Infusion of Literacy into the Science Curriculum

Book Information

Title / Swirl by Swirl: Spirals in Nature
Author / Joyce Sidman
Publisher / Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Copyright Year / 2011
IBN# / 9780547315836
Summary / This beautifully illustrated picture book (by Caldecott winning illustrator Beth Krommes) examines spirals or swirls that occur in nature. Featured plants, animals, and natural phenomena (such as tornados) are subtly captioned. An author’s note describes each type of spiral feature in more detail including the concept of the Fibonacci sequence.
Availability / ACPL (Aurora Hills; Central; Cherrydale; Columbia; Glencarlyn; Shirlington; Westover) APS Library system (Arlington Science Focus; ATS; Ashlawn; Campbell; Drew; Glebe; Jamestown; Key; Long Branch; Nottingham; Oakridge; Randolph; Stratford; Tuckahoe); Amazon (for purchase).

How can the book content be infused into the science curriculum?

Grade Level / K-5
Strands / Scientific Investigation, Reasoning and Logic; Matter; Earth Patterns, Cycle, and Change; Life Processes; Living Systems
Kindergarten / Matter
K.4; K.5- Physical properties; water
Earth Patterns, Cycles, and Change
K.9; K.10- Patterns; weather, animal/plant growth, routines, change
Grade 1 / Life Processes
1.4; 1.5- Plants & Animals- needs, parts, characteristics
Grade 2 / Scientific Investigation, Reasoning and Logic
2.1- Measurement, classification, graphs, unexpected data
Grade 3 / Scientific Investigation, Reasoning and Logic
3.1- Making predications and observations, data charted, drawing conclusion
Life Processes
3.4- Animal adaptations
Earth Patterns, Cycles, and Change
3.8; 3.9- Animal/plant life cycles, water cycle, phases of the moon
Grade 4 / Life Processes
4.4- Plant anatomy, reproduction, photosynthesis
Grade 5 / Scientific Investigation, Reasoning and Logic
5.1- Classification key, measurement, graphing data, variables
Living Systems
5.5- Characteristics for organism’s survival; cell structure/function

Sample Activities

Grade K / Before reading the book describe the shape of a spiral. Explain that the spiral or swirl shape can occur in the natural world. Read Swirl by Swirl. After reading the book have students discuss some of the swirls they observed in the book. Ask the students if they can give any examples of swirl patterns that they have seen in nature. If time permits, have students go on a nature walk to look for swirl patterns in nature. Have them record their observations in a journal or on a piece of paper and clipboard.
Grade 4 / After reading Swirl by Swirl to the class, read the author’s notes in the back of the book. Discuss the examples of how swirls or spirals can occur in plant anatomy and how the spiral structure might allow the plant to adapt to its environment. Students can take time to observe patterns in plants outdoors, taking pictures with cameras, iTouches or iPads. The images can then be used to create a class book on patterns in plant anatomy or physical characteristics. As a bonus activity, see if students are able to find examples of the Fibonacci numbers in plants.