Review Sheet Unit 1: Summer Reading, Exploration, Early Colonial North America, Development of the Colonies, and the French and Indian War


Goals of Columbus’ expedition


Geographical Regions of Native American groups

Columbian Exchange

Impact of Disease

Conflict between Explorers and Native Americans

Early Colonial North America

Jamestown Settlement

Royal Colonies vs. Proprietary Colonies vs. Self Governing Colonies

Triangular Trade

Middle Passage

Slavery vs. Indentured Servitude

House of Burgesses

Mayflower Compact

Plymouth Colony / Massachusetts Bay Colony

Religion in New England

Diversity in Middle Colonies

Development of Colonies

Bacon’s Rebellion

Anne Hutchinson

Roger Williams

Enlightenment Ideas in North America

Colonial Differences Graphic Organizer

Illegal trading / Ignoring the British

Formal challenges to British authority

Great Awakening

French and Indian War

Participants (countries and tribes)


Key Figures

Key Events


Salutary Neglect