Information Services Group

Minutes of the National Committee meeting held on Friday 12th June 2015 at CILIP

Present: Gary Archer,Claire Back, Lynsey Blandford, Amanda Duffy, Helen Edwards, Ruth Hayes,Elizabeth Melrose, Fay Owston, Alan Power, David Smith

David welcomed Alan Power, representing London and South East, and later in the meeting Sonia Randhian, Development Officer and Jill Howard’s job-share.

Apologies: Andrew Coburn and Jane Weller

At the start of the meeting the committee held a minute’s silence in memory of John Owston who died in April


The Committee spent around half an hour looking at the ISG part of the CILIP website making changes and suggestions for additions. In the absence of Jane, Claire made all the alterations to which she had access. Other changes will be sent on to Jane.

Only David and Jane have contributed biographical information to the Committee page. Everyone else should do this ASAP. Action: ALL (except David and Jane)

Our new logo met with approval.

2Minutes of the Previous Meeting on 13th February 2015

These were agreed as a correct record

3Matters arising

Item 3: Professional Knowledge and Skills Base (PKSB) is available as a download


All members to look at this document before the next meeting when it will be on the agenda. Action: ALL

Item 9:Gary reported that over 14,000 staff had gone through the Public Library information training. It was suggested he write an item for Refer on the training. Action: Gary

4Business Plan

The following parts of the Business Plan were reviewed:

Improving communication with our members – we are sending out emails via Communicator when needed and, thanks to Claire and Lynsey, starting to use twitter more often.

Targeting potential subscribing members – now that we have a new logo, Claire will include it on our flyer. She will send round the final draft of the flyer, prior to producing copies for use at the CILIP Conference. Action: Claire

Promoting ISG – we will have the new flyer and other materials for use at CILIP Conference.

Engaging more with CILIP and the corporate structure – David now meets with Jill Howard at the Member Network Forums.

Promoting ISG through continuing to hold the Reference Awards and holding a number of CPD events – Reference Awards will take place in November.

Action around CPD events will be discussed at a later meeting. It was agreed we need an Events Co-ordinator.

Feeding into the CILIP Body of Professional Knowledge, and determine how ISG can contribute towards its Forward Work Plan – this will be on the agenda for the next meeting Action: Claire

Manage Financial Sustainability – Gary will discuss this with Andrew prior to the next meeting.

Currently we have reserves of between £7,000 and £8,000. Capitation for 2015 (not yet received) will be around £1,500, and there is other income of approximately £500 (individual member subs, journal subs, etc.) Expenditure for 2015 will be about £3,000. Based on this, ISG has reserves for 4 to 5 years.

Income Generation. It was agreed to have this as a standing item on the agenda in future. Action: Claire

David reported on the Member Network Forum he had attended in April:

After a talk by the new Chief Executive, there was discussion of the new rules and regulations for Member Networks. A number of committees would have difficulties in implementing the new time limits on officer and committee membership.

A report will be coming out shortly on rewards and recognition.

Claire was congratulated on being on the Leadership Programme.

There was a presentation on data protection. There is an EU report coming out soon and an information pack for committee members is on its way.

John Dolan spoke about the priorities for the Policy Committee in 2015 – library cuts, review of the Sieghart Report and copyright.

Charges for equipment hire by committees will be raised yet again.

5London and South East Section Report

The last Committee meeting began with a minute's silence in memory of John Owston
In response to a publicity drive,one new member has been recruited to the Committee. The document on Successful Course Design has recently been uploaded onto the ISG website. This was originally compiled by John Proctor, our Section Secretary, and subsequently updated by members of the Committee
A companion document about Organising a Library Visit is in preparation. Itaims to cover aspects of CPD library visits

Course. Work is progressing on a day course on Health Information in Libraries to be held on 21October. Speakersinclude:

Debbie Hicks from the Reading Agency, who will talk about the universal health offer for libraries and the Books on Prescription scheme

Jenny Peachey from the Carnegie Trust UK on the Speaking Volumes Project

Tricia Fisheron Kent Libraries' Wellbeing Zones

Pat England from University College London on health information websites

Tanya Duthie from Dundee Libraries on their recently-launched dementia library service

Laura Evans from Pembroke Dock Library on their Life Hub areas dedicated to the promotion of health and wellbeing

Holly Case, Outreach Librarian with the Surrey and Sussex NHS Healthcare Trust on public libraries and the NHS perspective

Sarah Hennessy from the SW Yorkshire NHS Foundation Trust on recovery through reading

This looks like it will be a pretty full programme.
Health information seems to the topic of the moment, as the Kent Sub-Group of the CILIP SE Branch are running a day course on 12 June called Discovering Health Libraries and Information Services, while the Public & Mobile Libraries Group have their weekend conference in early October on the theme of Libraries and Wellbeing
Visits have been confirmed to the National Aerospace Library and Farnborough Air Services Trust Museum (jointly with the Local Studies South Group) on Tuesday 30 June, and to Dr Williams's Library in London on Wednesday 18 November. Other Libraries being approached include the Women's Library, the Guardian Library, the Humanist Reference Library and the Museum in Docklands Library and Archive.
A Twitter account for the Group has been suggested to publicise our activities more effectively, but it might be best to make use of the National Committee's Twitter account.

