Information and Guidance Notes

Knowledge Transfer Secondments

Funding is available to support both outward secondments of University staff to industry (or other stakeholders) and inward secondments of industrystaff (or other stakeholders) to the University. The emphasis of the scheme is to transfer and exchange knowledge.

Benefits to Academics

  • Gain hands on experience in industry
  • Improve the quality and industrial relevance of teaching
  • Acquire updated knowledge of current industrial practice
  • Develop new case studies and course material
  • Create a source for student projects
  • Develop long-term links with industry

Benefits to Industry (other stakeholders)

  • Opportunity to work with a highly qualified academic/expert
  • Acquire access to University staff, students, facilities and equipment
  • Offer placements to students
  • Build research/consultancy links
  • Build long-term relations with a University

Features of a secondment

  • Flexible in terms of duration from 1 month upwards as long as the project finishes by 31st Dec 2016
  • A specific project can be identified that would be of mutual benefit to both parties or based simply on a programme of knowledge exchange
  • The secondment could include facilitating workshops or series of talks attended by staff members from both parties to allow for wider knowledge exchange

Features of previous secondments include

  • An academic working in-house within the company to solve a specific problem, including:
  • product or process improvement;
  • creating new techniques;
  • helping solve design issues;
  • mapping and data analysis work;
  • An industry-based secondee working in the University to carry out a feasibility study to help understand the capabilities the University have that might match the company requirements, with a view to formulating future joint projects or activities
  • Shorter visits over a period of time to allow general knowledge exchange

What will the IAA Funds Pay for?

  • Salary costs for academic staff seconded out of the University
  • Travel and subsistence for academic staff seconded out and industry (or other stakeholders) seconded to the University
  • Cost to cover joint workshops or knowledge exchange workshops
  • Other project-related costs usually accepted by the Research Councils

It is expected that the company/stakeholder will provide match funding, which can either be a cash contribution or in-kind.

Please complete the following application and submit it to . If your application is successful, you will be contacted by the relevant Business Development or Commercial RelationsExecutive to take forward your application.

If you have any general queries please email , and it will be forwarded to the appropriate person within ERI’s Business Development Team to respond.

Please note:

  • Applications must have been reviewed and supported by the appropriate Business Development Executive in your School prior to submission.
  • Applicants are requested to follow School research application procedures when applying for this funding

Knowledge Transfer Secondment

Application Form

The full application should contain:

Application Form

Letter of Support from Head of Department

Letter of Support from the Host Organisation including confirmation of match funding


Current Position
Telephone No
EPSRC grants current/previous relevant to the project (include R numbers)
UoE BD Support person


Core Activities of Host
Number of employees
Name and Title of Contact at Host Organisation
Contact Telephone No
Contact Email


Project Title
Proposed start date / EPSRC IAA funds awarded have come with stipulations as to when funds should be spent. Project must be must be completed by: 31st December 2016
Duration (min 1 month, maximum 12 months if funding period allows)
Secondment mode
(full or part time)
Please provide a brief summary of the project or nature of the secondment to be undertaken(this may be used to promote IAA projects funded on internal web sites and IAA promotional materials)

Information and Guidance Notes- Knowledge Transfer Secondments 1


Resources / Justification of Resources / Cost (£) / Contribution
IAA / Company
e.g. staff time, travel & subsistence, costs for workshops/knowledge exchange seminars/prototypes etc…..
Total Project Cost
EPSRC IAA Funds Requested
Match Funding (in-kind)
Match Funding (cash)

Information and Guidance Notes- Knowledge Transfer Secondments 1


Please use the next TWO (2) PAGES ONLY to set out your proposed secondment.
Please address the areas in bold below. Please delete all words in italics below to ensure you are within the page limit. You may add additional titles that you deem appropriate.
  • Outline why it is felt important to go on secondment.
The Host Organisation
  • Comment on the how the host organisation was identified, i.e. from existing links, new relationship etc….
  • Comment on the quality of the match between your area of expertise and the choice of the host organisation.
The Secondment
  • Describe the aims and objectives of your secondment
  • Describe the work you plan to undertake, including key phases, where the secondment will take place (location).
  • Explain what the expected benefits and impact will be for you, your Host and the College and the University.
  • Comment on any anticipated future collaborations and links between you, your Host and the University

Please list appropriate milestones to be achieved against timeframes within the project period.

No / Milestone / Timeframe

Information and Guidance Notes- Knowledge Transfer Secondments 1