Media Computation Initial Participant Survey

Thank you for participating in this study. Your individual responses will be kept confidential and WILL NOT affect your grade in this course. Please fill in each oval completely and be as honest and accurate as possible.

Demographic Information

1. What is your gender?

O Female

O Male

2. In which department is your major?

O Art

O Communication

O Creative Writing

O Criminal Justice

O English

O History

O Languages & Linguistics

O Music

O Philosophy

O Political Science

O Psychology

O Sociology & Anthropology

O Theatre, Dance & Film

O Other (non Liberal Arts)

3. What is your ethnicity?

O Asian, not from Indian subcontinent

O Asian, from Indian subcontinent

O Caucasian

O African American

O Hispanic

O Other or mixed

4. What year are you?

O 1st (undergraduate)

O 2nd (undergraduate)

O 3rd (undergraduate)

O 4th or more (undergraduate)

O Graduate

Prior experiences

5. Have you programmed a computer before?

O Yes

O No

6. Which programming languages have you used (fill in all that apply)?

O None O Scheme

O Java O Python

O C/C++ O VisualBasic

O Other: ______

6. How many semesters of computer programming courses did you complete in high school?

O 0 O 4

O 1 O 5

O 2 O 6 or more

O 3

7. How many years of math courses did you complete in high school?

O 0 O 4

O 1 O 5 or more

O 2

O 3

8. How many years of science courses did you complete in high school?

O 0 O 4

O 1 O 5 or more

O 2

O 3

9. How many semesters of computer science courses have you completed in college?

O 0 O 4

O 1 O 5

O 2 O 6 or more

O 3

9. How many semesters of math courses have you completed in college?

O 0 O 4

O 1 O 5

O 2 O 6 or more

O 3

10. How many semesters of science courses have you completed in college?

O 0 O 4

O 1 O 5

O 2 O 6 or more

O 3

11. Rate your experience with image manipulation tools (e.g. Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, etc.)

O No experience

O Beginner

O Intermediate

O Advanced

12. Rate your experience with sound/music manipulation tools (e.g. Sound Forge, ACID, etc.)

O No experience

O Beginner

O Intermediate

O Advanced

13. Rate your experience with video manipulation tools (e.g. iMovie, Adobe Premiere, etc.)

O No experience

O Beginner

O Intermediate

O Advanced

Attitudes: Please use the scale below to rate the following statements.

Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
14. Compared to students in this class, I feel I know a lot about computers. / O / O / O / O / O
15. I am confident in my problem solving ability. / O / O / O / O / O
16. I am confident in my ability to persist until a solution is found. / O / O / O / O / O
17. I am confident in my ability to meet unexpected challenges with success. / O / O / O / O / O
18. I enjoy being challenged by seemingly unsolvable situations or problems. / O / O / O / O / O
19. I am confident in my leadership ability. / O / O / O / O / O
20. I am confident in my math ability. / O / O / O / O / O
21. I am confident in my science reasoning ability. / O / O / O / O / O
22. I believe computer science is about using application software. / O / O / O / O / O
23. Computer Science and programming are the same thing. / O / O / O / O / O
24. I took this course to see what computer science is all about. / O / O / O / O / O
25. I seek help in class before I become very frustrated. / O / O / O / O / O
26. I am not afraid to ask for help. / O / O / O / O / O
27. I discuss difficult assignments and/or detailed lectures with friends. / O / O / O / O / O
28. I am looking forward to this class. / O / O / O / O / O

Open Ended Questions

29. What do you hope to get out of this class?

30. What does computer science mean to you?

31. Other comments: