Complete Lesson 2: Creating Microsoft Access Tables. While completing the steps, answer the questions on the worksheet and save the Microsoft Access files in your Z drive as directed.
NOTE – the Access lessons do not list steps as Exercises, but you do need to complete the steps.
1. Within a table, what must each field be given?
2. What does each value in a field represent?
3. What should all of the data in a table refer to?
4. How can you view an Access database?
5. When you view a blank database for the first time in Datasheet view, what do you see?
6. What is a primary key?
7. Because the ID field has a data type of AutoNumber, what does Access automatically create?
Before starting the “To add fields to a table” steps, open the “Lesson 1” database from your Z drive.
Complete all of the steps under “To add fields to a table”. Create four fields: Title, Year, Star and Rating.
Complete all of the steps under “To name and save a table”. Name your table “Favorite Movies” and make sure you save it.
8. In Access, what do you use data types to specify?
9. How many characters can be stored using the Text data type?
10. What would you use the Number data type for?
11. What does the Currency data type prevent?
Complete all of the steps under “To explicitly assign a data type or format to a field”. Select these data types for your four fields:
Title - Text
Year– Number (General Number)
Star - Text
Rating - Text
12. Why is using Design view the preferred method for creating a table?
Complete all of the steps under “To use Design view to create a new table”.
Create these four fields with the data types shown:
Title - Text
First Year – Number (General Number)
Star - Text
Network - Text
Complete all of the steps under “To set field properties”. You may change any properties, but do not have to change any.
Name this table “Favorite TV Shows” and save it.
13. What are the four views a table can have?
Complete all of the steps under “To change the view”. You can choose any of the views.
Skip the rest of the lesson starting under “Create a Lookup Column”
Be sure you have saved the “Favorite Movies” and “Favorite TV Shows” tables in your “Lesson 1” database. Close the database and Access.
14. Check this box when you have completed all of the steps and your “Favorite Movies” and “Favorite TV Shows” tables are saved in the “Lesson1”Accessfile in your Z drive.