Dr. J. Michael ShannonFall, 2012
Professor of PreachingMondays 6:30-9:00 p.m.
Office Phone: 513-244-8620
Home Phone: 859-384-2553
Cincinnati Bible Seminary is committed to producing competent Christian leaders for church and para-church organizations. In addition, we are committed to assisting avocational church leaders. Learning to prepare Bible messages in various settings is an essential skill for church leadership.
Course Description:
An introductory course designed to equip Christian workers to effectively communicate Biblical teaching, and to improve speaking skills for various occasions in the church and community, meeting the needs of today’s society. The messages in class may be sermons, lessons, or lectures. We will, however, use the terminology and principles of homiletics as the basis of our class.While this course should be valuable to people at all stages of their development, it is especially helpful for those who have had little or no formal training in homiletics.
1)To learn to prepare and deliver a Bible message (i.e., a sermon, lecture, or lesson) using sound rhetorical and communication principles
2)To understand the relationship between hermeneutics and homiletics
3)To understand the relationship between exegesis and exposition
4)To be able to articulate a basic theology of Biblical preaching/teaching
Class Agenda:
SessionTopic and Readings
August20Introduction to Class and Definitions
Developing a Philosophy of Preaching (Robinson, Ch. 1)
27Introduction to the 14 Steps (Stanley, entire book) (Galli, Ch. 1, 2)
September3No class-Labor Day
September10Step 1)Determine your subject. (Robinson, Ch. 2)
Step 2)Find a text. (Robinson, pp. 51-58)
17Step 3)Study your text thoroughly. (Robinson, pp. 58-65)
Step 4)Brainstorm ideas (Robinson, pp. 66-70)
24Step 5)Write a proposition. (Robinson, Ch. 4, 5)
Step 6)Write your main divisions. (Robinson, Ch. 6) (Galli, Ch. 1, 2, 4)
October1Step 7)Develop and illustrate (Robinson, Ch. 7) (Galli, Ch. 5, 6)
8Step 8)Write your conclusion. (Robinson, pp. 175-182)
(Galli, Ch. 11)
Step 9)Write your introduction. (Robinson, pp. 165-175) (Galli, Ch. 3)
Step 10)Select a title.
15Step 11)Write out your sermon word for word, if possible. (Robinson, Ch. 9)
Step 12)Make a brief preaching outline.
22Step 13)Ask the Lord to bless the message.
Step 14)Go to the pulpit with confidence and let yourself go. (Robinson, Ch. 10, 11) (Galli, Ch. 7-10)
29Sermons or Lessons in Class
November5Sermons or Lessons in Class
12The History and Literature of Preaching
19No class-Thanksgiving Break
26Alternate Forms of the Sermon
The Finer Points in Preaching
December3Sermons or Lessons in Class
10Sermons or Lessons in Class
1. Student will turn in a one page outline composed according to the principles taught in class for evaluation and critique. This is to be the student’s own outline and may be used later for the sermon or lesson. Due date: October 1st.
2.Students will prepare and present two sermons, lessons or lectures according to the principles and procedures taught in class. For the first sermon the student will also turn in a written outline of the message. The outline will be graded and will be a part of the final grade for the sermon. The sermon should be a minimum of 20 minutes and maximum of 30 minutes in length. Due date: ______. For the second sermon, lesson or lecture, the student will also turn in a manuscript of the sermon consisting of at least five pages. The manuscript will be part of the grade for the sermon. The student is not expected to deliver the message from this manuscript. This is a preparation manuscript. Due date: ______
3.Students will prepare a book review of the three textbooks. Each review must be at least three pages in length. The Communicating for a Change review is due Sept. 24th. Biblical Preaching review is dueNovember 12th. Preaching That Connects review is due November 26th. Students are expected to read all of the textbooks. Readings related to particular discussions are noted in the agenda.
4.Students will prepare apreaching or lesson plan, consisting of 26 (six month’s worth) topics or titles and texts. Due date: December 10th.
Exams and Tests:
1.The test will be given on October 22nd. For the final exam, each student will review a video recording of his or her sermon, lecture or lesson, and write up a two page evaluation of the message.
Class Policies:
1.Attendance is expected of all students. Regardless of the reason for an absence, the student is responsible to make up all work missed.
2.Assignments should be turned in at the beginning of class on the due date, but will receive full credit if handed in any time on the due date. There will be a one-week grace period on all assignments, with late work receiving a letter grade penalty. After the grace period, no assignments will be accepted.
3.The professor reserves the right to alter or revise this plan.
4.Laptops may only be used for legitimate academic purposes. No email. No IMs. No web surfing. No Facebook. No texting. Violation of this rule will result in the banning of laptops and or cell phones.
20%Message #1 and Outline
20%Message #2 and Manuscript
10% Test
10%Final Exam
10%Communicating for a Change-Review
10%Biblical Preaching- Review
10%Preaching That Connects- Review
10%Preaching/Lesson Plan
Biblical Preaching by Haddon Robinson
Communicating for a Change by Andy Stanley and Lane Jones
Preaching That Connects, by Mark Galli and Craig Brian Larson