Information and Communication Technology
Subject Area Syllabus — Sample unit of work – Robotics in agriculture

Sample unit of work – Robotics in agriculture

The sample unit of work provides teaching strategies and learning experiences that facilitate students’demonstration of the dimensions and objectivesofInformation and Communication Technology.

This sample demonstrates:

  • organisation and development of a unit that could be used within a course of study
  • aspects of the underpinning factors particular to this unit
  • learning experiences that support the achievement of the objectives described in the dimensions of this syllabus
  • alignment between core subject matter, learning experiences and assessment.

Unit overview
Title of unit: Robotics in agriculture
The unit explores the use of robotics in the context of rural applications with an emphasis on emergent technologies and the impact on the community. Students will identify a practical problem, use a problem solving process to plan and produce a robotics solution, and evaluate the process and solution, making recommendations.
Time allocation:
Semester 3,55 hours
Dimensions and objectives
Knowing and understanding / Analysing and applying / Producing and evaluating
  • identify and explain hardware and software requirements related to ICT problems
  • identify and explain the use of ICT in society
  • analyse ICT problems to identify solutions
  • communicate ICT information to audiences using visual representations and language conventions and features
  • apply software and hardware concepts, ideas and skills to complete tasks in ICT contexts
  • synthesise ICT concepts and ideas to plan solutions to given ICT problems
  • produce solutions that address ICT problems
  • evaluate the problem-solving processes and solutions, and make recommendations

Content to be taught
Elective contexts:
  • Application development
  • Document production

Topic / Concepts and ideas / Knowledge, understanding and skills
Hardware / Components and peripheral devices of a computer system have specific functions and specifications. /
  • different devices, e.g. robotic devices and components
  • hardware trends in application development, e.g. robotics embedded in machinery, e.g. self-parking cars, mechanical responses to software

Computer hardware and components should be identified and selected for specific user needs and purposes. /
  • type of input and output devices needs to be considered when designing software to meet the client needs

Hardware support systems provide technical information to troubleshoot problems. /
  • use user guides and manuals to problem-solve hardware-related issues, e.g. calibration of sensors, software/firmware updates
  • troubleshoot document capture and production issues with peripherals, e.g. camera, scanner and printer

Software / Software has different purposes, processing and functions. /
  • visual and textual application development software, e.g.Mindstorms, Bricx Command Center, to develop software
  • types and purposes of document production software to meet application requirements, e.g. Microsoft Word to produce a structured report
  • knowledge of common features of software

There are both common interface features and specific techniques when using software. /
  • programming languages have common features, e.g.rules and syntax
  • software development packages often use similar conventions to develop software, e.g. property inspectors, menus, code/scripting windows, graphical user interfaces (GUIs), presets
  • issues relating to developing software to suit a range of robotic devices
  • technical specifications and considerations of the software package and/or application, e.g. backup procedures, disk or memory space and format
  • considerations of the features of software options when recommending/selecting software to meet application requirements
  • principles of effective document publishing
  • techniques and tools of document publishing

Software support systems provide technical information to troubleshoot problems. /
  • debug code and programs

Data management techniques ensure access, storage, security and organisation of information. /
  • implications of software size
  • testing
  • logical structuring and conventions for file names and directory structure
  • establishment of version control during the document production process
  • organisation of documents, images, audio and video files, e.g. file structures, file management naming conventions

ICT in society / Appropriate equipment, procedures and techniques need to be used when working with computers to protect health and ensure safety. /
  • application of safe work practices and procedures relevant to use of ICT, e.g. compliance with occupational health and safety (OHS), effects of spending long periods of time using ICT without a break, need for regular rest breaks, avoiding eye strain, correct posture and effective equipment position and system ergonomics
  • physical harm minimisation, e.g. volume control, head sets, workplace environment, i.e. natural lighting, configurable chair and desk, repetitive strain injury (RSI)

Specific practices exist to ensure the ethical use, security and safety of the user. /
  • ethical and legal issues relating to application development (development security)
  • copyright

Society is affected by past, new and emerging ICT. /
  • computer-controlled technology is used in everyday life in different ways, e.g. lifts and buildings, robotics, traffic management, financial services, assistive technology
  • impact of advanced technology in areas of industry, e.g. job displacement, automated services and depersonalisation
  • emerging trends in application development
  • evolution of robotics

Learning experiences
  • using a problem-solving process to solve an ICT problem, e.g. establishing a case study such as conducting a survey of drones:
identifying and explaining the problem
analysing and examining the problem to identify possible solutions
analysing and applying knowledge of ICT in society including developing and emergent technology, social impacts, costs and benefits
collecting and organising data
planning, testing, modifying and implementing a solution
evaluating the effectiveness of the processes and solution in order to make recommendations
  • applying connectivity — peripheral devices, USB/Bluetooth, troubleshooting, software updates, file transfer and management, version control
  • designing algorithms using standard tools and translating to visual or textual code
  • coding syntax and structures, properties inspectors, built-in functions and libraries
  • managing and handling robotic resources, types of input and output devices, e.g. using location and recording sensors and peripheral data devices
  • demonstrating and displaying data collection through the use of images, screenshots, tables and graphs, and other graphical representations
  • communicating ICT information about common robotic devices and components to anaudience using visual and language conventions and features
  • using presentation software — different processes and functions of
    presentation software, best practice, format, use of advanced features
  • applying conventions of report writing
  • identifying and explaining the use of ICT in society
  • organising documents, images, audio and video files,
    e.g. file structures, file management naming conventions
  • analysing the impact of advanced technology in agriculture, e.g. job displacement, automated services and depersonalisation
  • demonstrating core skills for work, e.g. planning and organising, making decisions, identifying and solving problems, creating and innovating, connecting and working with others and independently

Assessment: Assessment instrument 1 — Robots in industry
Presentation to a rural community explaining and justifying the use of automated robotics processes in one farming industry, e.g. remote irrigation, feeding mechanism, and cattle tracking.
Dimensions assessed / Knowing and understanding
Analysing and applying
Producing and evaluating
Assessment technique / Extended response to stimulus
Type of instrument / Multimodal response includes two modes — nonverbal and spoken.
Assessment conditions / Preparation: 2 weeks class time
Multimodal response: 4–7 minutes
Description of instrument / Multimodal response: Presentation to a rural community
Produce a vodcast to support the use of robotics in the chosen industry.
Assessment: Assessment instrument 2 — Robotics challenge
Using the research from Assessment instrument 1, identify and analyse a problem in the rural community that can be solved using robotics. Apply knowledge to produce an automated robotics solution. Document and evaluate the problem-solving process producing a report with section headings and a selection of diagrams, images and tables.
Dimensions assessed / Knowing and understanding
Analysing and applying
Producing and evaluating
Assessment technique / Project
Type of instrument: / The complete project includes a written component and a product component.
Assessment conditions / 6 weeks class time
Written component: 500–900 words
Product component: Robotic solution to the problem
Description of instrument /
  • Written report documenting the problem-solving process and solution
  • Automated robotic mechanism to solve the identified problem

Possible resources
  • robotics kits and programming software
  • word processing and presentation software
  • graphical representational tools, e.g. flowcharting software, SmartArt in Word, mind mapping software
  • cameras
  • internet access

Information and Communication Technology
Subject Area Syllabus — Sample unit of work – Robotics in agriculture / Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority
December 2014
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