Faculty and Staff


Professor Hsiao-Lin Wang, PhD


Professor Yu-Feng Ho, Ph.D., Architect

Associate Professor Yung-Tang Shen, Ph.D.

Associate Professor Kuo-Wei Hsu, Ph.D.

Associate Professor Chung-Sheng Chao, Ph.D.

Associate Professor Chiung-Yao Chen, Ph.D.

Associate Professor Min-Chih Yang, Ph.D.

Associate Professor Jhun-Iuan Kuo, Ph.D, Architect

Assistant Professor Kuang Pao, Ph.D., Architect

Assistant Professor Wen-Chieh Wang, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor Li-Shin Chang, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor Hui-Ming Hsu, Architect DESA

Assistant Professor Ke-Fung Liou, M.Arch.

Assistant Professor Yin-Hao Chiu, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor Po-Yen Kuo, Ph.D.


Miss Hsiu-Chi Yu

Phone: 886-(0)4-23323000 ext 7603



Professor Hsiao-Lin Wang

B.Sc. (NTU,Taiwan), M.LD. (Univ. of ManchesterUK), M.Sc. (ImperialCollege,Univ. of London,UK), Ph.D. (LSE,U. of London,UK)


Teaching Areas:

Research Methods, Advanced Landscape Theory, Systematic Approach to the Sustainable Eco-city, Landscape Criticism, Urban Environmental Planning, Urban Environmental Design, Advanced Environmental & Landscape Planning & Design.

Research Fields:

Landscape Ecology, Eco-design, Research Methods, Environmental and Landscape Planning and Design, Urban Design

Publications (2001-2005):

Academic Journals: 14

Proceedings of Conference: 22

Special Issues and Technical Reports: 46

˙Wang, H.L. and Lin, P.Y., (2004), The Habitat Simulation Model through Landscape Ecological Approach.J. of Design, 9(2):33-54.

˙Wang, H.L., (2003), TheRetrospect and Prospect of Landscape Research in Taiwan,J. of Landscape, 9(2):1-28.

˙Wang, H.L. andChen, Y.I., (2003), The Allocation Evaluation of Urban Parksand Greenspace through Landscape Ecological Approach, J. of Design, 8(3):53-74.

˙Wang, H.L. andWang, H.Y., (2003), The Reclamation Strategy and Engineering Methods of River Space Environment, Tunghai Journal, 44: 145-158.

˙Wang, H.L. andWu, H.Y., (2002), A Study on the Evaluation Framework of Landscape Ecology Functions of Urban Corridor, J. of Landscape, 7(2): 99-119.

˙Wang, H.L. andLiu, J.Y., (2001), A Study on the Evaluation of Urban of Matrix Environment via Landscape Ecological Approach, J. of Design, 6(2): 1-22.

˙Wang, H.L. andTu, F.M., (2001), The Study on Urban Parks Biodiversity via Landscape Ecological Point of View, Tunghai Journal, 42:115-127.


B.Arch (FCU,Taiwan), M.Arch (U Liverpool.,U.K.), Ph.D (L.S.E.,U.K.)



Teaching Areas:

Architectural and Urban Design, Building and Urban System, Analysis and Simulation.

Research Fields:

System Dynamics, Sustainable Development

Publications (1999-2004):

Academic Journals: 8

Proceedings of Conference:15

Special Issues and Technical Reports:20

˙Ho, Y.F. and Liao, X.R. (2003) Social Space of Taichung City. J. of Architecture. 42: pp.11-23.

˙Ho, Y.F., Shen, Y.T. & Lu, C.H. (2003) Evaluation of Spatial Design Ability of the Student in a First Year Architectural Design Course, Proceeding of the 15th Symposium of Architectural Studies, Architectural Institute of R.O.C.

˙Ho, Y.F., Wang, H.L. & Liao, S.H., (2003) The Influence of Urban Area Green Vegetation in Ecosystem, Proceeding of the 15th of Symposium of Architectural Studies, Architectural Institute of R.O.C.

˙Ho, Y.F., Wang H.L. and Lu, C.H. (2002) A Study on the Dynamic Simulation Model for the Sustainable Development of Taichung City. J. of Architecture. 41:pp.107-128.

