Information for Secondary Parents / Carers
At The New Leaf Centre we are passionate about creating a curriculum and teaching and learning experiences that enable every student to excel and make rapid progress towards their personal goals. With this in mind we ask you to work with us to deliver the following:
School Times:School commences at 8:50am and finishes at 2.30pm.
School Office Hours - 08:00am - 3:00pm
If your child is unable to attend, it is essential that you telephone the centre before 9.00am. We take none attendance and persistent lateness very seriously as it impacts on your child’s ability to make progress. In order to ensure regular attendance we have our own designated Education Welfare Officer who will make 1st day absence home visits as necessary.
Lunch:Lunch commences at 12.20pm.
Dinner Money is £2.42 per day lunches are paid for weekly – an invoice will be sent to you to inform you of the amount unless your child is entitled to a free school meal. Your child can bring in a packed lunch however, we do ask that the contents of these are healthy. They should include a sandwich/salad or pasta and must not include any fizzy or energy drinks, excessive amounts of crisps or chocolate.
The wearing of school uniform is mandatory:
Black trousers/ skirt
White Shirt
Black jumper / cardigan
Trainers are not allowed
If you feel your child qualifies for a Bus Pass please call: 01922 716900 and ask for the Lisa Watts. We reserve the right to confiscate bus passes of any child that brings the school into disrepute.
We have high expectations of behaviour and promote mutual respect for staff, pupils, parents/ carers. Our Steps to improve behaviour for learning is focused on reflection, inclusion and learning. (Please be advised that we also operate a Charging policy and a Positive Handling Policy). We reserve the right to confiscate any banned items such as: cigarettes, laser pens, etc. and inform the police if items/substances are deemed to be illegal.