I'm never sure if I'll have a Guardian from a particular litter, although there are Guardians in most of XANADU’S litters. In the litters from which we HOPE to keep a Guardian puppy, while deposits will be accepted for a Guardian pup, we will not KNOW if a puppy will be a Guardian puppy until final vet checks before pups go to new homes. The Guardian Home program is a Breeding program that allows EVERY XANADU Guardian Breeding Dog to have his/her own home, family, love and affection, veterinary care, training, and to be part of a family. While XANADU'S Guardian Home Program does allow Guardian Partners to have our very best pup at fraction of the price of other pups in the litter, this advantage is part of the Guardian "deal." Our purpose is future puppies and not low-cost Guardian pups; here is what I mean:

The Guardian program is a breeding partnership which (at its best) is a great deal for everyone involved: XANADU'S breeding program gets to improve with each litter; the Guardian Human is compensated for participation; the lovely Guardian pup gets a great home! Win-win-win; I like that!

Sometimes there is disappointment when a GREAT Guardian-selection-pup is pulled out of our program, because eye color changes, because a competing pup in the lineage is selected instead, because a scissors bite is less than perfect at selection time, and this is an eventuality--a gamble--that the prospective Guardian must be prepared for. If the puppy you wanted as a Guardian pup is no longer available, you will be offered another pup from a later litter--or you will be offered a refund.

When considering whether to become a Guardian Partner,

1. Read the document, XANADU Breeding Goals to see if you want the type of pup XANADU breeds.

2. Read all you can on our website about becoming a XANADU Guardian. The section, “What Sets Us Apart,” and a sample Breeding Agreement, are also on our website.Ask yourself if you are enthusiastic about XANADU’S breeding program and find it valuable.

3. Call me (I do not text.) Ask questions.

3. When you have made a confident decision about a XANADU hybrid or particular litter, submit a deposit to hold your place for a Guardian--$400, through PayPal on our website.

4. Let me know what you prefer—male or female--and remember that a Guardian male is rarely available.

5. Remember that there may not be a Guardian available this season, especially if your request is made late in our puppy season.

6. Read all of our Pup Alert newsletters (and I think you are a subscriber already), and call if you see a current or upcoming litter that interests you.

7. Our Goberian Guardians, when available, are sold from each litter.


Guardian Home dogs are Breeding Dogs, and in good Guardian Home Programs, they are the BEST examples of a breeder's dogs. These puppies / dogs are from sound litters whose parents are known to be friendly, to have graceful conformation, and to have great ancestral genetic testing results that prevent inherited problems that can affect the pups' quality and length of life. XANADU puppies are known for sound health, happy temperaments, and remarkable beauty.Parent dogs are hardy and friendly.Guardian puppies selected for their potential to be good breeding dogs are carefully examined for outstanding health, grace, and beauty; they are also loving with their Guardian Home families, and they are exceptionally smart.

I like to say that each new litter is better than the previous litter in each lineage. Guardian dogs represent characteristics for which XANADU breeds (“What Sets Us Apart” on the website).Physical characteristics, including total health, strength, and longevity, as well as—and especially—the temperament of all Guardians produce the new Doodle and Husky Cross hybrids and the multigenerational lineages that are the heritage of the XANADU DOG—the World's Best Family Dog.

The Guardian Home program allows ALL BREEDING DOGS TO HAVE THEIR OWN FAMILIES, TO HAVE THE LOVE, ATTENTION, HEALTH CARE, AND TRAINING necessary for healthy, happy lives with the forever-home Guardian family.Guardian dogs have the characteristics XANADU wants to see in future litters: personality, conformation—grace and agility—intelligence / trainability / common sense, low-shed, no-doggie-odor, beauty, genetic health; longevity, etc.). Please call me to discuss the even more unusual characteristics of the Guardian pup or dog you are considering as your forever-home family member. Also ask about this particular Guardian pup's place and purpose in the XANADU breeding program.

XANADU breeding dogs are selected for the above characteristics and other XANADU luxury features that everyone appreciates. These characteristics are exhibited only in some lineages at this time, and not all lineages, e.g., eye color variety, low-barkiness, homing ability, a soft plush coat, coat pattern symmetry, bright coat colors and tri-colors, agility, etc.

We do not breed guard dogs. Our pups are not natively shy or suspicious.The Guardian Home program is how XANADU develops bloodlines that include dominant characteristics noted above--and several characteristics that have surprised us—like the strong homing ability in some lineages and what we call a "party tail" that looks like a cheerleader's pom-pom (note Ashoka and Chase’s tails, for example).

Objectives of XANADU’S Breeding Agreement includes knowing what is contractually expected of persons who are Guardians and what Guardian humans can expect of XANADU. Our purpose is PUPPIES! We are supportive of the other in that endeavor.

A breeding puppy that is introduced to a breeding kennel usually costs the kennel owner a minimum of $3,500 plus valuable breeding concessions. Maximum prices could be as high as $20,000 plus. As the dog matures and passes genetic tests, that price easily doubles. And if s/he proves to be a great breeder and companion to you, the Guardian dog is invaluable. Your original payment for the Guardian Home Pup is the largest financial concession to XANADU Guardians; however, Guardians of females are compensated for pup care, based on the amount paid for the Guardian pup. Guardians of males are compensated for gas expenditures in trips they might need to make to a more distant destination—like the Colorado State University’s Veterinary Teaching Hospital in Ft. Collins, CO. Dr. Wheeler, a veterinary reproductive specialist manages XANADU'S unusual or difficult breedings. ALL breeding expenses are XANADU'S responsibility.

Guardian Home Character &Enthusiasm for XANADU'S Goals Means

Communication, Consensus, Cooperation

These standard features—observed by other breeders as well—make my business possible; I could not be a responsible breeder / business person without communication and harmony. Without these features, my work wouldn’t be any fun.

Do let me know if you have any questions or concerns that could impact our mutual understanding of our formal Agreement and our responsibilities to each other. I am convinced that good will, clear communication, integrity and responsibility work well, are enjoyable personal characteristics, and are good attitudes and actions to promote in enjoyable business relationships. The world is our relationship with one another, not something separate from you and me. Solutions to problems are to be found in honest dialog with those who are affected by problems. And so, open and relaxed information-seeking characterizes my business relationships. Sometimes, there are misunderstandings when using any language, but clarity is always my intention. As XANADU’S owner and primary representative, I am “workable” and cooperative with unusual Guardian Home circumstances that might delay a breeding plan (like the health of the Guardian dog, the health of the Guardian family, vacation timing and accessibility of the Guardian dog, whelping and pup rearing at XANADU, etc.). You are my partner; I am your partner. As supporters of our formal Agreement, we also support each other’s human best interests and welfare, as well as the interests of XANADU Guardian dogs. I cannot emphasize the value of our communication quite enough.

Your accord with the Guardian Agreement (which is a separate document), the appropriateness of your home for a XANADU Guardian dog, agreement to recommended vet care, securely fenced yard and safe indoor / outdoor environment, obedience training, quality diet, quarterly new photos of the Guardian dog, etc. are some of the requisites for our cooperation and the planning of litters.

If you feel as though you are a good candidate for a XANADU Guardian dog, please contact Dr. Sheron Mariah Steele. There is a Guardian Home pup available from many litters produced by XANADU—and these are always the first pups about which purchasers inquire.

Sheron at 970 626-9747

Cell—only used when traveling, and I DO NOT TEXT: 970 708-8030

Sheron Mariah Steele, PhD

XANADU of the Rockies, LLC

615 Canyon Dr., Log Hill Village

Ridgway, CO 81432