Present:Cllr R Eastwood (Chair), Cllr C Burnet-DickCllr G Horner, Cllr J Sanders and Cllr B Maude.
Absent: Cllr J Smith.
In attendance: Mrs E Fulham (Clerk)
- To accept apologies for absence
Cllr J Smith.
- To record Members’ Declarations of Pecuniary and Disclosable Interests in matters to be discussed
The Chair reminded Cllrs to declare when necessary.
- To approve Minutes of previous Finance Committee meeting.
Unanimously approved as a true record.
- To report on Matters Arising from the previous Finance Committee meeting.
- To report on account 2017/18
The Clerk had circulated the report prior to the meeting and ran through the items against budget and provided an overview of the general accounts. The overspend on legal fees had been formally approved as had the shelter expenditure. The movement to EMR was noted to offset this.
- To report on half year position and forecasted year end position.
The Clerk had circulated the report prior to the meeting and ran through the items against budget and provided an overview of the midyear position and the possible year end small surplus however the legal costs could impact this and it was noted this position was against no spending under the forward planning and rates headings.
The Clerk reported on the correspondence from Jo Edwarde and costs.
The Committee confirmed they agreed to the expenditure for 2017/18 up to £382.50 (less if it is a hard winter). To be confirmed by the Council in October. An increase in the budget for the memorial garden for 2018/19 to include a regular gardener and tree works would be reviewed in the annual budget and precept and communicated in due course.
- To report on ear marked and general reserve.
The Clerk had circulated the report prior to the meeting and ran through the items moved year to date. The general reserve was reported as depleted awaiting the second payment of the precept and the VAT repayment.
- To receive bank reconciliation.
All bank accounts were reconciled and the statements and reconciliations were checked in person by Cllr Eastwood and duly signed.
- To review risk assessment
The Clerk had circulated the updated report prior to the meeting and ran through the items updated since the insurance broker meeting with Cllr Eastwood.
This risk assessment was duly accepted.
- Matters for reporting and inclusion in future agenda.
Budget 2018/19
Precept recommendation
Strategy – Sponsorship of Parish Assets.
Date of next meeting – 13th November 2017
Meeting closed at 8:45pm