School of Information Studies
INFOST(350-201): Introduction to Application Development
Instructor: Matthew Friedel Location: NQ - 3565
E-mail: Phone:414-502-8526 (Google Voice)
Hours: by Appt. Fax:414-229-6699
Meeting Time & location: ONLINE - 06/12-07/22 – Summer 2017
This course introduces the fundamentalconceptsof programming. Basic programming concepts will be explained, analyzed, and practiced.
This course introduces the basic concepts in computer programming. These concepts include program logic, structure, variables and data types, making decisions, looping, functions, classes, objects and arrays.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- Explainfundamental programming concepts.
- Learn to analyze a task and come up with a design for it based on the provided information
- Implement the design by writing the code for the design.
- Explain the login behind the code and also the structure of the program.
- Test the code and make sure that the overall design is ready for a release.
- Microsoft Visual C# Step by Step (8th Edition) (Developer Reference) 8th EditionISBN-13: 978-1509301041
- We will be using Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Ultimate edition in this course to write and test the software code.
Lectures, discussions, individual assignments.This course is offered onsite and/or online.
If you are a student with any special needs, please discuss them with me ASAP. If any student cannot meet deadlines, let me know before the due date.
SCHEDULE: (subject to change)
- Post all your assignments, discussions and other course related material on time. No late work (assignments, projects, tests, etc.) will be accepted. Unless an emergency is involved, then the student must contact the instructor as soon as possible.
- All work must be submitted by uploading ALL the files for your program compressed (.zip) Incorrectly submitted files will not be accepted and will result in a grade of 0.Submit zip file only! No .rar or other formats. Please check to make sure all files where included in folder. Empty zip files will be given a zero!
- The instructor will provide any assistance upon the students’ inquiry. However, the student is responsible for his/her own effort to complete the assignments.
Information Technology is an evolving industry that requires individuals that are resourceful and are able to collaborate with others to solve problems. Students are required to learn and solve any problems with other learners, using the instructor as a last resource.
Contacting the Instructor & Email Procedure:
1) First post your question on the Discussion Board on D2L.Your fellow students may be experiencing the same problem. They may be able to address issue immediately or will benefit from the discussion. Do not attach your source code to the Discussion Board.
2) If your issue is still not resolved, then send your instructors an Email. You may attach source code to the Email for your instructors to review. Your instructors check the Discussion board and Message daily.
Email is the primary of communication.
All personal communication between the instructor and student will be conducted using the Email. Students are required to check their Email at least twice a week on non-consecutive days.
The instructor will check Email at least once a day during the normal school week when school is in session. The instructor will reply within 24 hours to all Email sent Monday - Thursday and will reply by Monday afternoon for all Email sent Friday - Sunday during the semester when school is in session unless notified by the instructor.
When sending an Email it is the student's responsibility to ensure that a reply has been received from the instructor within 24 hours if sent Monday - Thursday and by Monday afternoon if sent on a weekend. If a reply has not been received, the student is to resend the Message indicating that it is a resend. Example: Student sends an Email to the instructor at 7:00pm on Monday night. If the Student has not received areply by 7:00pm on Tuesday night, the student must resend the Message until reply is received.
Email Etiquette:
1. The topic of the Email must be in the Subject area of the Email. Example: Assignment Question – Intro to Application Development
2. Every Email must include your first and last names in the body of the Message
3. Clearly indicate the problem or question that you have.
4. Provide what you think is the solution. Illustrate or attach any supporting information.
5. When submitting a question or problem:
•Clearly define the situation, question, or problem
•Identify what you think is wrong, not correct, or misunderstood
•Detail what you think is the solution
DO NOT give the instructor a blank page.....the instructor can only help you find the right answer, if you know where you are and where you want to go
For your group project, you will create a computer program. Thiscomputer program should incorporate the topics covered during the semester. For example, the program should ask for user input, display out messages, use functions, arrays, if statements…etc. This is a group project and the idea behind this group project is to make sure students apply what they learn during the semester.
