Appendix 1 to GLI 4/2003: Information standard of PEFC database / 30 August 2007 / Appendix 1 to
GLI 4/2007
Information standard of PEFC database
1 Introduction 1
2 Object catalogue 2
3 Data Interchange Format 15
1 Introduction
1.1 Standard objectives
Information standard of PEFC Database is an appendix to the PEFC Council guidelines Internal Rules for the PEFC Registration System with the main objectives to enable data interchange between PEFC national and international levels. The document was approved by the PEFC Council Board of Directors on 26 July 2003 and amended on dd Month 2007
The PEFC data system shall be developed by each member nation in accordance with the Internal Rules for the PEFC Registration System and this document. The system shall be decentralised with flexible network structure.
Partial aims of PEFC Information standard (IS) are:
a) terminological unification,
b) definition of general interface for data communication,
c) support of technologically unconditional data interchange,
d) specification of information basis for application information systems.
1.2 Scope of Standard
Object catalogue – PEFC data systemisation used for:
a) characteristics of certified regions, groups of forest holdings and individual forest holdings within the forest management certification,
b) characteristics of wood processing and trade companies within the C-O-C verification,
c) characteristics of certification bodies,
d) characteristics of issued certificates and licences for PEF logo usage,
e) characteristics of PEFC certified products.
1.3 Data interchange format
The data interchange format is common format of ASCII files which is used for data transmission within the PEFC structure. The PEFC data interchange format enables usage of different software products and database formats at various registration places.
2 Object catalogue
2.1 data catalogue structure
Basic unit of PEFC data catalogue is OBJECTS. The objects are linked together into CLASSES. The objects are described by DATA ELEMENTS. The data elements are specified by a definition, unit or name lists of data elements coding systems. For the purposes of a data processing and information interchange they are assigned by a code and data type.
· CLASS – group of mutually related objects connected with belonging to a theme of description. The classes differentiate each from another a semantic independence.
· OBJECT – logical element to which information about certification are related. Identifier (identification object property) provides unique object address within a hierarchically closest higher object.
· DATA ELEMENT- information that characterises object. Each data element is primarily tied to the definite object, at the same time can be - secondary – property of an object standing hierarchically higher. Some data elements can acquire concurrently or gradually larger number of different value. Data element, which value is component of complete object identification is called identification object property. Characteristics of data elements:
· Definition – description of the data element, optionally method of its qualitative or quantitative determination if it not result directly from data element name.
· Code – data element identification for the purposes of interchange format design. It plays a role of a communication key.
· Data type – communication relationship among general PEFC IS and systems for their processing. For alphanumerical data it is composed from marking of proper data type (N – numerical, C – alphanumerical, D – datum) and record length in number of symbols. For type N there can be showed number of symbols behind the decimal point besides the total number of symbols.
N2 – numerical value with two symbols (for example 42)
D - datum value (for example 14.2.2000)
C3 – symbols value with 3 symbols (at maximum) (for example CZ)
L - logical value – (for example Y or N)
· Unit – technical measure of quantified data element (for example „ha“)
· Name list of coding systems – list of discrete values, which a data element can acquire.
