East Fife Sports Council - Annual Awards 2018

The East Fife Sports Council Annual Awards Ceremony are designed to recognise the achievements of sportspeople in our community during the year to 31stDecember 2017. Clubs or individuals are invited to make nominations for these awards. These should be submitted on the form below to reach the secretary no later than 19th Jan 2018. Additional forms can be downloaded from our website if required.

The award categories are:

1. Junior Award (under 16 as at 31.12.2017) - designed to recognise the sporting achievement of an individual in this age group.

2. Youth Award (age 16 to 20 inclusive as at 31.12.2017) – designed to recognise the sporting achievement of an individual in this age group.

3. Senior Award (age 21 and over as at 31.12.2017) - designed to recognise the sporting achievement of an individual in this age group.

4. Masters Award (aged 50 and over as at 31.12.2017) - designed to recognise the sporting achievement of an individual in this age group.

5. Achiever of the Year Award - designed for a person who has, in the opinion of their coach/club, progressed exceptionally within their sport.

6. The Award for an Athlete with a Disability - designed to mark the sporting achievement of a disabled athlete

7. Coach of the Year Award – designed to mark the coaching achievement of an individual who is affiliated to a club within the East Fife Sports Council area. Although the coach may not have produced a major champion, dedication and commitment will also be recognised.

8. Services to Schools Award – designed to mark the dedication, commitment and voluntary service to sport in Schools of an individual.

9. Youth Volunteer Award – to acknowledge outstanding volunteer support to extra-curricular activities whilst still in full-time education.

10. The Team Award - awarded for the best team achievement There is no age barrier and the team need not necessarily have achieved a major success, as enthusiasm and consistency will also be considered.

11. East Fife Services to Sport Award - awarded to an individual, (Administrator, Coach or Official) for their voluntary contribution to local sport over a lengthy period of time. The individual must be associated with a sport, activity or voluntary organisation recognised by SportScotland.

All nominees for categories 1-7 must be a member of a club within the East Fife Sports Council area or reside within the area. Teams nominated for category 10 must represent a club affiliated to East Fife Sports Council.

Award winners will be chosen by the Awards Committee of the East Fife Sports Council whose decision shall be final. Further details are available from the Sports Council Secretary/Treasurer, telephone 01334 828248 Email

East Fife Sports Council

Annual Awards – Nomination Form

Award Category:
Date of birth (Junior,Youth and Masters awards)
Nominee’s Contact Details
Tel: Email:
Description of Achievements (year to 31 Dec 2017)
(continue on separate sheet if required)
Nominated by (name): / (position):
Tel: / Email:
I wish to nominate the above for an East Fife Sports Council annual award and certify that the nominee is a member of our club and meets the criteria specified for the award.
(signed): (date):

Forms should be returned by mail or email attachment to reach the Secretary no later than 19th Jan 2018. If possible, please could you also send one or more photographs (preferably in electronic format).

Tel: 01334 828248


Postal Address: PO Box 14720, Cupar, KY15 5YB