TX-20023 Information
Management Staff
Continuity Book
Information Management Staff Table of Context
Topic Pg
Requirements for position 3
Information Management Representative Training 4
Information Management Representative Meetings 6
Staff meetings 7
Personnel Informational Files for Cadets 8
Event signup sheet filing 9
Cadet ribbon letters 10
Statistics for group total service/activity hours 11
Staff ID Cards 12
Uniform issue letter 13
Cadet evaluation form 14
Event signup sheet 15
Cadet ribbon letter 16
Request for award form 17
Community Service Hour Verification Form 18
Service and Activity file form 19
Staff Meeting Agenda 20
Staff meeting minutes outline 21
Staff meeting attendance roster 23
Staff ID card format 24
Information Management Representative meeting outline 25
Uniform issue letter template 26
Flight total hours 27
Squadron total hours 27
Groups total hours 28
Requirements for
Information Management Staff Position
The requirements needed to hold this position are as follows:
1. Must be passing all classes
2. Must be able to attend service and activity events.
3. Must be able to attend staff meetings 7:30 on Tuesday mornings.
4. Must be able to mange time to work before or after school on Information Management tasks.
5. Must be able to meet established deadlines on all tasks.
6. Must communicate with and delegate tasks to Information Management representatives.
7. Must be a point of contact (POC) for at least one service or activity event.
8. Must be able to hold meetings with all Information Management personnel.
Information Management Representative Training
At the beginning of every semester the Information Management staff will have the task of training all the new flight Information Management representatives on proper format of a cadet’s personnel file, process of updating a cadet’s personnel file, gathering of flight’s total service and activity hours, and train on filling out requests for awards.
Train representatives (rep) on the proper format for a cadet’s personnel
1. Back of front cover will contain the cadet evaluation form. (p.14)
2. Front of first divider will contain all of the cadet’s rank letters, signed contracts, letters of counseling (LOC), letters of admonitions (LOA), letters of reprimand (LOR) ,and letters of appreciation (LOA).
3. Back of the first divider will contain the cadet’s recent and past service and activity file forms. (p.19)
4. Front of the second divider will contain all of the cadets ribbon letters, certificates of training and completion.
5. Back of the second divider will have all of the cadet’s community service hour verification form (p.18)
6. Front of the back cover will have only the current year’s health screening questionnaire.
Train on the proper process for recording service and activity hours in personnel files.
1. Obtain event signup sheet from flight commander (CC). (p.15)
2. Gather the personnel files for all of the cadets that attended the event.
3. Update all of the cadet’s service and activity forms found in their personnel file. (p.19)
a. Step one: record the date the event took place in the date column on the service/activity file form.
b. Step two: Write down the name of the event that took place in the event column.
c. Step three: record the number of activity/service hours that the cadet earned based on the cadet’s sign-in and sign-out times on the event signup sheet.
d. Step four: file the completed signup sheet in the flight Information Management Rep folder.
Train Information Management reps on the proper process for gathering total service
and activity hours for the flight and its cadets every nine weeks.
1. Gather a cadet’s total service and activity hours for all four of the nine weeks, first and second semesters and the entire year.
2. Repeat this process for all the cadets in that flight.
3. After having acquired the entire cadet’s total hours for that flight add all the cadet’s service and activity hours to get the flight total.
4. Once you have the flight total find the flight average by dividing the flights total hours by number of cadets.
5. Once all the group’s service and activity hours have been finalized give a copy to the group historian so they can be filed for future reference.
Train Information Management reps on how to properly requests awards for cadets
1. Obtain the format of the request for award from the forms section of the group’s website.
2. Write down the flight that is requesting the awards.
3. Write down the ribbon that is being requested.
4. Write down the cadets that have earned this ribbon.
5. Write down the criteria for receiving this award is.
6. Write down what the cadet did to receive this award.
7. Place the date of when the form was filled out the sign on the title of requester line.
8. Submit copy of the form to Information Management staff’s box.
9. Give black and white copy of the award letter to the Information Management rep to be filed in the appropriate cadet’s personnel file. (p.16)
Information Management Rep Meeting
Every week it is the responsibility of the Information Management staff to set up a meeting with the Information Management representatives in order to discuss the progress made, problems faced, clarification or changes on any of the processes, and to brief on the task that is needed to be done by the Information Management reps. Once the meeting is done create a report of the topics and discussion made in the meeting in order to be reported to the support squadron commander in the support squadron meetings. (Pg. 25)
Progress made
1. Update all cadet personnel files.
2. Ribbons for cadets
A. Have request for award forms been turned in to the LG staff.
B. Have the requested awards been received from LG.
C. Has the cadet’s ribbon letter been received?
3. Have total hours for nine weeks, semester or year been totaled.
Problems faced
1. Do all the Information Management reps have copies from recent events?
2. Has the logistical (LG) department been responding to all of request for awards?
3. Do all ribbons being awarded have the appropriate letter/certificate?
4. Any reason any Information Management rep can’t do their job.
Clarification and changes in processes
1. Clarification on the proper way to fill out any form.
2. Clarification on the proper format for the personnel files.
3. Clarification on how many service /activity hours an event was.
4. Any new Information Management forms that have been created.
5. Any Information Management forms no longer in use.
6. Changes in the type of hours for an event.
New tasks that have to be assigned
1. Deadlines for total service and activity hours for the nine weeks, semester or
2. Any other tasks assigned by group’s leadership.
Meeting report
1. Who did and didn’t show up to the meeting.
A. If a Information Management rep does not attend or are late to two or
more Information Management rep meetings without a valid excuse
they will be written a LOC.