˙Wey, W.M., Ho, Y.F. and Kuo, J.I. (2002) The Application of Network Location Models to the Building Facility Allocation. J. of Architecture. 40:pp.25-39.

˙Ho, Y.F., & Ku, C.C., (2002) Energy Conservation Design of Building through Multiple-objective Programming, the 14th Symposium of Architectural Studies, Architectural Institute of R.O.C.

˙Cheng, H.L., & Ho, Y.F., (2002) Evaluation Indicators of Housing Healthy, Proceeding of the 8th Symposium of Design Studies, Chinese Institute of Design.

˙Ho, Y.F.(2001) The Industrial Design of a School Building System. J. of Chaoyang Design. 2:pp.73-82.

˙Ho, Y.F. and Jan, Y.L (2000) A Study on the Model for Urban Renewal Site Selection: TaipeiCity as A Case Study. J. of Chaoyang Design. 1:pp.53-72.

˙Kuo, J.I. and Ho, Y.F. (2000) Decision Model of Medical Queueing – A Case Study of Emergency Services. J. of Chaoyang Design. 1:pp.1-15.

˙Ho, Y.F., Wang, H.L. and Yao, S. C. (2000) A Study on the Fuzzy Evaluation Method of Colour Scheme for UrbanBuilding. J. of Design. 5(2):pp.9-34.

˙Ho, Y.F. and Chan, Y.Y. (1999) Study on Hypermedia Information System for Housing Maintenance Management. J. of Design. 4(2):pp.19-40.


B.Arch. (THU, Taiwan) M.Sc .(AIT, Bangkok) Ph.D. (University of Sydney, Australia)

Associate Professor


Teaching Areas:

Architectural Design, Traditional Chinese Architectural History, Contemporary Architectural History, Traditional Chinese Architectural Aesthetics, Thoughts of Traditional ChineseGarden.

Research Fields:

TraditionalChineseGarden, Vernacular Chinese Dwellings, Tadao Ando’s Architecture, Aalvar Aalto’s Architecture.

Publications (1999-2004):

Academic Journals: 2

Proceedings of Conference: 4

˙Chao, Chung-Sheng, Chang, Ying-Chou, (2002)“The Influence of Japanese Traditional Chado (The Way of Tea) Culture on Tadao Ando’s Architectural Works”, Journal of Architecture Number 39. Taipei. Architectural Institute of the Republic of China, pp.101-135 (TSSCI)

˙Chao, Chung-Sheng, Ts’ai, Ping-Yu, (2003)“Application of ‘Light’Borrowed-view in Tadao Ando’s Urban Houses”, Chaoyang Journal of Design Number 3. Tai-chung. Chaoyang University of Technology, pp.35-52

˙Chao, Chung-Sheng, Ke, Yin-Jung, (2002)“The Nuances of the ‘Wall’in Creating Internal Vistas’ Juxtaposition and Inter-penteration Concerning the Overall Atmosphere of Traditional Chinese Gardens”, in Proceeding of the 14th Architectural Research Results Conference. Taipei. Architectural Institute of the Republic of China, pp.B18-1-B18-6

˙Chao, Chung-Sheng, Chang, Ying-Chou, (2001)“The Influence of Tea Garden (roji) Space of Traditional Japanese Tea-house on Tadao Ando’s Architecture”, in Proceeding of the 13th Architectural Research Results Conference. Taipei. Architectural Institute of the Republic of China, pp.61-66

˙Chao, Chung-Sheng, Wu, Shing-Ssu, (2003) “The Evaluation of Alvar Aalto's Architecture from the Standpoint of Critical Regionalism”, in Proceeding of the 8th Design Research Results Conference. Taipei. Design Institute of the Republic of China, pp.K-57-K-62


B.Arch. (TKU, Taiwan) M.Arch. (KOBE U., Japan)Ph.D. (KOBE U., Japan)

Associate Professor


Teaching Areas:

Building Acoustics,Architectural Design, Theories of Environmental Design, Psychology of Environments, Digital Design of Acoustics.

Research Fields:

Architectural Acoustics, Noise Control,Psychological Acoustics.

