At the October Board of Directors meeting, the Board made several decisions that will have a great initial impact on our owners/residents. The Board is committed to continuing Gateview’shigh level of customer service and safety, even though staffing levals have been reduced. We will need resident cooperation to insure that this is accomplished.

The most critical changes effecting residents are listed below.

  • New Association office hours: The office will be closed to residents from 11am until 2pm Monday thorugh Friday. If you have an emergency during those hours, please contact security. Regular office hours will be 8am to 11am, and 2pm to 5pm Monday through Friday.
  • Appointments with the manager: If you wish to meet with the manager for any reason, you will need to call the office to schedule an appointment. This change will help to assure that your concerns are fully and properly addressed.
  • All requests for janitorial or maintenance services or advice must be scheduled through the Association office.

Residents are asked not to stop workers in the hallways, or parking lot to ask for assistance even if it only takes a few minutes.

The objective is to be able to do more with less help; and that can only be accomplished with your cooperation.

Thank you in advance, for your assistance and understanding.


Please break down your cardboard boxes before placing them in the recycling bin. Your neighbors will appreciate it if you leave room for their recyclables when you drop yours off.


Remember, the Gateview Newsletter will no longer be mailed to owners. Instead, it will be uploaded on to the RealManage, and Gateview websites. It will also be posted in laundry rooms, and available for pick up at the security office. If you would like the newsletter e-mailed directly to you, please contact the Association office with your e-mail address.


The door closer installation has been completed. There were only 11 units out of the 487 that were not installed.

Thanks to all of you, we were able to move through the project quickly and efficiently.

Some doors may still be in need of minor adjustments. If that is the case with your door, please contact the office to schedule someone to do the work.


Remember to change your clocks back one hour Saturday night, November 5th. Pacific standard time begins at 2:00 a.m. November 6th. We get to sleep in an extra hour. Yea!



November30th 7:00 p.m.:

Board of Directors Meeting

November8th at 7:30 p.m.:

Operations Committee Meeting

November 19th Pot Luck

No Board meeting in December.


Please contact Mary Pynenberg if you would like to help in planning some holiday events at Gateview.

You can e-mail her at

October 2011