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Chair and Non-Executive Member Appointed to the Scottish Environment Protection Agency

The Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform, DrAileenMcLeod,today confirmed formally the appointment of BobDownes as Chair of the Board of the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) and MartinHill as a Non-Executive Memberof the Board.

SEPA is Scotland’s principal environmental regulator and its services include: monitoring and reporting on the state of the environment, working with partners to promote sustainable resource use, environmental regulation, providing public warning systems and responding to environmental emergencies.SEPA has 1296[1]employees working in 23offices across the whole of Scotland, from the Highlands and Islands to the Borders.

BobDownes – joined the Board of SEPA in2007 and became Deputy Chair in2011. He was an Executive Director with BT Group, initially in Scotland as BT Scotland Director then setting up Openreach in Scotland and finally leading the network investment across the UK. Since2011 he has set up the Innovation Centre for Sensor Technology in Glasgow; Chairs the Board of Global Surface Intelligence (a Scottish big data start-up) and is a Non-Executive Director with Kube Networks (a telecommunications services business) and a Trustee of Glasgow School of Art’s Mackintosh Appeal. He is also a Non-Executive with Scottish Government, Board Member of the Scottish Ensemble and Cryptic (the Glasgow-based internationally-renowned producing art house). Bob is also a former Director of the Scottish Enterprise and Conra Roche the pioneering urban regeneration consultancy in London during the1990’s.

Martin Hill – is a retired health service senior management and former Trust Chief Executive, currently working as a management consultant with particular interests and experience in strategic planning, programme management and executive coaching. Other roles include Scottish Secretary of the Institute of Healthcare Management and Non-executive Member on the Board of NHS Lothian. He recently completed degree studies with relevance to climate change and sustainable development.

Both appointments are for fouryears. They commenced on 1January2016 and end on 31December2019.

Bob’s appointment is part-time and attracts remuneration of £323.25for every 7.5hours worked up to a maximum of £46,548per annum.

Martin’s appointment is part-time and attracts a remuneration of £276.30for every 7.5hours worked up to a maximum of £8,289per annum.

Martinis a Non-executive Member of the NHS Lothian Health Board and receives £8088per annum for a minimum of onedays’ work per week. Bobdoes not hold any otherpublic appointments.

These appointments are regulated by the Commissioner for Ethical Standards in Public Life in Scotland.

Such appointments are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process. However, in accordance with the original Nolan recommendations, there is a requirement for appointees’ political activity within the last five years (if there is any to be declared) to be made public. Boband Martinhave not undertaken any political activity in the last fiveyears.

[1] at 31March2015