Publications (1999-2004):

Academic Journals: 7

Proceedings of Conference: 23

Special Issues and Technical Reports: 23

˙Chen,C. Y.,Chen, L. S. & Lin, W. (2003). A study on evaluation method of Chinese articulation standard of speech intelligibility for sound field in Taiwan. Journal of Architecture, 43:27-36.

˙Chen,C. Y.,Wang, C. P. & Shih,C. Y. (2002). Relationship between definition and time delay of first reflection in a sound field - Example of : The auditorium and lecture hall at Chaoyang university of technology. Journal of Architecture, 39:63-70.

˙Chen,C. Y., (2001). Relationship of sound field design between Psychology and Physiology. Invited paper of Acoustical Institute of the Republic of China 8(1):5-11.

˙Chen,C. Y. & Chang, C. H. (2000). Sound localization in respect of magnitude of inter-aural cross-correlation function : Two reflections in simulated sound field as example. Chaoyang Journal of Design 1:101-114.

˙Chen,C. Y. (2003). Study of the properties of sound field in the place of ancient Chinese courtyards using the subjective preferred theory. Proceeding of8th Western Pacific regional acoustic conference, Melbourne, Australia.

˙Chen,C. Y. (2002). Study of the properties of sound conditions in the place of historic interest-A case at Chinese courtyards with covered walkway. Proceeding of 9th International Congress Sound & Vibration conference, Orlando, USA, 545-1.

˙Chen,C. Y. (2001). Evaluated of subjective noise degrees in Taipei Sungshan airport using the autocorrelation function. Proceeding of 17th International Congress Acoustics conference, Roma, Italy, VIII, 6_09.

˙Chen, C. Y. (2000). Sound localization in respect of magnitude of inter-aural cross-correlation function: Two reflections in simulated sound field as example. - Reports of 7th Western Pacific Regional Acoustic Conference, Komamoto, Japan, 2B1-1.

˙Chen, C. Y. (1999). Analyses of continuous brain waves in relation to subjective preference of sound field. Proceeding of 137th Meetings of the Acoustical Society of America in Berlin, Germany.


B.Arch. (FCU, Taiwan) M.CRP (O(Ohio)SU, U.S.A.) Ph.D. (O(Ohio)SU, U.S.A.)

Associate Professor


Teaching Areas:

Urban Economics, Building Economics, GIS, Architectural Design, Urban Design.

Research Fields:

Mathematical Optimization and Environmental planning, Spatial Analysis, GIS.

Publications (1999-2004):

Academic Journals: 1

Proceedings of Conference: 17

Special Issues and Technical Reports: 6

˙Shen,Y.-T.and C.-C. Yu (2000).Studies of land value estimation model in residential area-A case study of the 5th phase urban land replotting area in TaichungCity. Chaoyang Journal of Design 1: 83-99.

˙Shen,Y.-T. and C.-W. Chen (2003). Studies on priority ranking for adaptive reuse of deserted space in business area-In cases of the restaurant use and the retail use. Proceeding of the 15th Symposium on Architecture. Architectural Institute of the Republic of China.

˙Shen, Y.-T. and D.-M. Shiah (2003). The study of population centroid changes in Taichung district and the boundary of Taichung city. 2003 Symposium on GIS. Chinese Geographic Information Society.

˙Shen, Y.-T. and D.-M. Shiah (2003). The object oriented programming in geographic information system-Using Taichung city street block drawing system as an example. 2003 Symposium on GIS. Chinese Geographic Information Society.

˙Shen, Y.-T., J.-I. Kuo, S.-A. Chen and B.-S. Chui (2003). A study to formulate professional competence for students in architecture department of vocational college and university in Taiwan. Proceeding of the 8th Symposium on Design. Chinese Institute of Design.

˙Shen,Y.-T. and H.-P. Liao (2002). An Assessment Study on Adaptive Reuse of Public Deserted Spaces. Proceeding of the 14th Symposium on Architecture. Architectural Institute of the Republic of China.

˙Shen, Y.-T. and C.-L. Hsu (2002). Using internet to aid public participation in community- A case study of disaster reconstruction in Taitz community. Proceeding of the 7th Symposium on Design. Chinese Institute of Design.