2. The progress the Information Management reps have made.
3. Any problems the Information Management reps have faced.
4. New tasks assigned and their deadlines.
Staff Meetings
Before every staff meeting it is the responsibility of the information management staff to create an agenda about all the topics that will be discussed at the staff meeting. During the staff meeting it is the job of the Information Management staff to record all cadets that attended the meeting, and to record all the topics discussed in the meeting. Once an outline has been created for the staff meeting it is the Information Management staff’s duty to upload the staff meeting minutes to web site.
Staff meeting agenda (p.20)
1. Discuss with the group commander all the topics that will be discussed at the
staff meetings.
2. Create a skeleton outline of all the topics to be discussed
3. Print off enough copies for all the staff members
4. Hand out staff meeting agendas five minutes before the staff meetings.
Staff meeting minutes (p. 21)
1. Turn on and sign into the Information Management laptop before the start of the meeting.
2. Record all cadets that are present, absent or late to the meeting.
(p. 24)
3. Start an outline of the staff meeting.
A. Open a blank word document.
B. Record the date of the staff meeting at the top of document.
C. Starting time of the meeting.
D. What cadets were absent?
E. What cadets were late?
F. Main topic followed by sub topics.
G. Repeat same format for all topics and sub topics.
H. Record the end time of the meeting.
3. Once staff meeting outline is finished upload to website.
A. Open up the finalized staff meeting outline
B. Copy outline.
C. Open the event calendar on the web site.
D. Sign in and open the notepad on the calendar.
E. Open the staff meeting minutes folder in the notepad.
F. Add a new note to the staff meeting minutes folder.
G. Paste finished outline in the notes area of note.
H. Then click save to upload the outline to the notepad.
I. All staff meeting minutes that have been updated to the web site need to printed off and given to the groups historian for future reference.
Personnel Informational Files (PIF) for Cadets
Two weeks before the start of the current school year is the Information Management staff’s duty to update all existing cadet’s personnel files with the current forms and to create new personnel files for all new cadets. All personnel files must be finished before the start of that school year.
Returning cadets
1. Make sure that the cadets personnel file is not severely damaged.
A. Broken tabs.
B. Missing dividers.
C. Excessive tearing of folder.
2. If folder has severe damage, salvage all paper work and create new folder for cadet.
3. Make sure all personnel files are properly labeled with the cadets last name then first name.
4. Once all personnel files have been checked they need to be updated with the year’s current forms.
A. Current year’s cadet evaluation form on the back of the front cover. (P.14)
B. Current year’s service and activity file form on the back of second divider. (p. 19)
New cadets
1. Acquire list of all new cadets from the SASI or ASI.
2. Print off labels with the cadet’s last then first names for their personnel file.
3. Place label of every cadet on a personnel folder.
4. Place the current school year’s cadet evaluation form on the back of the front cover. (p.14)
5. Current year’s service and activity file form on the back of second divider. (p. 19)
6. Once all personnel files are completed place them in the corresponding flight’s
personnel file cabinet.
Event Signup Sheet Filing
After every service and activity event it is the duty of the Information Management staff to file all event signup sheets for that event. It is important to keep track of every single signup sheet for future reference. (p. 15)
Original signup sheet will be turned into the Information Management’s staff’s box by
the event POC after that event is complete.
The Information Management staff will check to see that the signup sheet has all the
appropriate information.
1. Event POC name.
2. Name of event.
3. Date of event.
4. Was it a service or activity event?
Make sure all Information Management reps have a copy of the event signup sheet.
1. Once all the Information Management reps have signup sheets with all
appropriate information have them mark down that they have recorded that
signup sheet in the cadet’s personnel files.
2. Once the Information Management reps have updated all the personnel files with the recent signup sheets have them file all the signup sheets in their flight Information Management folder for future reference.
Staple sheets if there are more than one.
File all signup sheets in the current years signup sheet binder, in
chronological order for future reference.
Cadet Ribbon Letters
Every time an award is given to any cadet it is the Information Management staff’s responsibility to produce a ribbon letter for the cadet and one ribbon letter to be placed in the cadet’s personnel file.
Obtain the original Request for Award form from the logistical staff. (p. 17)
Production of ribbon letter (p. 16)
1. At the top of page there is a picture of the ribbon being awarded.
2. Below the picture of the ribbon on the right side of the sheet is the date the ribbon was awarded.
3. Below the date and to the right is for which cadet this ribbon is for.
4. Directly below the cadet who it is for, is who is awarding the ribbon.
5. Under who it is from, is what ribbon is being awarded to the cadet.
6. Under what ribbon is being awarded is a short paragraph congratulating the cadet and a short description of the ribbon being awarded.
7. Under and to the right of the ribbon description is the name and rank of the squadron commander and an area for the squadron commander to sign.
Once finished, print off a color and black and white copy of the finished
ribbon letter to be submitted to the squadron commander for signing.
Once both copies have been signed place them in the corresponding flight
The color copy is given to the cadet being awarded the ribbon by the
flight CC.
The black and white copy will be filed in the cadet’s personnel file by that
flight’s Information Management rep.
All original requests for award forms are filed in the corresponding
flight’s request for award form folder for future reference.
Total Group Service and Activity Hours
At the end of every nine weeks, semester, and year it is the duty of the Information Management staff to gather up the groups total service and activity hours from the flight Information Management rep. Total groups hours may also be requested from any superior at any time.
Collect total service and activity hours for every cadet and flight from the Information