Francesca Simon: If you Only Do 1 Thing…

Horrid Henry

Early Level

Health and Wellbeing

In the first chapter of the book, Henry decides that he wants to be good. Divide a large piece of sugar paper into 2 and on one side, draw pictures to show all of the good things Henry does in this chapter, and on the other side, draw pictures of the bad things he does. Ask some pairs to share some of the ideas on their pages, and then bring the class to a circle. Ask some volunteers to share when they have done something good or when they have done something naughty. Pass a talking object around the circle and ask each child to give a word to describe how it makes them feel when they do something good and how it makes them feel when they do something naughty.

Mental and Emotional Wellbeing - HWB 0-04a

First Level


Imagine you are going to interview Horrid Henry. Work with a partner to make up 3 questions that you would like to ask him about what he does, why he behaves the way he does, or whether he would like to change, for example. Use the Bloom’s Taxonomy question starters to make sure you ask different types of questions. Ask a volunteer to pretend to be Henry and to sit in the Hot Seat. Each pair should ask Henry one of its questions, and Henry to try to respond to them in role. Take turns at asking questions and pretending to be Henry.

Reading - Understanding, Analysing and Evaluation – LIT 1-17a

Drama – EXA 1-12a

Horrid Henry and the Zombie Vampire

Early Level

Health and Wellbeing

Draw a picture of all of the different types of food mentioned in the second chapter of the novel, Horrid Henry and the Nudie Foodie. Cut out the pictures and sort these into Healthy and Less Healthy. Make a smiling face out of the healthy food items and a sad face out of the less healthy food items. Stick these healthy and unhealthy faces onto paper plates and create a display of the Nudie Foodie’s favourite foods and Horrid Henry’s favourite foods. Have a discussion about how it is alright to eat some less healthy foods sometimes, as long as we do not do it too often and we make sure that we eat plenty of the healthy foods.

Nutrition – HWB 0-30a

First Level


Get you own back on Horrid Henry! In the third chapter of the novel, Horrid Henry tricks his brother into giving him his money and sweets and by making him do all of Henry’s chores. Imagine you are Perfect Peter. Design a game which will allow Peter to get his own back on Henry. Write a chapter for a book, describing the game and what happened when Henry and Peter played it. Collate all of the chapters written by children in the class and create a book called ‘Get your Own Back!’ Have a competition to design different covers for the class book.

Creating Texts – ENG 1-31a