˙Shen, Y.-T. and C.-L. Hsu (2001) Using internet to formulate the model of public participation in community affairs. Proceeding of the 6th Symposium on Design. Chinese Institute of Design.


BSc (NCKU, Taiwan) MA (NTPU, Taiwan) PhD (TexasA&M U., USA)

Associate Professor


Teaching Areas:

Urban Planning,Financial Management,Real Estate, Land Development

Research Fields:

Financial Feasibility Analysis, Real Estate Finance and Economics, Land Development

Publications (1999-2004):

Academic Journals: 0

Proceedings of Conference: 11

Special Issues and Technical Reports: 10

˙Hsu, K.W. & S.W. Huang (2004). The Study of Public-Private Partnership in Urban Regeneration Development from Financial Evaluation Standpoint. 2004 NationalLand Development Conference.

˙Hsu, K.W. & C.K. Weng(2004). The Multi-Criteria Evaluation with Qualitative and Quantitative Data Model of Community Consciousness —Case Studies: Community Empowerment Projects of Area No. 1 in 921 Earthquake Reconstruction Plan. 2004 NationalLand Development Conference.

˙Hsu, K.W. & C.M. Chung(2003). The Application of Real Options on Shopping Center Investment Decision Making. 2003 Design Conference.

˙Hsu, K.W. & H.C. Huang (2003). The Study of Applying Value at Risk on Investing Financial Risk Evaluation Model for Leisure and Recreation Industry—The Case of Resort Hotel development. 2003 Design Conference.

˙Hsu, K.W. & L.Y. Cheng, (2002). The Study of Corporate Bond Investment Rating Model. 2002 Decision Making Management Conference.

˙Hsu, K.W. & C.H. Lin, (2002). The Multi-Criteria EvaluationModel of Mutual Fund. 2002 Decision Making Management Conference.

˙Hsu, K.W. & H.C. Cheng (2002). Applying Multi-Criteria Evaluation Model on Real Estate Appraisals. 2002 NationalLand Development Conference.

˙Hsu, K.W. & U.C. Kuo(2002). The Study of Financial Evaluation on Shopping Mall. 2002 NationalLand Development Conference.

˙Hsu, K.W. & Y.C. Cheng(2001). Applying Multi-Criteria Evaluation Model on Urban Land Development. 2001 NationalLand Development Conference.

˙Hsu, K.W. & C.U. Huang(2001). The Value of Urban Regeneration Development—Application of Real Options under Uncertainty. 2001 NationalLand Development Conference.

˙Hsu, K.W. & C.U. Huang(2001). The Value of Urban Land Development under Uncertainty. 2001 Land Research Conference.


B.Arch. (CYCU, Taiwan) M.Arch. (U. Penn, USA) Ph.D. (Taipei University, Taiwan)

Associate Professor


Teaching Areas:

Architectural Design,Urban Planning, Urban Design, Urban Sociology,

Cultural Creative Recreational Industry.

Research Fields:

Urban Planning, Cultural Industry Theory and Planning, Urban Renewal,

CreativeIndustrial Park Planning, Cultural Economy, Place Marketing.

Publications (1999-2004):

Academic Journals: 5

Proceedings of Conference: 8

Special Issues and Technical Reports: 13

˙Yang, Min-Chih(2002) “Local Cultural Industry and Local Revitalization”, 3th doctoral dissertation, Department of Urban Planning, TaipeiUniversity.

˙Yang, Min-Chih, Hsing Woan-Chiau(2001) “Kinmen---Governing the Cultural city in the Changing Global Context”, Cities, pp77-85. (SSCI)

˙Yang, Min-Chih, Chen, Wen-Liang(2000), The Local Cultural Industry and Local Institution Dynamics in the Changing Global Context, 6th World 2000 Regional Science Association International Congress, Switzerland , Lugano.

˙Yang, Min-Chih; Hsing, Woan-Chiau (1999), “The Research of Local-Globalization Strategyin Culture Industry”, International Symposium of Urban Planning, 1999, Taiwan, ppIV-6-1~IV-6-10.


B.Arch. (FCU, Taiwan),M.Arch. (Pratt Institute, U.S.A.),Ph.D. (IIT, U.S.A.)

Assistant Professor


Teaching Areas:

Architectural Design,Design Method, Steel Construction, Earthquake and Building, High rise building Design and planning.

