Scope Outcomes Project
Information book for
- adults with a disability
- people who help you
Scope Vic Ltd
Easy English
What is in this book?
What is the project about?page 4
The surveypage 6
Researchpage 6
Risks of the surveypage 8
Privacypage 8
More informationpage 9
Complaintspage 10
What is the project about?
Scope is asking about how included you feel and services you use.
We are doing a survey.
We want to find out about our surveys. If they are good, then we can use them again.
Who can do this survey?
You must be
- over 18 years old
- Have a disability
You can choose to answer the questions.
You can choose not to answer the questions.
The services you use will stay the same.
You can answer the questions by yourself.
You can choose someone to help you.
You should choose someone you trust. Someone who knows you well.
Some of the questions are personal.
The survey
The survey are on the internet.
You can ask for the survey paper.
- The survey will takeyou about40 minutes.
- You can ask someone to help you.
The questions are in Easy English.
This survey is part of research we are doing. Your answers will help us. We want to test the surveys to see if the surveys are good.
If the surveys are good
- Scope can use them again
- tell people to use them too.
When you answer the questions you say yes, your answers will be used in research. This means researchers will
- read your answers
- use your answers in a report aboutthe survey
- talk about the research at conferences
You can call or email us for the results.
Call 03 9843 2042
What is the survey about
- how included you feelor
- services you use
You can do both surveys if you like.
Risks of the survey
- This survey might make you feel upset.
- You can stop the survey if you feel upset.
- If you are very upset and need help you can ask your doctor.
- Your informationis private.
- We will not ask your name.
- Only people you tell will know you have done this.
- We will keep your answers safe.
- We will keep all paper surveys in a locked cupboard. We will keep all computer surveys in a safe file.
- This is a Scope project. Only the Scope researchers will see the information you give us. Only the Scope Researchers will use the information.
More Information
You can talk to us when
- you want more information
- you feel upset about the survey.
Stella Koritsas
Phone 03 9843 2065
Nick Hagiliassis
Phone 03 8311 4013
There may be other Scope researchers who help with the research.
A complaint is where you have a problem that you want to get fixed. You tell someone about the problem.
You can complain if you think
- the questions we asked were rude
- the survey made you very upset.
Megan Thompson
Scope Human Research Ethics Committee
Scope (Vic) Ltd
830 Whitehorse Road
Box Hill Vic 3128
Phone 03 9843 2026
The Easy English is from Scope Research
Mayer-Johnson LLC says we can use the Picture
Communication Symbols copyright 1981 - 2012.