Ingham Co. 4-H and FFA Livestock Committee Meeting Minutes –June 2013
The Livestock Committee met June 26, 2013 at the Hilliard Building in Mason, MI.
Those in attendance were Penny Jezuit, Sierra Jezuit, Jim Byars, Val Jackson, Jan Kelly, Cait Carpenter, Corinne Carpenter, Betty Jo Nash, Taylor Ostrander, Hollie Dietz, Sandy Dargatz, Jan Northrup, Dan Dunsmore, Tom Sterle, Jerry Schneider, Logan Schneider, Tim Jackson, Stan Moser, Rob Reid, Phil Hutchinson and Jean Fierke.
The meeting was called to order by President Tim Jackson at 7:00 p.m.
Tom moved to approve the agenda, Penny seconded, motion carried.
Secretary’s Report:
Jean had emailed the minutes to the committee earlier and they were also handed out at the meeting. There were a few small corrections.
Tom moved to approve the minutes, Jerry seconded, motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Jim handed out the report.
Tom moved to approve the minutes, Val seconded, motion carried.
Report from the Fair Manager, Sandy:
· The North and South camping arrangements are done, everyone has a spot.
· Camping as a group is allowed on the South end.
· The main arena is ready for a mock setup.
· There are new poultry coops, new cavy cages, and a new duck pen with gate.
· They are processing the last entries, and will have animal numbers in 8-10 business days.
· The setup is finalized with the goat council.
· There will be new fabric covers for the North end barn, roll-up with shade cloth.
· They are turning the barn A fans to face North.
· Camping is upgraded next to the barn A.
· New signs are up.
· There are more misting fans for people.
· A hoop house will be put up next to the South commercial barn but won't be until Oct or Nov.
· There will be new 50 amp poser for vendors.
· They're looking into new head for the winter for the main arena.
· The rabbit barn windows will be fixed.
· The main arena windows will have a mesh.
· Dr. Keta Frias (sp?) will be the veterinarian on the ground. It's asked that we respect their decisions.
Committee Reports
Meals: Linn reported via Tim.
The meals won't be served until 5 p.m. People are needed to serve drinks. Rob suggested that we wrangle up enough kids. Taylor volunteered to organize this. And the superintendents should bring this up to their kids.
The livestock committee would like a tent on the North side of the arena building for the meals.
Registration: Amy Wilcox – absent. Betty Joe will send out a list of who we need to sork the lines. There was a discussion about allowing Wilson Farms to buy. They will not be sent a letter.
Large Animal Sale: Phil Hutchison – He has auctioneers but needs ringmen. Betty Jo needs a list for passes. He liked the location of the ring last year. There will be 2 semis for load out, and a 3rd for hogs. Load out will start 5 a.m. Sun morning. Jan will have a computer there.
Small Animal Auction: Jennifer Mogyoros absent. Holly said that Jennifer is looking for an auctioneer (one was found after the meeting – Bob Howe).
Publicity: Rob Reid – after the meeting Rob emailed that a photographer has been found. There will be 30 shots of the champions and additional photos for kids to give to the buyers. The Lansing State Journal and Stockbridge Suntimes will advertise before the sale and will have a big ad after the sale with all the champions and buyers. This will reach 150,000 households. Betty Jo pointed out that the photographer needs to follow the list she handed out in the agenda. The superintendents should decide on a spot for a photo backdrop. They will get 2 pipes and draping from the MSU Pavilion. Champion photos should be taken on showday – move the backdrop into the ring.
Sandy still needs a quad-fold ad for her Fair brochure. Jean created one and emailed it to her after the meeting.
Computer Entry: Jan Northrup - We have the data. She will be in the 4-H headquarters the 1st part of Sunday. The lists will be done Sunday night. Class breaks done on Monday. Jan has handed out a list of what's expected of superintendents in the agenda. Jan requested the superintendents' cell phone numbers.
Finance: Rob Reid – Asked about the sponsorships. Sandy has started talking with Meijer and will deliver brochures to them.
1) Homegrown Classes:
Tom passed out a handout with the definition. We clarified that “immediate family” means parents or grandparents. And Record Keeping be added as a requirement.
Jan moved to approve the definition, Dan seconded, motion carried.
2) Directional Committee Report:
Sandy and Tim met. Goals must still be defined. The Objective is to determine how we want to grow, and what projects. How we can increase participation. Phil stated that we started by being responsible for just the Large and Small Animal Sales. Then we started handling funding. Betty Jo is organizing a Fall Goals -All Councils Meeting which should help us make these decisions.
3) Biosecurity
Betty Jo passed out one copy per species, of the policy. There will be handwashing stations, a fair veterinarian. Barns will be sanitized after the cages are setup, so decorations should be planned for later.
4) Scholarships
Betty Jo heard from Amanda. The application will be the same as last year's. She will give 3 copies to the superintendents to hand out. They will be due the 25th of July with interviews the 27th. Jim stated that we have enough money in the account ($7,400) to allow for an increase.
Jim moved to have the Livestock Committee provide for four $250 scholarships. Rob seconded. Phil made a friendly amendment that there should be four scholarships at $500 each, The motion was approved.
5) Buyer plaques and banners. Betty Jo handed out a list with what needs to be ordered highlighted. Deb Miller is waiting for the go-ahead. She has permission to order what's needed.
6) Air Conditioner. Tim will purchase the stand-alone air conditioner for the main arena office.
1) Tent on the North side of the Main Arena for Linn - It should be about 20 x 40 ft. Sandy will look into providing temporary easy-up canopy.
2) Buyer Letters -
Betty Jo said we will use the traditional buyer letter that will have their number, a brochure and a “support your 4-H / FFA kids and donate $8 at the gate” note. There will be 2 gate tickets and coupons for meals. There will be extra tickets at the gates. Those that haven't bought for the last 2 years will be removed from the mailing list. Betty Jo needs to update the paddles. Phil said that there should be a note that all swine are terminal.
3) Grievance Committee for Fair:
1) Tim
2) Tom
3) Jerry
4) Betty Jo has requested a trifold poster about the committee for Fair. Jean will create one.
5) Staff Update – Betty Jo – She went over the listings in the Cloverleaf newsletter.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Fierke, Livestock Committee Secretary, 7/14/2013