Session 130 Compliance Training
Infrastructure and technology solutions:
MetLife: have one global LMS (Success Factors)
-Challenges for global companies:
- Server access, poor infrastructure w/in certain countries, some don’t have email, bandwidth
-Not a magic bullet
-Be thoughtful about how you set up the data
- Completions
- Time people spend
- Be engaged in the business
-Support – regional support model
- FAQs for each launch
-Learn from your launches
Johns Hopkins:
-Implemented a helpdesk for LMS – “Fresh Desk”
-Uses Service Now for helpdesk tickets
- 5-8 questions per month on assignments
State Street Global Advisors:
-Doesn’t have an LMS
-Doesn’t have the technology to track helpdesk issues
-Everyone is assigned everything
Course Vendors:
-When there are issues, where do you go?
- Sometimes it’s a vendor issue but generally it can be managed internally.
- Multiple browsers, broken links, Flash not updated, etc. Need to be involved in troubleshooting
- Be very selective with vendors. They need to be agile and adaptable. Launch in compatibility mode.
How to help people behave compliantly?
$32.1 billion in fines in the banking industry. Use videos with executives (use humor as well). Need to go back to basics. Get the business to deliver it with a facilitator.
Integrate enterprise risk culture into all of the learning. Empower 8000 agents to be real managers. We can create elearnings that are relevant and change behavior.
"You train animals, you train for sports, but people learn"
-Build or buy methodology
-Always need to customize
-When compliance builds the training often not engaging or relevant to the learner so retention is low
-Ensure you are solving the right problem
-Convince SMEs that less is more
-Technology using AI and semantic filtering – better course design
-Assess people at the front end and throughout
-Show early demonstration of proficiency (read and acknowledge structure)
Making elearning effective:
-incorporate job aids
-make relevant
-use other forms of communication - articles and social media
"Engage, Educate, and Empower"
-“Why Draw”
-Created a portal – Knowledge Now
- Expert corner – 30-60 second videos
- Consumerized
-Focus on procedural control training
For agents, sometimes ILT in the field (“old school”) due to lack of access to LMS
Do not overwhelm the learners:
-What's required?
-What are the key behaviors?
-Prioritize the risks (focus on the top 5 inherent risks)
Curated by Deb Carr