6East of England Section Report

EoE is still been struggling to organise meetings as the committee is very small (people find it difficult to get away to attend meetings).The group hopes to share a meeting with UKeiG on deep web searching and forensic information searching in the autumn.

It was suggested the Group try and link in with East of England Network.

The National Committee is happy to help with financial support if necessary.

7Reference Awards

There are currently 14 nominations for the Reference Awards, but none for the Special Subject of information resources for young people and nothing for the Walford Award. Amanda is meeting with Jonas Heriot from YLG shortly and will emphasis the need for nominations, otherwise the special award falls.

The CILIP President, Jan Parry, will be invited to present the awards. Action: Claire

We will wait and see if there sufficient nominations for the special award before inviting a guest speaker. Suggestions have included Tricia Adams (Director of SLA) or Dawn Finch (CILIP Vice-President).

The timetable for 11th November meeting, AGM and Awards Ceremony will be the same as 2014.


Prior to the IFLAconference in Cape Town,the Reference and Information Services Section is running a satellite event in Botswana on Reference and Service and Place ( ).

Below are details of their session in the main conference with speakers from Australia, Nigeria, Singapore, South Africa, Taiwan and USA.

Due to family commitments, Jane is unable to continue on the RISS committee but hopes to help out at future conferences in Europe. In the meantime, there is a vacancy for a representative from the UK on the Committee and volunteers are welcome (but it requires a lot of self-funding).

9CILIP Conference

Claire, Ruth and Lynsey will be attending the conference. The Committee congratulated Lynsey on being this year’s CILIP Aspire Award winner.

ISG has a small space (table and display board) in the exhibition area. Helen will send copies of Refer and around 200 print-outs of some of the most popular recent articles. Action: Helen

There will also be flyers asking for nominations for the Walford Award.

The purchase of ISG promotional materials will be on the agenda for the November meeting. Action: Claire


Report By Steven Hartshorne of the SCOOP meeting held on Wednesday 13th May 2015:

SCOOP had a presentation from Malcolm Todd from The National Archives on the amendments to the Public Library Subsidy for Official Publications. At the beginning of the year the decision had been taken by TNA to remove the 50% subsidy from the hard copy editions of all publications which are freely available online. Since this was a policy decision made to enforce the Government’s ‘Digital By Default’ agenda, no consultation was made of SCOOP or any other professional bodies or interested parties since the cut was not subject to revision. The committee expressed disappointment with the decision and with the manner that the new policy had been announced and moved to ask CILIP to make an official representation to the TNA to that effect. Of particular concern was the lack of consideration of the needs of OP users with the removal of the subsidy: the ‘Digital By Default’ programme assumes that all end users of government information will be digitally enabled and those members of SCOOP currently working in the public library system can confidently state that this is not the case.

The meeting also discussed the contributions to the Referspecial issue on Government Information and articles were secured on such diverse topics as Scottish Government publishing and the work of SWOP (Scottish Working Forum on Official Publications), how newly elected MPs are introduced to the House of Commons library and information facilities, publishing Official Publications in the current climate and Official Publications in a university setting.

The committee have also proposed to set up a blog, initially as part of SCOOP’s Print Still Matters project but covering a range of topics within the area of OP and Government Publishing. The name of the blog and where it might be hosted have yet to be decided but ISG will be consulted with regard to its establishment and governance.

11Publications –Refer

Bumper issue about to appear on government and business information, it is at its maximum of 48 pages. Helen is very grateful to Andrew Coburn for getting some excellent articles. She is also very grateful to Jonas Heriot for his help with the covers, etc.

The Autumn issue will have articles on the CILIP and IFLA conferences, the Reference Awards and articles covering reference books and sites.

Helen is intending to produce a style guide for contributors in the near future.


Claire will send out communications on an ad-hoc basis when we want responses (e.g. Nominations for Awards or the Committee) or when ISG has something to tell its members.


In the latest developments in the Library of Birmingham saga, there will be a parade outside the library on Saturday 13th June to protest against the cuts. The library now does not open until 11 am in the morning and it is closed all Sunday.

14Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 11th November, 2 pm. Followed by AGM (4.40) and Reference Awards Ceremony (5.30).

Action List

ALL Committee Members

Item 3Download Professional Knowledge and Skills Base (PKSB) from CILIP website

skills- base/download-professional-knowledge-and and read it before the next meeting

ALL Committee Members (except David & Jane)

Item 1Everyone to look at their own personal committee page on our website and send Jane some additional information plus a picture

Jane’s email is


Item 4Addnew logo to our flyer and send round the final draft of the flyer prior to producing copies for use at the CILIP Conference

IncludeCILIP Body of Professional Knowledge on the agenda for the next meeting

Put income Generationas a standing item on the agenda in future.

Item 7Invite the CILIP President, Jan Parry, to present the Reference Awards.

Item 9Include item on the purchase of ISG promotional materials on the agenda for the November meeting.


Item 3Consider writing an article on the Public Library information training for Refer


Item 9Send copies of Refer and around 200 print-outs of some of the most popular recent articles to Claire for the CILIP Conference