Table 1: List of classes and objects
Class / Object / DescriptionCountry / Country / Data identifying country which is responsible for data registration
NGB / NGB / Data on National Governing Bodies, which have issued logo license by the PEFC Council
FMC / FMC1 / Data on regional forest management certificate holders and logo users
FMC2 / Data on participants in regional certification and logo users
FMC3 / Data on group forest management certificate holders and logo users
FMC4 / Data on participants in group certification and logo users
FMC5 / Data on individual forest management certificate holders and logo users
COC / COCC / Data on individual and group C-o-C certificate holders and participants in group C-o-C certification and logo users
NCC / NCC / Data on other PEFC logo users (Logo users group D)
CB / CB / Data on PEFC notified certification bodies
PRODUCT / PRODUCT / Data on certified products
PRODUCT_SPECIES / PRODUCT_SPECIES / Data on species of certified products
Scheme1: Relationship among objects of the PEFC database
P… data which has to be kept primarily at the level of the PEFC Council (PEFC Logo usage licenses issued by the PEFC Council)
N… data which has to be kept primarily at the level of National Governing Body (information on certificates and PEFC Logo usage licences)
N-l… data which has to be kept only when a PEFC Logo license has been issued (information on individual forest owner within certified region or group)
T and T-l… data which has to be transmitted from NGB to the PEFC Council
I and I-1… minimum data to be presented on Internet
I-l… data which will be presented on Internet when a PEFC Logo usage license has been issued (participant in certified region or group)
Table 2: List of data elements
Object / No / Data Element / Code / Data type / Unit / Name list of coding system / P / N / T / I /Country / 1 / Country code / COUNTRY_CODE / C2 / P / N / T / I
2 / Country name / COUNTRY / C50 / P / N / T / I
3 / Scheme name / COUNTRY_NOTE / C60 / P / N / T / I
4 / Scheme abbreviation / COUNTRY_SCHEME / C10 / P / N / T / I
NGB / 6 / License number / NG_LIC_NO / C30 / P / I
7 / NGB organisation - name / NG_ORG_NAME / C100 / P / I
8 / NGB organisation - number / NG_ORG_NO / C30
9 / NGB organisation - Address / NG_ORG_ADDR / C100 / P / I
10 / NGB organisation – Address2 / NG_ORG_ADDR2 / C30
11 / NGB organisation - City / NG_ORG_CITY / C30 / P / I
12 / NGB organisation - ZIP / NG_ORG_ZIP / C10 / P / I
13 / NGB organisation - Country / NG_ORG_COUNTRY / C50 / P / I
14 / NGB organisation - Phone / NG_ORG_PHONE / C50 / P / I
15 / NGB organisation - Fax / NG_ORG_FAX / C50 / P / I
16 / NGB organisation - Email / NG_ORG_URL / C250 / P / I
17 / NGB organisation - URL / NG_ORG_EMAIL / C50 / P / I
18 / NGB organisation - Contact person - first Name / NG_CP_FIRST / C24 / P / I
19 / NGB organisation - Contact person - last Name / NG_CP_LAST / C35 / P / I
20 / License expiry date / NG_LIC_EXP / D / P / I
21 / License status / NG_PEFC_STAT / C30 / P / I
22 / Note / NG_NOTE / C250
FMC1 / 23 / Certificate number / F1_CERT_NO / C30 / N / T / I
24 / Logo license number / F1_LIC_NO / C30 / N / T / I
25 / Region name / F1_R_NAME / C50 / N / T / I
26 / Region organisation number / F1_R_NO / C30 / N
27 / Certificate holder 1 / F1_HOLDER_1 / C100 / N / T / I
28 / Certificate holder 2 / F1_HOLDER_2 / C100 / N / T / I
29 / Certificate holder 3 / F1_HOLDER_3 / C100 / N / T / I
30 / Certificate holder 4 / F1_HOLDER_4 / C100 / N / T / I
31 / Certificate holder 5 / F1_HOLDER_5 / C100 / N / T / I
32 / Certificate holder 6 / F1_HOLDER_6 / C100 / N / T / I
