The suggestions below came from Moon Valley residents. Not all of them are A rated businesses and will not be accepted by Goodwill. I have sent them the list below and they will reply to me which ones they are willing to accept.

Trader Joe's was the most requested store by the neighborhood.

Business Ideas for the Shaw Butte Center at 7th Street and Thunderbird

Moon Valley, Arizona

Updated as of Monday, May 13, 2013, 6:30 p.m


1.Sweet Tomatoes

2. A Sam Fox Restaurant similar to “The Yard” (on 7th Street just north of Missouri)

3. A Sam Fox Restaurant like “Sauce”

4. A High End Deli

5. A LGO Restaurant Group Restaurant like “Chelsea’s Kitchen” and “La Grande Orange”

6. A Craig De Marco owned Restaurant like “Postino” or “Windsor Café” (Central Corridor locations)

7. A Heinrich Stasiuk owned Restaurant like “Timo Wine Bar” and “Spoke and Wheel” (both opened recently in the Sunnyslope Business District on Central Avenue)

8. Corbin’s Restaurant (also located in the Sunnyslope Business District on Central Avenue)

9. Buffalo Wild Wings/Zipps (or another upscale sports’ bar for families)


1. Laser Tag (similar to Stratum)

2. Amazing Jake’s (Indoor Mini-State Fair)

3. An Indoor Trampoline Park (like Sky Park)

4. Movie Theater

5. Indoor Mini Golf

6. Bowling Alley

Sporting Goods/Home Goods

1.Sports Chalet

2. Sports Authority

3. Big Five

4. REI

5.Bed, Bath and Beyond

Clothing Retailers

1.Stein Mart

2. Nordstrom Rack

3. Target

4.My Sister’s Closet/My Sister’s Attic


1.Trader Joe’s

2. Whole Foods

3. Fry’s Food and Drug

4.BevMo/Total Wine – Beverage Specialty Store


1.Smoothie Retailer like Jamba Juice


3. Frozen Yogurt or Gelato (Zoyo or Gelato Spot)

4. Paddock Pool Supply (or other pool supplier)

5. Charter School

6. Art/Antiques Gallery/Theater Space

7. Plug & Play (A Workspace for Hire with Day Care for Kids – dual day-care center and group workspace)

8. A venue featuring local Moon Valley and surrounding neighborhood residents/artists and the products they make such as art, jewelry, candles, confections and the like


Trader Joe's, Safeway, BevMo, Total Wine and More, Smart and Final


Blast Fitness or any national fitness center, My Gym Children's Fitness Center, JW Tumbles, Academy Sports, i9 Sports, Gymboree


E & J Designer Shoes, Shoe Pavilion, Wholesale Fashion Shoes

Consignment store

My Sister's Closet, Buffalo Exchange


Oregano's Pizza Bistro, Pita Jungle, The Good Egg, Corner Bakery Cafe, Cheesecake Factory, Cracker Barrel, Texas Roadhouse, Red Robin, Ruby Tuesday, PF Changs, Longhorn, Sam Fox Restaurants

Home Goods and Party Supplies

Bed Bath and Beyond, Party Planet, Today's Patio (any large pool and patio store),

Medical Services

Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation


Charter, Dental school, Beauty School, Medical Technician, Any National Chain Preschool & Child care

Sporting Goods

Arizona Golf Works or another Golf supply store, Academy Sports + Outdoors,


Great Skate