There will be four maincomputer programmingassignments. Detailed instructions for each assignment will be posted on D2L and/or discussed in class. Each assignment is due no later than the Sunday of the assigned week as per the schedule.
EXAMS (30%):
There will be a midterm and a final exam during the semester. Exams will be posted on D2L. They will include review questions and problem solving questions. Exams must be completed individually.
Midterm exam will be worth 15% and also the final exam will be worth15% of the total grade.
Discussion Topics (10%):
Class participation will be based on your regular and substantive contributions to classroom and D2Ldiscussions.
Activity / % of Total GradeAssignments / 40
Discussion Topics / 10
Group Project / 20
Midterm Exam / 15
Final Exam / 15
Total / 100
96-100 / A / 74-76.99 / C91-95.99 / A- / 70-73.99 / C-
87-90.99 / B+ / 67-69.99 / D+
84-86.99 / B / 64-66.99 / D
80-83.99 / B- / 60-63.99 / D-
77-79.99 / C+ / Below 60 / F
The following links contain university policies affecting all SOIS students. Many of the links belowmay be accessed through a PDF-document maintained by the Secretary of the University:
Undergraduates may also find the PantherPlanner and Undergraduate Student Handbook useful
For graduate students, there areadditional guidelines from the Graduate School ( those found in the Graduate Student and Faculty Handbook:
Students with disabilities.If you will need accommodations in order to meet any of the requirementsof a course, please contact the instructor as soon as possible. Students with disabilities are responsibleto communicate directly with the instructor to ensure special accommodation in a timely manner.
There is comprehensive coverage of issues related to disabilities at the Student Accessibility Center
( important components of which areexpressed here:
Religious observances. Students’ sincerely held religious beliefs must be reasonably accommodatedwith respect to all examinations and other academic requirements, according to the following policy:
Please notify your instructor within the first three weeks of the Fall or Spring Term (first week of shorter-term or Summer courses)of any specific days or dates on which you request relief from an examination or academic requirementfor religious observances.
Students called to active military duty. UWM has several policies that accommodate students whomust temporarily lay aside their educational pursuits when called to active duty in the military (see including provisions for refunds,readmission, grading, and other situations.
Incompletes. A notation of “incomplete” may be given in lieu of a final grade to a student who hascarried a subject successfully until the end of a semester but who, because of illness or other unusualand substantial cause beyond the student’s control, has been unable to take or complete the finalexamination or some limited amount of other term work. An incomplete is not given unless the studentproves to the instructor that s/he was prevented from completing course requirements for just cause asindicated above (
Discriminatory conduct (such as sexual harassment).UWM and SOIS are committed to building andmaintaining a campus environment that recognizes the inherent worth and dignity of every person,fosters tolerance, sensitivity, understanding, and mutual respect, and encourages the members of itscommunity to strive to reach their full potential. The UWM policy statement
( summarizes and defines
situations that constitute discriminatory conduct. If you have questions, please contact an appropriateSOIS administrator.
Academic misconduct. Cheating on exams and plagiarism are violations of the academic honor codeand carry severe sanctions, ranging from a failing grade for a course or assignment to expulsion fromthe University. See the following document ( orcontact the SOIS Investigating Officer (currently the Associate Dean) for more information.
Complaints. Students may direct complaints to the SOIS Dean or Associate Dean. If the complaintallegedly violates a specific university policy, it may be directed to the appropriate university officeresponsible for enforcing the policy.
Grade appeal procedures. A student may appeal a grade on the grounds that it is based on a capriciousor arbitrary decision of the course instructor. Such an appeal shall follow SOIS appeals procedures or,in the case of a graduate student, the Graduate School. These procedures are available in writing fromthe respective department chairperson or the Academic Dean of the College/School(
Examinations, Finals. The Secretary of the University is authorized to prepare the final examinationschedule. The time of the final examination for an individual or a class may be changed only with theprior approval of the dean or director of the respective college/school. The change will involve apostponement to a later date. For individuals with exam conflicts, a separate week at the very end ofthe exam week will be reserved to take one of the conflicting exams(