33 / Area of certified forest land / F1_AREA / N9 / ha / N / T / I
34 / Annual harvest volume / F1_HARV / N9 / m3
35 / Number of forest holdings / F1_HOLD_NO / N8 / N / T / I
36 / Contact person - first name / F1_CP_FIRST / C24 / N
37 / Contact person - last name / F1_CP_LAST / C35 / N
38 / Contact person - organisation / F1_CP_ORG / C100 / N
39 / Contact person - address / F1_CP_ADDR / C100 / N
40 / Contact person – address2 / F1_CP_ADDR2 / C30
41 / Contact person - city / F1_CP_CITY / C30 / N
42 / Contact person - ZIP / F1_CP_ZIP / C10 / N
43 / Contact person - country / F1_CP_COUNTRY / C50 / N
44 / Contact person - phone / F1_CP_PHONE / C50 / N
45 / Contact person - fax / F1_CP_FAX / C50 / N
46 / Contact person - email / F1_CP_EMAIL / C50
47 / Contact person - URL / F1_CP_URL / C250
48 / Certificate expiry date / F1_CERT_EXP / D / N / T / I
49 / License expiry date / F1_LIC_EXP / D / N / T / I
50 / Certificate status / F1_CERT_STAT / N1 / LIST_STAT / N / T / I
51 / Note / F1_NOTE / C250 / N / T / I
52 / Certification body name / F1_CB_ORG / C100 / N / T / I
53 / Certification body - address / F1_CB_ADDR / C100 / N / T / I
54 / Certification body – city / F1_CB_CITY / C30 / N / T / I
55 / Certification body ZIP / F1_CB_ZIP / C10 / N / T / I
56 / Certification body - country / F1_CB_COUNTRY / C50 / N / T / I
57 / Certification body - phone / F1_CB_PHONE / C50 / N / T / I
58 / Certification body – fax / F1_CB_FAX / C50 / N / T / I
59 / Certification body - e-mail / F1_CB_EMAIL / C50 / N / T / I
60 / Certification body - URL / F1_CB_URL / C250 / N / T / I
61 / Accreditation number / F1_ACCRED_NO / C20 / N / T / I
62 / Accreditation body name / F1_ACCRED_NAME / C50 / N / T / I
63 / CB – PEFC notification / CB_NOTIF / N9.0 / LIST_NOTIF / N / T / I
64 / CB – ID code / CB_ID / N9.0 / LIST_CB / N / T
65 / ORG – ID code / ORG_ID / N9.0 / LIST_ORG / N / T
FMC2 / 66 / Registration site / F2_SITE / C20
67 / Estate register code / F2_EST_CODE / C30
68 / Confirmation number / F2_CONF_NO / C30 / N-I / T-I / I-I
69 / Logo license number / F2_SLIC_NO / C30 / N-l / T-l / I-l
70 / Confirmation expiry date / F2_CONF_EXP / D / N-l / T-l / I-l
71 / License expiry date / F2_SLIC_EXP / D / N-l / T-l / I-l
72 / Confirmation status / F2_CONF_STAT / C30 / N-l / T-l / I-I
73 / Participant - first name / F2_FO_FIRST / C24 / N-l / T-l / I-l
74 / Participant - last name / F2_FO_LAST / C35 / N-l / T-l / I-l
75 / Participant - organisation / Company / F2_FO_ORG / C100 / N-l / T-l / I-l
76 / Participant – address / F2_FO_ADDR / C100 / N-l
77 / Participant – address2 / F2_FO_ADDR2 / C30
78 / Participant – city / F2_FO_CITY / C30 / N-l
79 / Participant – ZIP / F2_FO_ZIP / C10 / N-l
80 / Participant – country / F2_FO_COUNTRY / C50 / N-l
81 / Participant – phone / F2_FO_PHONE / C50 / N-l
82 / Participant – fax / F2_FO_FAX / C50 / N-l
83 / Participant – email / F2_FO_EMAIL / C50
84 / Participant – URL / F2_FO_URL / C250
85 / Area of the forest holding / F2_AREA / N9 / ha / N-l / T-I / I-l
86 / Note / F2_NOTE / C250
87 / ORG – ID code / ORG_ID / N9.0 / LIST_ORG / N-I / T-I
FMC3 / 88 / Certificate number / F3_CERT_NO / C30 / N / T / I
89 / Logo license number / F3_LIC_NO / C30 / N / T / I
90 / Organisation name (name of certificate holder) / F3_G_ORG_NAME / C100 / N / T / I
91 / Organisation number / F3_G_ORG_NO / C30
92 / Contact person – first name / F3_CP_FIRST / C24 / N
93 / Contact person – last name / F3_CP_LAST / C35 / N
94 / Contact person - address / F3_CP_ADDR / C100 / N
95 / Contact person – address2 / F3_CP_ADDR2 / C30
96 / Contact person – city / F3_CP_CITY / C30 / N