(for continuing students)
Deadlines: Fall, August 1; Spring, January 1
1. Name: ______
First Middle Last
2. Home Seminary (if different)
Address: ______Address: ______
Phone: ( )______Phone: ( )______
3. Date of Birth______Single Engaged Married Spouse’s Name______
4. If engaged, give full name, age, and address of fiancée, and anticipated date of marriage:______
5. Children: (name and age) ______
6. Local church of which you are a member: ______
church city
7. References:
Pastor Laymen Professor (in major field of study)
Complete Address Complete Address Complete Address
8. Education: ______
9. Name of seminary or graduate school you plan to attend.
10. Date enrolled: ______Date of Graduation: ______Degree Being Earned:______
Curriculum Major: ______Semester hours now completed: ______
Semester hours now being taken: ______Anticipated date of availability for assignment by church:______
Will you be a full-time student? ______
11. Along with this application enclose a copy of your last grade report. (Need not be an official transcript)
I hereby apply for scholarship assistance from the Missionary Church while pursuing an approved course of study at:
______during the _____-_____ academic year.
Name of Institution Semester year year
______Signed ______Date
Please direct this application to:
Missionary Church, Inc
ATTN: Scholarships
PO Box 9127
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46899