I understand that Healing Touch is an energy-based, gentle approach to health and healing that can assist in my natural healing process. It is complementary to other healing arts, and does not replace appropriate medical treatments or any other medical care that I am receiving. Healing Touch is a holistic, energy therapy that uses non-invasive techniques to clear, energize, and balance the human energy fields. It is heart-centered, using clear intention to support and facilitate physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health and healing.

Possible benefits of Healing Touch: Reduced pain, anxiety or stress; enhanced sense of well-being; facilitation of wound healing; preparation for surgery or other medical procedure to manage uncomfortable side-effects; and, support during chemotherapy or other ongoing medical treatments.

I understand that Gregory Heaton-Hill is a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner and is not a licensed physician and that these sessions will not be used to diagnose or prescribe for any health conditions. I have been encouraged to consult a licensed medical practitioner for evaluation of medical or mental concerns. This practitioner has explained their training and health care background and has answered my questions regarding what to expect from Healing Touch treatments. I understand that treatment goals will be set that we both agree upon for my highest good.

Confidentiality: I understand that all client information and records will be handled professionally and kept confidential, unless I give permission for them to be shared with other health care professionals. I authorize this practitioner to share information of these sessions anonymously with any appropriate mentors or supervisors of Healing Touch if it is helpful for guidance or my treatment plan.

I have read and understood the information provided in this form and agree to the terms described here. I give my consent to receive Healing Touch from Gregory Heaton-Hill.

Client Signature ______Date ______

Print Client Name ______

Parent/Legal Guardian Signature ______Date ______

(if under 18 years old)

Address ______Phone ______


E-Mail: ______