his first initiation at the age of 7. Ivan is also a professional astronomer, who brings his scientific understanding to the energy work, and shows how the Q’ero cosmology is perfectly compatible with modern science.

Juan & Ivan Núñez del Prado are the only people alive today with the most comprehensive knowledge of the Inca religion, the Inca culture, the energy work of the Inca and all its myths today. These days, even young Q'eros seek him out to learn from him, which he considers a great honour and sign of appreciation. Juan has also studied within the Buddhist tradition and in 1993 received his Buddhist initiation from Lopon Lama Chechoo Rinpoche. He has also published theological papers showing the compatibilities between Christian doctrine and Q’ero morality.

Shamanism teaches the world is made of living energy, but most people work with the things this energy creates (the objects and people in our world), not directly with the energy itself. Students report Juan’s classes are very profound and give them the ability to perceive and work directly with this world of living energy. No previous learning or knowledge is necessary.


There are three 2-day classes. You can take any one class, or take all as a single 6-day training course followed by a 3 day master class which can be taken also following a full attendance at the first three modules. No experience of shamanism, reiki, or any other spiritual tradition is necessary.

Videos showing exercises from the workshops on YouTube:

Opening the eyes of mystical perception:

Cleansing the aura:

Juan speaks to power:

Power in the Andean tradition is a good thing. Really it is only the difference between things that you can do and things that you cannot do. We are not afraid of power. It is good to have power. If you have the power to love, you must demonstrate that power. If you claim to have that power you must show it by loving well. If you have the power to build a very large Saiwa,a column of energy, you must demonstrate this by using the power to some purpose.

Americans will be surprised to find out that the more energy you can give, the more you are open to receive an even more powerful energy. Your consumer society trains you to accumulate, but it is really the opposite of what you might think. You think power is something you must hold on to. This is not true, for the more you give away your power, the more Huaca, or sacred, you become. You are too concerned with keeping things. This is your biggest downfall. The surest way to gain is when you are able to exchange energy with another living system. This is what keeps you and Pachamama alive.

Look at it on a simple level. When you appreciate someone, you are giving them some of your living energy. Receiving your energy, they will have more and be better able to give you some back later. This is a natural self-sustaining process of interdependence. When fruit ripens it wants to be picked and eaten by animals and people. Fruits are the kisses of Pachamama, she wants to give them to her children because of her great love. The fruit sustains the body of the person or animal, and the seeds can go into the ground through the faeces of the animal, and the fruit can live again in another place on the Earth. So by eating her fruit you are helping to keep her alive. We keep nothing. We are here in the Apache to learn to do Ayni. We must become good at Ayni.

Special Note to Four Winds graduates and other mesa carriers: Juan’s training is completely compatible with Alberto’s teachings, and with other schools of Quechan training. You will find it closer to the traditional Quechan methodology than many teachings, that it will deepen your relationship with your mesa and enhance your connection to the Lineage.

Inka 101: Phana Energy Path (mystical)

October 28 – 29 October 2017

  • Overview of the Cosmo-vision and Worldview of the Andean tradition
  • Explanation of right (mystical) and left (magical) sides of the Path
  • Seven levels of the Andean Path as they correspond to the levels of spiritual and psychological development of the human, including the ‘blossoming’ potential inside everyone: the Inka Seed
  • Explanation of the Inka Energy System, including the seven eyes and four belts of energy which make up the personal energy field
  • How to empower your energy field with light energy and transform the heavy energy in your system to light
  • Detailed description of Inka Prophecy as passed down to Juan from the 4th level Masters of the Q'ero and Huascar lineages and what they portend for humanity and your part in the prophecy
  • Harmonise the male/female energies – the core of Inka philosophy; yanantin/masintin
  • Receive the Ayni Karpay Initiation into the 4th level; a transmission by Juan which will power your personal and spiritual development
  • Experience the Misha Chakuy ritual connecting you to the spiritual line of teachers of the 4th level in Andean tradition
  • Learn the instructions passed from Don Benito Q'oriwaman of Wasao, Juan's first and most import an indigenous teacher; a direct descendant of the last Inka, Huaskar Inka

Inka 102: Chaupi Energy Path (catalyzer)

October 30 - 31, 2017

Experience the knowledge and practices Juan learned from Don Andres Espinoza, powerful healer from Q'ero.

  • Develop harmonious and loving relationships with others, and to connect to the energies of Nature.
  • Experience the Chumpi Away and Nawi Kicha rituals of opening and activating the energetic center; a ritual releasing all ties to energies that are not yours, cutting cords and giving back that which is no longer needed.
  • Open the ‘eyes’ of perception in your energy bubble to connect with the energies of Water Earth, Sun and Wind to empower you.
  • Experience an impressive series of exercises which open the heart centre and circulate energy into the group, steadily growing the energy of the heart - Munay, the integrated power of love and will for collective healing
  • Touch the moment of your conception (Wiñay) and the moment of your of death (Wachay). This will lead you to life’s mystery, letting go of fear and connecting with your heart, releasing the past and seeing into the future.
  • Experience the feeling of a totally intact energy body, with all of your energetic ‘eyes’ open! A total sense of well-being and authenticity

Inka 103: Lloq'e Energy Path (magical)

November 01 - 02, 2017

Learn the skills of Juan's famed Lloq'e Master, Don Melchor Deza, which will enable you to develop your 'magical' powers - intuition, creativity and will.