Research Fields:

Fire disaster and control, Earthquake disaster and control, Seismic design of architectural elements, Fire escape and refuge area, and Evacuation egress and time.

Publications (1999-2004):

˙K. Pao,M. Elminari,J. Shen (2001)“Reducing hazards of architectural elements in building under earthquake”,Wessex Institute of Technology ERES 2001 3rd International Conference in Malaga, Spain,Sep.4-6, p.133-142

˙K. Pao,Dissertation (2002) ”Performance-based seismic of buildings considering architectural elements”

˙K. Pao,C.P. Lieon (2004) “Safety level analysis of fire escape route in kindergarten by taking Taichung's private kindergarten as example” ,Chaoyang Journal of Design,(sent for examination)

˙W.J. Yeuh,K. Pao (2004) “Establishing criteria of urban parks for temporary refuge and their surrounding route systems”, Chaoyang Journal of Design,(sent for examination)


B.Arch. (NCKU,Taiwan);


“CERTIFICAT D’EDUDES APPROFONDIES EN ARCHITECTURE” in oriental metropolis in Asia-Pacific region from L’ECOLE D’ARCHITECTURE DE PARIS-LA VILLETTE(UP6)at Paris, France in 1998;

Architect DESA

Assistant Professor


Teaching Areas:

Architectural Design, Theories of Cultural Form of Space, History of Western Architecture, History of Modern Architecture, Reconfiguration of Architecture, Rehabilitation of Old Building.

Research Fields:

Cultural Heritage Preservation, Rehabilitation of OldBuilding, Historic Monument, Architectural Design, Architectural Theory.

Publications (1999-2004):

Proceedings of Conference: 6

Special Issues and Technical Reports: 18

˙HSU, H.M. (2004). “The project for the adaptive reuse of historical buildings in earthquake area (part II)”, Council for Cultural Affaires, Taiwan

˙HSU, H.M. (2003). “The project for the conservation and adaptive reuse of historical building of Da-Yang oil tank at Ching-Shui district”, Cultural Affairs Bureau of Taichung, Taiwan

˙HSU, H.M. (2003). “The project for the adaptive reuse of historical buildings in earthquake area (part I)”, Council for Cultural Affaires, Taiwan

˙HSU, H.M. (2003).,The research of the local and public Discourse formation- Taichung County Da-Yang oil depot on the conservation of historical buildings Example, Proceeding of the 15th Symposium on Architecture. Architectural Institute of the Republic of China.PP.B23-1〜B23-6

˙HSU, H.M. (2001).,The research of emotional experience and spatial cognition in the Confucius Temple of Taichung, Proceeding of the 13th Symposium on Architecture. Architectural Institute of the Republic of China.pp.91-96

˙HSU, H.M. (2002).,The spatial cognition of Christian church architectural form,Proceeding of the 4th Symposium on Design. Chinese Institute of Design.pp.543-548


B.Arch. (FCU, Taiwan) M.Arch. (THU, Taiwan) Research(Architecture Associate, London)

Assistant Professor


Teaching Areas:

Architectural Design, Theories of Architecture, Moving image of Architecture.

Research Fields:

Architectural Theory, Design Methods.

Publications (1999-2004):

˙Liou, K.F. (2002).Alchemy, Garden City Publishing, Taiwan

˙Liou, K.F. (2003).The Millennium London Architecture Projects , Garden City Publishing, Taiwan

˙Liou, K.F. (2003).Ugly and Culture, Documents on Architecture issue01 :26-40., Garden City Publishing, Taiwan

˙Liou, K.F. (2003).The Mobility of City, Documents on Architecture issue 03 :69-81., Garden City Publishing, Taiwan

˙Liou, K.F. (2004).Electronic Dream, Garden City Publishing, Taiwan


BS (NCKU, Taiwan), MCP & PhD (U. Penn, USA)

Assistant Professor


Teaching Areas:

Environmental Planning and Design, Introduction to Computer Applications, Photography and Image Processing, Basic Computer Graphics, Advanced Computer Graphics, Dynamic Digital Media, Computer-Aided Planning and Design

Research Fields:

UrbanPlanning, Geographic Information Systems, Computer Graphics

Publications (1999-2004):

Academic Journals: 1

Proceedings of Conference: 5

Special Issues and Technical Reports: 3

˙Wang, W.C. (2003).Spatial Analyses on Regular-lattice-type and Irregular-area-type Area Data: a comparison based on the dataset of the September 21 Earthquake damaged buildings. Chaoyang Journal of Design 3:15-34.

