Poem #6

Narrative Poem

“The Raven” – pg. 940

v Complete questions 2, 3, 4, 5

v List at least 3 poetic devices found in the poem (Name the literary device and list the example from the poem.) EX: Simile – “And the river flows like a stream of glass” - Line 4 (from “Sympathy”)

v Rate the poem on the following scale accompanied by a 1-3 sentence specific explanation for the rating.

Approval Rating Scale:

Liked it! It was ok. UGH! Did not like it!

Home Work Activity: Paraphrase the poem “The Raven” stanza by stanza.


Find a song that illustrates the theme, mood, and situation of “The Raven.” Explain the connections you see between the song and the poem, and include a copy of the lyrics.


Find a piece of art work that illustrates the theme, mood, or situation of “The Raven.” Explain the connections you see between the art work and the poem, and include a copy of the art work or at least the title of the work and the artist’s name