  • Align, create and manifest your own reality and healing.
  • Learn the ultimate act of personal power: the power to act; to make manifest in your life, using spirit guides who lend their qualities to enhance your power to see, speak, feel, move and act authentically
  • Choose and deepen your relationship with your spirit guides who assist you in developing power to act in powerfully in different areas of life
  • Strengthen your seven powers, culminating with the force of the Amaru, the most basic power of the earth, the serpent power of the Andean tradition

Master Class

November 03, 04, 05, 2017

A continuation of the series, requiring attendance at the previous 3 workshops.

Juan teaches the knowledge he gained from his Bolivian teacher, Tata Lorenzo. This training focuses on working with different levels of consciousness to clear our energy and heal old wounds.

You will learn how to work with the energy of past and future, and different forms of group (or community) energy.

You will also work on broadening your horizons, learning to expand your consciousness by linking your essence, your Inka seed, with cosmic elements, including the black light, the Earth, the Sun, the stars, and the Milky Way.

The workshop will also incorporate some modern western teachings from physics, astronomy and the psychology of Carl Jung

You must have taken all of the first three workshops to attend the Master Class. If you took only some classes last year you are welcome to take the one's you missed and then join the Master Class.

Juan and Ivan Nuñez del Prado

Juan is the foremost expert in the world on the Andean mystical tradition and the Q’ero Indians of Peru. As an Anthropologist, mystic, and past University professor, he is one of the most important spiritual figures in South America. His father, Oscar ‘discovered’ the Q’ero, the last direct descendants of the Inka in 1949. Since 2005, Juan has worked together with his son, Ivan, who has been a student of the Andean Path since seven years old, being initiated in Q’olloriti, one of the most powerful sacred sites in the Andes (it is said that you can never be a powerful Paq’o until you have ‘presented yourself’ to Lord Q’olloriti at least once). Working as a team, they model the powerful Inka concept of yanantin, the harmonious relationship of different elements.

More details about Juan Nuñez del Prado...

The Hatun Karpay Initiation

In the Andes it is believed that you are born with an Inka Seed, a seed of personal potential that is waiting to be awakened, fed and nurtured. An initiatory experience provides the tools for the birthing and sprouting of this seed, an opportunity to move your spirituality from something abstract to something that is ‘real’ as you learn the energetic practices and apply them to your life.

Through involvement in the Andean practices you are changed – from being someone who has ‘forgotten' yourself to someone who remembers.’ You are being ‘called’ to participate in a "Great Initiation" (or Hatun Karpay) as they say in the Andes.

Indigenous peoples have a wisdom for which Westerners are longing. The Hartun Karpay initiation makes this wisdom accessible by waking up your personal potential, leading you into a richer, deeper experience of your life. As transitions and challenges present themselves, you move more gracefully toward your authentic self, setting a trajectory aligned with your values through a clarity and appreciation for your own personal power and the life that is in front of you.

The Hatun Karpay Initiation offers practical tools for interacting with nature, understanding its relevance in your life and experiencing your place in the world. The Hatun Karpay initiatory experience has been practiced for hundreds of years in the Andes by the Q’ero Indians, the direct descendants of the Inka and the prophets and visionaries of the Andes. They are considered to be the Keepers of Ancient Wisdom of the Inka and of the Inka Prophecies.

The Hatun Karpay Initiation will assist you to:

  • Connect with living energy to enrich and nurture your being
  • Access clarity and strength to live the life you were destined to live
  • Resolve conflict and disperse heavy energy
  • Meet and overcome fears with courage and compassion
  • Develop personal power and spiritual authority from within
  • Integrate and harmonize your inner masculine and feminine
  • Develop and access inner resources not experienced before
  • Feel healthy, vital, happy and balanced
  • Experience peace, harmony and belonging in everyday life

Times: 9.30am - 6.00pm.


GreenTaraCollege, Navan.


Inka 101 - 103

€245 per workshop, or €695 for the whole 6-day training.

Master Class


All classes (Inka 101-103 + Master's)


Due to high demand, places can only be reserved by full payment in advance.

How to Book

If you decide to go ahead and book the procedure is as follows:

Drop us an email,

We take credit/Debit card or bank payments
We have a sterling account also if that’s easier

Contact or go to

I’ll send you details etc

Regards Majella

GreenTaraSpiritualCollege 00353469060600