˙Chang, S.Y. & W.C. Wang. (2003). A Study on the Form and the Use of the Space Under Elevated Roads in the TaipeiCity. Proceedings of the 8th Design Research Conference. ROC Design Association.

˙Huang, C.H. & W.C. Wang. (2003). An Assessment Study of Developing Transit Villages on the Urban Fringe. Proceedings of the 8th Design Research Conference. ROC Design Association.

˙Huang, C.H. & W.C. Wang. (2003). Exploring Criteria of Developing Transit Villages on the Urban Fringe. Proceedings of the 7th Land-Use PlanningForum. Department of Urban Planning, NCKU.

˙Wang, W.C. (2003).Spatial Analyses on Regular-lattice-type and Irregular-area-type Area Data: a comparison based on the dataset of the 09/21 Earthquake damaged buildings. Proceedings of the 2002Research Colloquium. College of Design, CYUT.

˙Wang, W.C. (2002).UPLA Studio Facility Improvement Plan. Report of the 2002 Working Project of the Mid-term Plan. ChaoyangUniversity of Technology.

˙Wang, W.C. (2002).Spatial Analyses on Regular-lattice-type and Irregular-area-type Area Data: a comparison based on the dataset of the 09/21 Earthquake damaged buildings. Project Report NSC90–2415–H–324–002–. National Science Council.

˙Wang, W.C. (2000). Analyzing the Spatial Patterns of the Building Damages in the Taiwanearthquake on September 21, 1999. Technical Report MOIS 893003. Architecture & Building Research Institute, Ministry of Interior.

˙Wang, W.C. (2000). Analyzing the Spatial Patterns of the Buildings Damagedby the September 21 Taiwan Earthquake. Proceedings of the 4th Land-Use PlanningForum. Department of Urban Planning, NCKU.


BSc (NTU, Taiwan) MSc (NTU, Taiwan) PhD (Reading University, UK)

Assistant Professor


Teaching Areas:

Environmental Science, Environmental Planning and Design,Landscape Ecology,Planting Design,Urban Ecology, Ecological Engineering Methods

Research Fields:

Landscape Ecology, Landscape Narrative and Environmental Education, Design and Management of Botanical Gardens, Urban Greening Practice

Publications (1999-2004):

Academic Journals: 3

Proceedings of Conference: 4

˙Chang, L. S. (2003) Studies on the Ways of Plant Display in Botanic Gardens from Historical Aspect. Landscape Architecture (46): 31-38.

˙Chang, L. S. (2002) Introduction and Analysis on the Ways of Interpreting Living Plant Collections at Site of Eden Project of UK.Landscape Architecture (43): 75-84.

˙Y. Chen and L. S. Chang. (2004). The taxonomy, growth habit and utilization of indigenous genetic resources of the genus Cymbidium of Taiwan. Bulletin of Taichung District Research and Extension Station. 82: 51-60.

˙Liu, B. T. and L. S. Chang. (2003). A Study on the Evaluation Factors of Urban Road through the Greenway Theory of Landscape Ecology. Proceedings of the 16th Symposium of Architecture, Taiwan, R. O. C., 6 Dec Taichung. J11: 1-6.

˙Lin, N. K. and L. S. Chang. (2003). The Study on Life Cycle Costing (LCC) of Water Features of Elementary Schools- the Case Studies on the Elementary Schools in Taichung City. Proceedings of the 16th Symposium of Architecture, Taiwan, R. O. C., 6 Dec Taichung. J10: 1-6.

˙Chang, L. S.,M. L. Lin. and P. T. Liu. (2004).Study on the Evaluation Factors for Urban Road Ecology and Improving Strategies Based on Landscape EcologyTheory. Proceedings of 2004 Green Design and Planning Conference.Taiwan, R. O. C., 21-22 Mar. Taichung.